75. Course Platforms Comparison
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As TPT sellers, we are always looking for what's next in business, and the next step often involves creating courses or memberships. These next steps allow you to diversify your income while serving the same audience. But how do you choose which course platform will be best for you? I had the same question when going down the course creation path. Luckily, I did the hard work for you and tried them all. This allowed me to learn the ins and outs of each course platform, and now I get to share it with you before you begin. In today's episode, you will compare the TPT community's three most popular course platforms. I am sharing all the pros and cons in the most important categories, including cost, user experience, affiliate marketing options, sales and marketing, customization, and so much more! 01:55 - The difference between Kajabi and Thrivecart Learn 04:34 - The affordability of each course platform 08:48 - All the ins and outs of marketing and scalability  03:30 - Options for selling on all three platforms 22:18 - My top pick for the course platform as a TPT seller Resources: KajabiThriveCart [affiliate link]ThinkificEpisode 23, 6 things to consider before opening a website storeFollow me on Instagram @kristendoyle.co Join my private Facebook community: Savvy Teacher SellersMore resources for growing your TPT businessRate & review The Savvy Teacher Seller on Apple PodcastsShow Notes: https://kristendoyle.co/episode75
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