What You’re Missing Out On With Life Insurance With David Befort of Max Performance Financial
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David Befort is a financial expert and the Founder and CEO of Max Performance Financial. His company specializes in life insurance strategies and wealth education for all kinds of people. Much of his experience comes from working as a Life Insurance Producer for Lafayette Life Insurance Company.  David had a long career in the United States Air Force, and he is the current Inspector General for the MN ANG/133rd Airlift Wing. Before that, he was a pilot and an officer for over 10 years. In this episode… Life insurance is not an interesting topic for most people. Everyone is looking to have more money, but we can miss some of the best opportunities. Some of the more boring topics fail to capture our interest. We would rather hear about the exciting new strategies that promise quick returns than the reliable but less captivating models. But what if life insurance could hold that opportunity? David Befort built his business around this idea. He has experience in the life insurance industry and has found ways to put his money to work. Now that he’s found success, he offers the same strategy to anyone willing to listen. So, want to know how he does it? In this episode of The Sleep For Side Hustlers Podcast, Riley Jarvis and Anthony Rodriguez speak with David Befort, the Founder and CEO of Max Performance Financial, to hear how he uses life insurance. They go over his strategy and how to put your money to work using life insurance policies. They dive into topics of wealth management, the military, and why you should question what you think you know. Check out this episode to hear the rest!