Episode 312 | Megan Lentz of Vida Events.
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   Today Dannie and Caitlyn are talking with Megan Lentz of Vida Events. We believe in accessible content and that anyone who wants to learn from this content should be able to. In order to support this, we’ve had every episode of Season 4 transcribed. The transcriptions are available at the bottom of every episode blog post. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS:Working in a partnership for your side-hustles and its unique advantages.  Tips to help excel in a business partnership. Remembering to focus on making the client feel at ease while still having the structures in place to accomplish the goal.  The power of having a mentor and all the lessons that they can teach.  GET MORE: Website | Instagram FOLLOW YOUR HOSTS: D Website | D Instagram // C Website | C Instagram Get the Side Hustle Starter Kit Episode Transcript     Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:00:21] Hello and welcome back to the side hustle gal podcast. Today we have Megan Lentz. We stalked each other and connected in the summit Facebook group, which if you're not in that group, super great place to find connections and just get business resources. And so we're so excited to have you here and I'm going to toss it over to you and to explain what you do, why you identify as a side hustler, and all those things. Megan Lentz: [00:00:47] Yay. Hi guys. We're super excited to be here. Um, my business partner actually could not be with us today cause she is at her full time. Job hashtag side hustle. Um, so we are Megan and Maria. We own Vida events together. Um, me started out in the wedding world. Doing catering and floral work years ago, and then got into wedding planning, um, about three years ago. So we have been in all the kind of nooks and crannies of the wedding world and sound during each, and it's just kind of taken off. So, yeah, we're super excited to be here.  Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:01:19] I love it. So talk to me about your journey. How did this business get started? Um, how does side hustling come into play, especially in an events business, which has. So many moving pieces. What is that like?  Megan Lentz: [00:01:34] Yeah, so Maria is a full time teacher's assistant, so Vida is a side hustle for her in that way. And then I actually do, um, equine nutrition for a company. So yeah, our jobs are kind of very different, but the side hustle is kind of taken off and allowed us to be creative. Um. We originally got into catering and we're doing a lot of event design and really just found that like we were doing most of the work is caterers for the company we were working for at the time. And both had the idea to like we were individually starting on businesses. And then when we realized that we were both going to start something, I was like, well, why don't we just do it together and cover twice as much territory? So that's what we did. And it's been working ever since. And we love it.  Dannie Lynn Fountain: [00:02:21] I love that. So for both of you, this is your second stream of income or work or whatever.
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