Is bub REALLY ready to drop the third nap? One of our most downloaded episode so far has been EVERYTHING You Need to Know About the 2-1 Nap Transition but we’ve had so many of you reach out asking for HELP to navigate through the 3-2 transition  It can be tricky knowing when and how to transition bub from the 3 - 2 naps.. But we have you covered. Join us as we talk ALL things 3rd nap including what age they will be ready, how to read the signs and the BEST ways to drop that nap.  You’ll...
Published 01/31/24
Published 01/31/24
What do you wish you could go back in time and tell yourself about becoming a parent for the first time? We’ve been planning this episode for a while but we wanted to keep it REAL and have someone who would be completely honest about becoming a parent AND transitioning from one to two kids. If you’ve followed her on Instagram you’ll know that Elyse Knowles does just that. Elyse is a mum of two, a model and was the winner of the Block along with her partner Josh back in 2017. She has just...
Published 01/24/24
Are your loved ones pressuring you to avoid sleep training and stay sleep deprived? We are back with our first Q&A session of 2024! Our submission box has been very busy over this holiday season, and we are SO excited to be back and tackling our listeners' sleep problems once again. These segments are where our listeners send through their sleep concerns, and Beck and I walk you through our solutions live on air.  We have a very mixed bag this week and cover lots of different topics...
Published 01/17/24
***TRIGGER WARNING: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome*** In those early sleep-deprived days it can be so hard to keep your eyes open, and for so many of us, those middle-of-the-night feeds are one of the hardest times.  You hear about the dangers of sleep sharing all the time, but how often are you warned against surface sharing? Or falling asleep on the armchair after a feed? On today’s episode, I chatted with Emily, an incredibly brave and strong mother who has made it her goal to spread as...
Published 01/10/24
Can you even create routines for your newborn? Happy New Year Mumma! We have decided to start the year fresh with an episode dedicated to everything newborns. While you can look back on this time as beautifully exhausting, when you’re deep in trenches it can just feel plain exhausting. Not only is there a lot of pressure on social media about what you should be doing but both you and Bub are on a constant learning curve. To help ease the pressure, on today’s episode, we cover what to...
Published 01/03/24
Ever find sleep training so daunting that starting feels impossible? And what even is a realistic goal for your bub? We know just how demotivating it can be when you’re sleep training your little one and it feels like one step forward, and two steps back.  When it comes to sleep training, it is rarely an easygoing process (oh how we wish it could be!). One of the best, and easiest ways to combat this is to set small, realistic goals and move the goalpost one nap at a time!  On today’s...
Published 12/27/23
Are you ready for daycare? On today’s episode, we talk about all things daycare with our resident expert, Beck! Daycare creates a lot of mixed reactions, some Mummas might be cheering while for others it might be a stressful change. It can be a scary thing to start with but once you get used to it, it can help you get your much-deserved me time back. And then you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner! We cover all sorts of topics such as the importance of introducing bottle feeding before...
Published 12/20/23
Are four cat naps too many? It’s time for one of your favourite episodes! Our Q&A segments are where we answer the questions YOU’ve sent in for us to answer and choose the ones that need a little more detail than we can give in our usual minute on Instagram. We love getting these questions in and being able to help you with your sleep struggles. We chat about a range of topics today so whether you’re navigating a tricky transitional phase or you’re still working hard on those nap...
Published 12/13/23
It is okay to say no to people to prioritise your little one and your own mental health. It's that time of the year where you are probably getting invited to every event left right and centre, and they ALL happen to be at nap time. The holiday season can be stressful, and the last thing you need is to worry about upsetting anyone (because, let’s face it, feathers may be ruffled regardless!). On today’s episode, we crafted a game plan to help make the silly season as easy as possible. We...
Published 12/06/23
We always hear “Never wake a sleeping baby,” but sometimes, you just have to. If you don’t know, split nights are when your baby has an awake period overnight for more than 2 hours, and usually after midnight. This is a super common occurrence, especially with toddlers, and could indicate a couple of things. We know how hard it can be to be cheerful in the morning when bub has robbed you of your night's sleep but the good news is, it's really easy to identify what causes them and why they’re...
Published 11/29/23
Do you want to make the switch to cloth nappies but don’t know how? On today’s episode, we have a special guest, Penny, who was once in your shoes and is now a cloth nappy GURU. Penny shares her tips and hacks with us from how to start the process to where you can buy your first reusable nappies. It can seem like a daunting task but once you wrap your head around it, you won’t have to worry about that late-night grocery run to pick up nappies ever again! You’ll hear: ✨ A checklist to help...
Published 11/22/23
If you’re struggling with the old “Oh, maybe I shouldn’t ask for help because they’ve been at work” then this episode is for you! On today’s highly requested episode, we are joined by the amazing Eliza Pike, an incredibly skilled mental health social worker with 23 years of experience in the field. Six years ago, Eliza made the decision to start her own business, Blackbird Counselling with the mission of supporting women throughout every stage of their life.  We focus on the idea of...
Published 11/15/23
We are back with your favourite series! On today’s episode we are doing our Q&A segment, where we answer YOUR questions but this time it’s more like a mini consultation. It can be tricky when everyone’s experiences are the same but still so different, especially when one minute isn’t enough to cover on our instagram! We absolutely love getting these questions and walking you through those tough times with your bubs.  We cover heaps of sleep questions this month, so if you’re dealing...
Published 11/08/23
Are Regressions REALLY a thing?  We’ve all heard about the dreaded regressions but in this episode we’re going to break down the science behind what's actually happening and what we’ve seen across the 15,000+ families we’ve worked with because sometimes despite what google might suggest … regressions aren’t what they seem!  If you’ve got a little one approaching 4 months, 6-8 months (14:50), 12 months (21:42) or 18 months (25:22) this episode has you covered!  You’ll hear: ✨ The BIGGEST...
Published 11/01/23
What is the PERFECT AGE GAP?  There are pros and cons to every single option BUT we have learnt (and heard from you) some hacks to make the arrival of a new addition SO much easier! So today we’re talking about the experience Beck and I have had with our 3 boys and 3 girls.  We share everything from how you know when you’re done, how the other siblings coped and the things that we wished someone had told us before the next one arrived!  If you’re not sure whether it’s time, you're worried...
Published 10/25/23
Are your little ones running the show in your household? Are you having battles around bedtime, bathtime and everything in between?  Today we’re joined by our good friend Gen Muir who is an Obstetric Social Worker, Parent Educator and mum to four boys. Gen has helped over 40,000 parents to build connections, set boundaries and navigate big feelings. And we’re talking all things boundaries and toddlers. So whether you want to make some changes to your nightly routine and figure out how to...
Published 10/18/23
Have you heard something about sleep and thought SURELY NOT!?  It’s EXHAUSTING hearing conflicting opinions all the time and never knowing what to believe so this week we’re taking the BIGGEST SLEEP MYTHS and letting you know if they are FACT or FICTION. We’re talking everything from waking a sleeping baby to the magical age that babies CAN sleep through the night … and a few others that you probably wouldn’t think are a myth (but they are!) If you’ve got something you’re unsure of and...
Published 10/11/23
It’s time for your favourite episodes! Our Q&A segments where we answer the questions YOU’ve sent in for us to answer and choose the ones that need a little more detail than we can give in our usual minute on instagram. We love getting these questions in and being able to help you with your sleep struggles. This month's episode has something for everyone whether you’re just thinking about starting OR you’re wondering why your baby loves to party at night we’ve got you covered in this...
Published 10/04/23
Tossing up whether you should give your baby a dummy or not? Have you heard about the hourly dummy runs OR are you currently doing one right now? This week we are chatting all about dummies - the good, the bad AND the ugly. We’re sharing what our own personal experiences are with dummies and where we’ve seen this all go wrong for clients who come to us desperate for help.  If you’ve been on the fence OR you’re wondering how to get rid of a dummy and keep your sanity this episode is for you...
Published 09/27/23
Have you been told your baby has colic? Or do you think they might have reflux but you’re not really sure? This week we’re joined by Aine Homer aka The Baby Reflux lady to talk about all things reflux, colic and the actual facts around what causes these and how you can help your little one.  If your bub is unsettled and you’ve never heard about silent reflux or intolerances before OR you have but you’re just not sure if your little one might be suffering, Aine has helped over 13,000...
Published 09/20/23
How many times have you been woken up by your bub thinking it’s morning, looked at the time and there’s a 5 or even a 4 at the start of the clock…  We have ALL been there!  So today we are talking about the forever asked, EARLY RISING. We’re going to go through everything and help you identify what might be causing your little one to wake up so early.  Just a little reminder for the mumma’s, it is COMPLETELY normal for babies to start their day closer to 6 a.m. than 7 a.m. Oh how we would...
Published 09/13/23
Is co-sleeping the ONLY way your bubba will go to sleep?  Are they STILL constantly waking in the night?  Are you DESPERATELY wanting to break the co-sleeping habit?  You need to tune in to this week’s episode. We are talking with one of our clients, Winnie who we met along with her little one Leo when he was 7 months old Winnie and Leo were co-sleeping, and after months of long nights and Leo waking every two hours she decided to come to us for some help If you’re someone who has found...
Published 09/06/23
To celebrate Father’s Day we thought what better way to celebrate than by bringing on our very own hubbies, Mitch and Henry. In this week’s episode, we are talking about all things parenthood BUT from a dad’s perspective. Often, the dads can be forgotten about and there’s nowhere near enough support for them. We are diving into their brains about certain taboo topics and getting all their advice for you.  So grab your partner, baby daddy or husband and tune in together! You’ll hear: ✨Their...
Published 08/30/23
This Q&A is a little different to any we’ve done before and it’s our favourite one yet. We’re answering your top questions that were submitted via VOICE NOTE! We love getting these questions and hearing a little more insight into your sleep struggles.  From how to room share with siblings to waking a sleeping baby, we cover so much in this episode and hope it helps not only you but your little one/s too. If you’d love us to answer your question, submit your voice note below.  You’ll...
Published 08/23/23