Having made it to The Lost Silhouette the group continues exploring searching for Taldaris
Published 05/09/23
The group continues their journey into the deeps and in search of the strong hold where Taldaris is.
Published 05/09/23
The group makes their way deeper into the caverns and find things are not like home.
Published 05/09/23
The group makes their way into the caves beneath the Hall of Final Deeds searching for the source of the fog
Published 01/31/23
Trying to uncover the source of the strange green mist the group goes deep underground
Published 01/24/23
The group confronts the strange dragon and tries to figure out what is happening in town
Published 01/10/23
The group continues exploring the town and finally makes it to the post office
Published 11/14/22
The heroes meet up with the king monkey and make a deal involving some birds
Published 11/13/22
The group continues their exploration of the city and takes their tour on the ATV
Published 10/03/22
The group makes their way through Axis and learns that following the law is of the utmost importance
Published 09/15/22
The group attempts to deal with the new bug threat before exploring more of the house.
Published 09/07/22
The Heroes begin the ritual to empower the mantle of kings and end up with unexpected results.
Published 08/16/22
The heroes search for the tomb in order to find the Mantle of Kings
Published 08/01/22
The group gets called to the palace for another assignment.
Published 07/18/22
The group enters the pillar and confronts Pythareus.
Published 06/28/22
The group tries to overcome the Rakshasa inside Milan's manor.
Published 06/21/22
The group takes a little side jaunt to recover an ancient relic, and begins their plans for how to take down Pythareus
Published 05/01/22
The group continues to try and solve the dilemma with Peter and the demon
Published 04/05/22
The group figures out what to do with Peter during the night.
Published 03/29/22
The group continues to make their way through their party split and someone has a spa day!
Published 03/02/22
The group makes a plan for how they want to accomplish tasks in Zimar.
Published 02/10/22
The group continues their quest in Zimar and makes contact with one of the missing Lion Blades.
Published 02/01/22
The group continues their quest in Zimar and tries to deal with a bump in the night
Published 01/25/22
The group tries to escape the Zimar patrols and get inside the city.
Published 01/18/22
The group ties up some loose ends and makes their way to Zimar
Published 11/09/21