So many people wonder why they don’t feel good, even if their doctors tell them their test results show that their numbers are within the normal range. Some suffer from low energy while others complain about brain fog. The truth is that nutrition plays a huge role in our health and hormones, and being more intentional about it could change how we enjoy life. Chrissy has been a dietician for 10 years, and she’s seen so many trends that people think are helpful but are actually pulling the...
Published 10/11/23
Is it dieting if you choose a salad? If you have food freedom, do you have to always eat the dessert? Is it healthy to use maple syrup instead of white sugar? The world of nutrition, food freedom, dieting, and intuitive eating can get really confusing, so these are valid questions! Especially knowing that diet culture and restricting could leave certain fears about food. So would it be considered disordered eating or dieting the moment you start choosing what is traditionally known as...
Published 10/04/23
Mia used to restrict, binge, and be skeptical that eating intuitively was truly possible for her. She had so many limiting beliefs, not just about her relationship with food, but about her overall self-worth. But once she learned that binge eating and yoyo dieting usually isn’t about food, that’s when she realized one thing – she was worthy of food freedom and needed to commit to healing her relationship with food. After joining the Food Freedom Collective, Mia’s life shifted in ways she...
Published 09/27/23
A lot of people believe that when they remove the food rules and stop restricting themselves, they’ll automatically start bingeing 24/7. I’ve received so many comments on social media about this, and it’s a super common fear. But what if I told you that the reason why you binge doesn’t have anything to do with food? AND, you can completely heal from restricting without going to the other extreme of binge eating? The truth is that the urge to binge is connected to deeper subconscious root...
Published 09/20/23
As humans, we were all born with the gift of intuitively knowing how to nurture our bodies. Just think about how babies do it. They cry when they’re hungry, then they look away once they’re full. It’s the most natural thing in the world. But as we get older, we start to hear things that we eventually come to accept as our truth – from expectations of what our ideal weight should be to how much or how little we should eat. We learn things along the way that eventually bury our natural...
Published 09/13/23
Chloe is a nightshift nurse and has spent the past 6 years on a rollercoaster ride with her relationship with food and her body. She worked with a fitness coach, and she started focusing on reverse dieting and body composition.  But her line of work was extremely stressful. Working at night and dealing with the pressure greatly affected the way she looked at food. She was constantly seeing food that she wanted to eat, but she also kept putting herself down each time she took a bite.    ...
Published 09/06/23
When we feel fear, our instinct is normally to stop dead in our tracks. It causes anxiety, worry, and makes us think it’s a sign to say no to the opportunity in front of us. But sometimes, fear can also be a green light to say YES. It’s the way that we perceive fear that makes us think otherwise. Leaving your comfort zone can indeed be scary, but that type of fear is your green light! We’re meant to leave our comfort zones and grow. Otherwise, you’ll stay in a cycle of self-sabotage and...
Published 08/30/23
There is always a clear path to success for everyone. But most of the time, we get in our own way, whether we admit it or not.  Self-sabotage is when we sabotage our own chance at success. It’s coming up with excuses like “I don’t have enough time” or avoiding accountability for our own actions. This causes us to spiral down into victim mode instead of taking a step higher to claim that life we want.  Self-sabotage failing to send that application for a dream job or coming up with a ton...
Published 08/23/23
Most of the time, the word “investing” is used to describe the exchange of tangible things like money and goods. We also think about what we get in return each time we invest something. When we invest cash, we think about how much money we get back…or we think about the financial value of a product that we get in exchange for that cash. But what about things that are highly valuable but cannot necessarily be given a specific price tag? The truth is, things like peace, happiness, and...
Published 08/09/23
In this episode, Sloane sits down with Lorna Costa, the host of the Ditch Decade Diets podcast, to explore the groundbreaking world of nervous system regulation and its profound impact on conquering binge urges. Lorna Costa is a dedicated and compassionate binge-eating coach with a wealth of experience in helping individuals overcome binge urges and regain control over their lives. Her unique approach has been transformative for many on their journey to healing. Together, they will delve...
Published 08/02/23
Are you tired of overeating and overindulging on vacation, only to “get back on track” and begin the cycle all over again when you get home? If the idea of mindfully eating (on vacation or in daily life) without the burden of overeating intrigues you, then these 5 healing tips are exactly what you need!  In this episode, I’m teaching you the intuitive eating techniques that will transform the way you approach eating meals out and leave you feeling fully satisfied without the guilt of...
Published 07/26/23
Liv has been hearing the same comments about how strong she was throughout the years, and they don’t even mean that in a good way. People were always looking at how muscular Liv’s build was – a complete contrast to her bright colors and even brighter personality. All of this took a toll on Liv’s confidence, prompting her into a downward spiral of eating disorders and a lack of self-confidence. She wasn’t really counting calories or the weight loss. But she became overly conscious about how...
Published 07/20/23
Do you show up like you have everything put together, but you secretly feel anxious, are hard on yourself, and feel stressed out on the inside? You may be living with high-functioning anxiety!   Nadia is a licensed therapist and has been helping women who live with high-functioning anxiety for over a decade. Having gone through some traumas herself and experienced anxiety and depression in the past, she has also chosen to incorporate some holistic methods into the traditional clinical...
Published 07/12/23
One of the biggest cliches around intuitive eating is believing you just have to “listen to your body”. But what if you don’t know how to do that? What if you’ve tried listening but you find it hard to understand? What if you can’t identify your hunger and fullness cues? If you’ve spent TOO LONG dealing with food restrictions or an unhealthy body image, you start losing trust in what your body is telling you. This makes it even more challenging to eat intuitively. The good news is, there...
Published 07/05/23
Why do women want to lose weight? Most would say that it gives them confidence. Some would say that it makes them feel validated, lovable and successful. Others would say that they just want to fit into the clothes they want to wear and feel good about it. But will weight loss really do that for you? These feelings that you’re going after do not automatically come as a result of weight loss. The truth is, genuine, unconditional body confidence happens regardless of the state of your...
Published 06/28/23
Let’s talk about accepting your body!! So many women struggle with body acceptance. They have this notion that accepting their body means “settling” for a body that’s “less than” the body they desire. The thing is, acceptance does not mean settling! Living in harmony with our current body only paves the way to even more confidence, trust, and gratitude for our body - this is the confidence that can last a lifetime.   When we learn how to work with our own body, we get closer to our...
Published 06/21/23
Maddie is an integrative health medicine practitioner and clinical herbalist who believes that there is beauty in understanding how the body naturally works, especially when it comes to hormones and the menstrual cycle.  As someone who had suffered from serious health issues in the past, Maddie is no stranger to unhealthy routines and approaching health from a place of fear. There was a time when she struggled with her relationship with food and her hormones, and conventional medicine...
Published 06/14/23
When you make a decision, where does it come from? Do you trust logic? Does it come from a place of fear? Or do you trust your intuition? Intuition is a powerful thing that everyone has – but not everyone uses it, trusts it, or listens to it. Intuition may not be logical all the time, but this deep knowing of what’s best for you is something that can take you out of your comfort zone and into amazing growth! But most of the time, it’s the fear that gets in the way of hearing what your...
Published 06/07/23
Miranda is a love and relationship coach who helps women create the true love they desire so they can live the life of their dreams. She believes that filling yourself up with your own love is the best path towards creating fulfilling relationships and a fulfilling life. But there was also a time when Miranda struggled with her own self-worth. She believed she wasn’t beautiful and would binge drink and fall into unhealthy routines just to fill a void inside her. This also led her to enter...
Published 05/31/23
Grace was a student-athlete who had a deeply ingrained belief system about food. She was constantly choosing food that would help her run better, perform better, and just generally do better. But when she graduated and transitioned to her new life, these core beliefs started to impact her life in ways she didn’t expect. Because she previously saw her body as a machine that needed fuel, she was now clueless about what her body really needed. She didn’t trust her own hunger cues and was...
Published 05/24/23
So you're struggling with fear, guilt, and anxiety surrounding food choices and your eating habits, but you wonder "is food freedom really even POSSIBLE for me"? If you can relate, then you may be part of the majority of people who believes that dieting is the norm. It shouldn’t be. And it isn't normal! Obsessive concerns about weight gain and body image have probably led you to the path of restrictive food rules and fostered negative relationships with food. Adhering to strict dietary...
Published 05/17/23
Taibala Rosner is on the podcast today to talk about all things feminine entrepreneurship, pleasure, “getting it”, and deep soul works through building a business and building wealth! Why do humans tend to give more weight to negativity than positivity and abundance? There is always a tendency to remember negative events more vividly than positive events. This negativity bias is thought to have evolved as a survival mechanism in response to environmental threats. In modern times, it can...
Published 05/10/23
What if you could achieve your current goals and reach heights of success you never thought possible? What if you could positively impact your industry or community and leave a lasting legacy? By setting your sights on 10x results in all areas of your life, you're committing to a mindset of growth, innovation, and abundance. You're willing to explore new strategies, take calculated risks, and push beyond your current limits to achieve extraordinary results. Furthermore, by aiming for 10x...
Published 05/03/23
Just when you’ve had a full meal, the craving for dessert starts. What do you do? Do you push that craving down and ignore it, or do you give yourself an all-out YES and start bingeing it? Dessert can be a trigger for many people, and so many women feel shame around their “sweet tooth”. It feels impossible to stop after just one cookie, so you don’t even keep your favorite desserts in the house out of fear that you’ll overeat and feel sick. The problem is that you’re not yet aware of your...
Published 04/19/23
For those immersed in gym culture, there's always an insane pressure to do more and push harder. Unfortunately, this could impact your own perception of what health and fitness should look like, which affects your attitude towards food and nutrition. In this episode, find out how Lexes took herself out of unhealthy patterns of dieting, restricting, and sticking to “food rules” and started to use love and intuition as a guiding force in how she deals with her overall health and fitness today. ...
Published 04/12/23