What Exactly is Corporate Anthropology? With Andrea Simon of Simon Associates Management Consultants
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Andrea “Andi” Simon, PhD, is a corporate anthropologist with a diverse career and an array of expertise. She primarily works through Simon Associates Management Consultants, her consulting firm that helps companies change by rethinking strategy and using anthropological theories. In tandem with her firm, Andi has written several books based on these concepts, including Rethink: Smashing the Myths of Women in Business and On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights.  Over the last 26 years, she has had high-profile roles in multiple medical centers in various capacities, including branding, marketing, advertising, and business development. In this episode… At the foundation of every business is its perspective. There can be strategies, financial plans, etc., but none of it matters if the internal framework fails. It’s worthwhile to step back from time to time and consider the viewpoints and structures that define your business. This may make sense theoretically, but what does it look like in practice? Andrea Simon has had a long and diverse career across multiple industries. As a consultant inside companies, she challenges corporate structure and offers a fresh outlook. Andrea calls this idea corporate anthropology and has helped countless businesses using her approach. Now she breaks it down for you.  Riley Jarvis interviews Andrea Simon, the Founder and CEO of Simon Associates Management Consultants, to talk about corporate anthropology and how she helps companies reevaluate their structures. They touch on a host of topics, including business culture, rethinking your story, and the importance of trusting yourself. They also talk about Andrea’s background and how it’s influenced her view on businesses. Hear it all on this episode of The Sleep For Side Hustlers Podcast.