Episode 309 | Jackie Minchillo of Pineapple Development.
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   Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Jackie Minchillo of Pineapple Development. We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS:Taking advantage of hidden opportunities when they represent themselves. Working with your partner to create a thriving business. Not allowing where you are located to affect your side hustle negatively. GET MORE: Website | Instagram FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram Get the Side Hustle Starter Kit Episode Transcript   Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:00:21] Hello and welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. Today we have Jackie Minchillo, and we were actually joking around before we started recording that this is our first legit stranger interview. So as you listeners know, we find guests. Um, who are either introduced to us who either Katelyn and I know, and this is our first straight up like meeting on the podcasts stranger interview. And I'm really excited. So Jackie, I'm going to toss it over to you to talk about what you do, why you identify as a side hustler and all those good things.  Jackie Minchillo: [00:01:00] Okay. It sounds good. Um, well, what I do is kind of a medley of a description these days. So I guess I'll start with our, our, my husband and I own a small boutique, a web development agency where we focus on eCommerce websites, and that company is called pineapple development. Um, and so interestingly enough. Years ago, probably about 12 years ago now, web development was a side hustle for him. Um, and through the years he continued to freelance, picking up freelance projects, bigger projects where he needed to bring in additional developers to help with the workload and such. So he had kind of started building a little bit of a team, even as a Freelancer. Um, and in, in my previous corporate life, I was a publicist, so I always worked in an agency setting. Um, and at the time that we really made a big shift in our lives. This was early 2015 we were living in Chicago, which I think you live in Chicago now, right? Yeah. So we were living in Chicago. We were both working full time. He was freelancing on the side. Uh, we were kind of the classic story of hitting a wall, feeling burned out, feeling like we were having a really low quality of life outside of work. That whole. That whole feel that we've now heard over and over again on ex Pat shows and, and the stories from entrepreneurs. So anyway, we decided to sell all of our stuff. Quit our jobs and move to Costa Rica in 2015 so at that time, that is when really his freelance side hustle became like, okay, this, this really needs to turn into a hustle and support us while we figure out what we're going to do. Now that we've. Taken the leap and left everything behind. Um, so during that time period of u
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