Navigating Technology as an Entrepreneur With Randy Johnston of K2 Enterprises
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Randy Johnston is a serial entrepreneur and the Executive Vice President of K2 Enterprises, a consultancy that helps teach and guide companies in the accounting industry to use technology effectively. He is also the CEO and Founder of Network Management Group, which he’s grown over almost 40 years. Randy spends much of his time as a speaker in the tech industry, helping other entrepreneurs improve their effectiveness and business operations. Recently, he joined RxGenomix as a board member and CISO. In this episode… Understanding technology can be a challenge for entrepreneurs. Not only is it a crowded space, but it’s difficult to keep up with the changing landscape. Whether you’re a company that offers tech services or simply a business that utilizes CRMs, it’s essential to be knowledgeable. Few know as much as Randy Johnston. Having worked as an entrepreneur and a programmer, Randy has tackled the subject from both sides. He has worked with companies such as Xero and QuickBooks and his own successful businesses. Along the way, he’s developed an understanding of how to approach technology. So what is his advice for other entrepreneurs? Riley Jarvis has a rich discussion with Randy Johnston, the Executive Vice President of K2 Enterprises, where they talk about technology and entrepreneurship. They go over Randy’s career and the lessons he learned from working with large brands. They also discuss CRMs and which ones give you the best value. They touch on all of this and much more on this episode of The Sleep For Side Hustlers Podcast.