In another coup for the podcast, David and Ryan are joined by Weta mastersmith Peter Lyon who fabricated all the swords for the greatest fantasy trilogy of our time. Peter takes the guys through his early days as a medieval reenactor and film fan in far-flung, pre-internet New Zealand and talks about making armor and swords for practical use, and then that inconceivable day when his phone rang he found the great Richard Taylor on the other end, changing the course of his life forever. There...
Published 09/27/23
David and Ryan have learned all there is to know about the Greg Jein collection (not that they'll stop talking about it anytime soon..) But who was Greg Jein: the man? To find out, they speak to two people who actually knew him: John Eaves, conceptual artist and model builder for Industrial Light and Magic, and Joe Maddalena, his friend and his "supplier of rare antiquities". Put your auction paddles down (just for a moment) and hear what surprised the guys so much about the Bigfoot of prop...
Published 09/20/23
In this super-sized final installment, the guys complete their climb of the Everest that is the Greg Jein collection. Beginning with Star Trek: The Next Generation and going through Star Wars and beyond, the guys cover what is perhaps their most alluring part of the catalog... at least to David. They discuss everything "New Trek" from Picard to Voyager to the JJ-verse. Then, they stare at a monolithic (eh?) original Clavius Base spacesuit from 2001, more studio-scale models (!), and more...
Published 09/14/23
In part two of their enthralling catalog deep-dive trilogy, David and Ryan are re-joined by collector, friend of Greg Jein, and Trekspert Rob Klein to page through the beating heart of the collection: Kirk and Spock Star Trek. Beginning with the laser pistol from the original, un-aired pilot of Star Trek (The Cage!) and going all the way through Star Trek: Generations, listen as the guys go on a tour of the most staggering Trek collection ever held in private hands. There are more than 10...
Published 09/12/23
The internet’s favorite (and possibly only) movie props podcast returns for its sixth season with big news (!) from our new sponsor (!!) — the Greg Jein Collection is going under the hammer at Heritage Auctions on October 14 and 15 in Dallas.   Over the next few episodes, David and Ryan will look to get to know Greg Jein by talking to the people who knew him as they go page-by-page through what has been long-considered one of the most mysterious and simultaneously legendary genre...
Published 09/08/23
The full length bonus episode where Ryan and David recap and analyze the June 2023 Propstore auction. They talk wins, losses, and much more on this in-between-seasons one off! SDAMO - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/propspodcast/ SDAMO - Threads https://www.threads.net/@propspodcast SDAMO - Twitter https://twitter.com/propspodcast?lang=en SDAMO - Facebook https://www.facebook.com/propspodcast/ David Mandel - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/davidhmandel/
Published 08/30/23
For the third season in a row, Chuck Costas of Propstore joins us to reveal who the winner is of the Ryan10 / Dave10 contest! SDAMO - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/propspodcast/ SDAMO - Threads https://www.threads.net/@propspodcast SDAMO - Twitter https://twitter.com/propspodcast?lang=en SDAMO - Facebook https://www.facebook.com/propspodcast/ David Mandel - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/davidhmandel/ Join our e-mailing list! https://forms.gle/Cac4tXrfi2MywhoH8  
Published 07/21/23
In a first for The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of, David and Ryan make their point succinctly. And that point is—if you want to hear the full BONUS episode recapping and analyzing the June Propstore auction, you have to send us your email address. You’re a collector; you know you’ve gotta have it. Email us: [email protected]   OR click this form to sign up for the episode: https://forms.gle/8Jh3bQt3i6RY2Rf39   SDAMO - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/propspodcast/   SDAMO -...
Published 07/09/23
Put on a comfy pair of pants (trousers for our UK friends) and buckle in for part two of David and Ryan's deep-dive into Propstore's auction catalog, covering the rest of the live auction at the Peterson Automotive Museum in Los Angeles on June 28. This one will take you from Lord of the Rings to X-Men claws, including Morghul blades, Star Lord helmets, MIB aliens, sporting goods from The Natural, the scariest clown you have ever seen (with apologies to Pennywise), a Prometheus spacesuit...
Published 06/14/23
David and Ryan dive into the all-new, super-sized Propstore catalog for the summer live auction on June 28th in Los Angeles. The guys begin with the first half of Day 1’s 523 lots, covering all things from 2010 to Karate Kid II. There are full Batman costumes (from scary good to plain scary), Blade Runner costumes, ILM cameras, a stunning (if complicated, for Dave) Braveheart collection, everything a stoner could want from The Big Lebowski, a million-dollar Bruce Wayne bike, more of the...
Published 06/06/23
The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of is joined by the great Rob Liefeld, iconic Marvel Comics artist, co-founder of Image Comics, creator of Cable and Deadpool, and most importantly for this podcast, collector! Rob regales the guys with stories of growing up in the 70s and collecting comics, breaking in at the ripe old age of 18, buying original comic art, and seeing all his dreams come true in his 20s, not the least of which was meeting Conan himself -- Arnold Schwarzenegger -- and buying one of the...
Published 05/31/23
David and Ryan go head-to-head discussing how they try to avoid going head-to-head against friends in the prop world. Is all fair in love and war? Have the guys ever bid against each other? Did Ryan bid up the X-Wing? Join the guys for a lively discussion about being friends and collectors. Co-llectors? Auc-chums? Bid buds? And then, a bonus: the first ever live bidding on the Stuff Dreams Are Made when the podcast is interrupted by a call from the Julien’s auction floor — brought to you by...
Published 05/23/23
David and Ryan are joined by the creator of Filmumentaries and its eponymous podcast, Jamie Benning. A fellow lifelong cinema nerd, Jamie tells the guys about how he became not a collector of stuff, but a collector of stories - and how he spun that obsession into a life of adventure, making documentaries and podcasts about the history of his (and our) favorite films. His passions got him access to some of the true greats of genre filmmaking. And Brett Ratner.
Published 05/16/23
David and Ryan discuss a theory by the Honest Broker, Ted Gioia, that popular culture lives and dies in 80-year cycles. What does that mean for movie memorabilia? How has that impacted more mature hobbies like art collecting? The guys dig in and try to suss out whether the stuff their dreams are made of has an expiration date. And, of course, they discuss how this all relates to Star Wars.
Published 05/10/23
Not at all live from Star Wars Celebration in London, David and Ryan want to wish you a happy May the 4th -- No! Stop it. Please stop celebrating Star Wars on May the 4th, and with the stupid pun. It makes us crazy. The summer auction season unofficially kicked off in London when Propstore showcased three incredible, A-level original Star Wars artifacts before they go under the hammer this year. The guys dig in, discuss, debate, and certainly never say May the 4th Be With You. Dammit.
Published 05/03/23
David and Ryan are joined by living legend Alec Gillis to discuss his illustrious (and ongoing!) career as a creature designer and practical effects wizard. He tells the guys about his first job with Richard Corman, going to see Alien with James freaking Cameron, subsequently getting a job on James freaking Cameron's Aliens and building the infamous Alien Queen (first out of garbage bags), all before founding his own legendary FX company, ADI, with partner Tom Woodruff. Alec has made more...
Published 04/26/23
David and Ryan tear open their first auction catalog of the summer season: Julien's "Hollywood: Classic & Contemporary" done in partnership with TCM -- and all sponsored by Propstore! The guys talk Indiana Jones machetes, Men in Black suits, vintage scripts, Harpo Marx's tasteful nudes, Carlo Rimbaldi's Alien designs, and Die Hard storyboards. Lots and lots and lots of Die Hard storyboards. So many Die Hard storyboards. Starting April 22nd, raise a paddle, bang the hammer, and let the...
Published 04/19/23
House of the Dragon Season 2 production has begun! David and Ryan are joined by Ellie Murphy, Action Prop Supervisor, to discuss prop-making across Season 1 and maybe even a little bit about what's to come in Season 2. The guys get an inside look at their favorite filmmaking department as they chat crowns, eggs, egg-warming-devices, canes, tableware -- anything but the pointy-bits (Ellie doesn't make the pointy-bits).
Published 04/11/23
For the second time in its storied history, David and Ryan are joined by Tom Spina of Tom Spina Designs to discuss saving memorabilia from the abyss of time. Tom takes the guys through his story of being a film fan, a collector, and a monster-maker before finding his way into the niche business of saving your props, creatures, and costume pieces from the rubbish heap. He’s a one-man memorabilia time machine! And this time, they let him talk about the cantina aliens.
Published 04/05/23
David and Ryan are joined by Pixar director and The Shining aficionado to discuss his masterwork, Taschen's Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, a massive, limited edition collector's trove of "Making Of" material about The Shining, including the definitive story of the making of the Kubrick classic. Lee regales the guys with stories from decades of running TheOverlookHotel.com, the once and future definitive fan site for all things The Shining. He also talks about the curiosities, mysteries, and...
Published 03/29/23
Ever wonder how to start a collection? David and Ryan are joined by "friend of Stuff (FOS)" and original comic art expert Kelvin Mao to discuss all the intricacies of collecting original comic art. Dave and Kelvin then help Ryan build his dream collection piece by piece and are delighted - and sometimes horrified - as they learn about the kinds of comic art sought after by Ryan’s generation. Frank Miller’s Wolverine! John Byrne’s X-Men! McSpidey! Weapon X! Batman! Carnage and Venom! Dawn of...
Published 03/22/23
David and Ryan are joined by long-time collector, film crew member, and human Glen Carroll. The guys talk about what exactly it is an Assistant Director does and dive deep with one of the foremost experts on collecting clapperboards (or are they slates?) and go all the way from Willow (niche!) to The Princess Bride to The Shining (sorry Glen) to Blue Harvest: Horror Beyond Imagination. Back to one… and… action!
Published 03/15/23
David and Ryan rip open the mailbag and read some listener mail on the air. They discuss a cornucopia of topics, from the Lucas museum to House of the Dragon props to questionable Conan swords to ethics to conservation to storyboards and favorite props used in other films. It’s a prop topic extravaganza!
Published 03/08/23
The results are in! Find out who the winner is of the “Your Favorite Host” contest, as Propstore’s Chuck Costas joins the boys to reveal the winner of the second Dave10/Ryan10 contest. Spoiler: it did not go well for one of your co-hosts! And it’s not who you think it is? Or maybe it is? After laurels are placed and wounds are licked, the guys welcome the winner of the fan contest - Super-fan Stefan - who talks about what he bought from Propstore to win and then schools the podcast in 1990s...
Published 03/01/23
The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of has returned for its fifth season! To begin this new collecting odyssey, the guys go back to where it began for many a movie prop collector -- the original movie poster. To discuss the topic and their own movie poster collections, the guys are joined by movie poster guru Grey Smith, who has been obsessing about and collecting movie posters since the 1960s. They talk 1930s horror rarities, formats, countries of origin, the poster for John Wayne's only lost film,...
Published 02/22/23