Guiding Principles for Leadership With Thomas Kereszti of Leadership Disciples
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As an expert on leadership, Thomas Kereszti has shifted his career towards coaching and helping others grow as leaders. He has worked with The John Maxwell Company for over 17 years, running workshops and seminars. He has founded and operated multiple companies, including Strauss Group Inc., and was VP of Business Development Sales at Lavazza. His leadership also landed him the role of General Manager for consumer products at Philips and at Colgate Palmolive.  In addition to these titles, Thomas has a certification in Exercising Leadership from Harvard Business School Executive Education and is also a DISC Certified Consultant from PeopleKeys, Inc. In this episode… A crucial part of building success within your business is developing leadership skills. Most entrepreneurs need leading instincts to guide their companies. The tricky part is finding a reliable approach to leadership without too much trial and error. Thomas Kereszti has dedicated himself to helping others refine their leadership skills. He has had a long and extensive career that’s led him to managerial positions with big brands such as Lavazza and Philips. Along the way, he has been able to find his own leadership style. Now, he comes on the show to discuss these ideas with you. Riley Jarvis sits down with Thomas Kereszti to discuss leadership and the important principles that every entrepreneur should know. They go into detail about guiding teams, how to communicate, and how to develop interpersonal skills. They also talk about the three questions to ask yourself for a happy and fulfilling life. Hear all of this on this episode of The Sleep For Side Hustlers Podcast.