Episode 308 | Monica Rivera of You Wanna Do What.
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   Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Monica Rivera of You Wanna Do What. We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS:How giving a TedTalk isn’t the end all be all. How to stop the slide and give yourself something to look forward to for your work week. Winning the battle against self-doubt! GET MORE: Website | Instagram | Instagram FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram Get the Side Hustle Starter Kit Episode Transcript    Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:00:21] Hello and welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. Today we have with us Monica Rivera, who is actually in the dreamers and doers Facebook group with me. You've probably heard me rave about how amazing that group is. On Instagram because it is truly probably the best business resource I've ever paid for. Um, so we're so glad to have you here, Monica. I'm going to go ahead and let you introduce what you do and why you identify as a side hustle. There.  Monica Rivera: [00:00:54] Awesome. So thanks Danny for having me and sharing your space with me. I'm Monica . Very good job. I'm pronouncing the name correctly cause not everyone does, which in New York is strange because I feel like I share Rivera with a ton of other Latin people, but it's very cool when people pronounce it correctly. I am the host and producer of the podcast. You want to do what. And I am a marketer by day, but a podcast or by passion, and that really is my side hustle, podcast consulting and coaching and marketing. Just for fun, not for the full time job that keeps the lights on.  Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:01:27] Oh, I love that fellow marketers slash podcaster right here. Um, so I'm curious because you mentioned that your passion is podcasting, but you do marketing. Is that one of those situations where what you're good at pays the bells, but what you love is what you get to do for fun, or why do you describe it that way?  Monica Rivera: [00:01:49] Yeah, for sure. So I got into marketing, and I've done this for almost 20 years now of business, the business marketing, but I started in B to C, so business to consumer, which I really enjoyed. And then life starts to take you in different paths. And I found myself working for different companies, malignancy, B2B, and then reorg happen. And that kept moving me further and further away from what it is that I wanted to do. And I started to learn, Oh, I'm a headcount. I'm a head, I'm a person for myself, but I'm a head count in a big organization and they don't care so much about where I want to be professionally, but at the same time, I have a mortgage and bills to pay and I thought, okay, well I have to go with the flow and I got to this place where I felt like, is this all that there is? I'm no longer doing the type of
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