64. TPT Feedback: The Good, the Bad, and the... Constructive?
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Have you ever seen a new review pop up for one of your resources and felt an anxious knot in your stomach? With TPT feedback comes a roller coaster of emotions. When the reviews are positive, it’s the best feeling in the world. But when you see those negative reviews, it’s the total opposite. The truth is, getting reviews (whether they are negative or positive) is a part of our business that we have to deal with. Sometimes it has absolutely nothing to do with our actual resources, and sometimes it can provide us with constructive feedback. Today we’re going to explore how to navigate this TPT feedback from how to process it, whether or not to respond to it, and everything in between. 1:14 - Why you should expect negative TPT feedback 3:12 - Strategies to implement for processing TPT feedback without taking it personally 7:09 - Examples of “out there” negative feedback that other sellers have received  9:49 - Answering the question, should I reply to negative TPT feedback or ignore it? 13:51 - How positive testimonials on any product can be a very powerful tool, and ways to leverage them Resources: Polite Post AIJoin my private Facebook community: Savvy Teacher SellersMore resources for growing your TPT businessFollow me on Instagram @kristendoyle.co Rate & review The Savvy Teacher Seller on Apple PodcastsShow Notes: https://kristendoyle.co/episode64 
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