Doug, Sam and Nikki sit down after Pure Four to ask a simple question.  Why are you people not coming to these Pure shows?  We cover how you're missing out!  The talent is great, the matches are on par with anything, and the stories intriguing.  So what's your excuse now?  We give you some highlights and talents who have stood out to us in the first 4 pure shows.  Enjoy!
Published 07/16/18
Hey guys.  We sat down after pure 4 for an interview with FILTH (Mr. Sleaze and Mason Miles) and then got Ethan Case in on the action.  This ones a little short due to the fact we had to go sing Happy Birthday to the wonderful Kassie (Go check her out at Its A Work Photography and Design, she made our logo!).  This one is pretty vulgar and filthy, as one might expect so headphones are recommended.  You've been warned.  
Published 07/16/18
Catch up on life with Kat and Doug as they first cover PWX Dawn of a New Day then PCW's Palmetto Classic tournament!  Hear where we've been (Kat's basically been reading, our current thoughts on WWE (they're short), and then where we stand on some stuff.  We don't pull punches on this one, you've been warned.
Published 07/03/18
You guys remember when I had alot of plans for summer? This is the first step! I'm going to have special guests cover a different indie as often as I can, and we're going to review it for you guys.  Expect 1 every couple of weeks.  If I get time, maybe we'll record more.  This is our first: Sam, Nikki and I ask a very simple question: Why is everyone who likes indie wrestling NOT watching MLW?  Especially because its free on youtube.  Seriously. Go watch it.
Published 06/16/18
Sam, Matthew, Nikki and Doug jump on skype to discuss NJPW's Dominion show! I have not listened to this back so if its f****d up or doesnt sound great sorry! Enjoy!
Published 06/10/18
Years in the making, the interview you've always dreamed of has happened. Thats right, the three and only Ugly Ducklings invade and turn SAD into their own personal duck pond.  We had a blast with this conversation and even though its a little shorter than some of ours, lots of laughs are contained.  Quack Quack Motherduckers.
Published 05/21/18
This week Kat and Doug sit down to briefly talk WWE, then spend alot longer talking about PWX Pure One and PWX Level Up.  Find out who Kat wants to stab (its not a surprise) and who she was going to leave Doug for, why Doug almost went shirtless, and how you can help the show!
Published 04/29/18
We had a ton of fun recording with the one, the only BABY CASE! Ok so we recorded with a ton of awesome people too like Tracer, Ethan Case, White Mike, Morgan, and others with various accidental guest appearances!  Thank you everybody who talked to us!  Have fun, hope this one came out alright as there was ALOT going on and we haven't listened back yet, but we hope you have as much fun as we did!
Published 04/23/18
This week Doug and Kat sit down and preview NXT Takeover New Orleans, Wrestlemania 34 (Picks belt eligible people: the sheet is posted and editable), and all the indy things you should watch this weekend.  We also talk about Tracer X more.  Finally, we review and recap the awesomeness that was PWX Rise of a Champion XIII.
Published 04/05/18
Kat and Doug return to preview Mania, talk about how much Doug slobbers over Daniel Bryan, review Battlefield X and preview PWX Rise of a Champion XIII!  Its not even that long considering everything we talk about!  
Published 03/22/18
That last name....we're as shocked as you guys are!  We had a great drop in interview featuring Serpentico (I feel like I know him), Tough Tim Hughes, Effy (so fabulous), Cutshall and his multiple personalities, and...the leader of the Syndishit....Elijah Evans IV.  Have fun y'all.  Pardon the ring noise, the effects of having a live mic after a show!
Published 02/19/18
Doug and Kat sit down to talk some wrestling because there was too much going on not to!  Even twitter's extended character limit couldnt contain everything we needed to say!  We start with RAW25, Head to the rumble (If you thought Kat was mad after Candice lost in the Mae Young, just wait), and review PWX X-16 Night 2.  It's a long one so listen in shifts....or have a drink every time Kat hates Ronda.  Wait never mind, we want you alive.
Published 01/31/18
Here's our 2nd interview from X16 weekend.  An exhausted Caucasian Michael (aka White Mike, The King of yams, a long distance drizzler...) sits down with Doug to shoot the breeze for a little bit before heading home. Kat was asleep in the car already. Enjoy!
Published 01/16/18
Hey guys.  We had a blast sitting down with two of our favorite people in the wrestling business, Sugar Dunkerton and Kim, the owner and operator of Indie Customs.  This is the kind of interview that just made us remember why we love doing this thing we call wrestling!  Enjoy!
Published 01/15/18
Its 2:32 in the morning.  Doug is tired.  Here's our late night recap of PWX's X-16 Night 1!
Published 01/14/18
Kat and Doug sit down after two months to catch you up on life, what we think about the current state of WWE, preview PWX X-16, and do our SAD Podcast Awards of the year.  Don't worry, Tommy Thomas is still worst dressed.    
Published 12/29/17
Kat and Doug use their sunday afternoon to procrastinate by talking about WWE and PWX Unsanctioned.  We make our picks for TLC, then break down the Unsanctioned insanity.  There may or may not be a special guest appearance too!
Published 10/22/17
It's about damn time right? This week Doug and Kat got political, talked about their new studio, and cleaned up cat barf.  Oh we also discuss No Mercy, the Mae Young Classic, and break down PWX  He Who Cast the First Stone!  
Published 09/30/17
This episode Doug and Kat jump in to catch you up on their most recent wrestling exploits.  Find out what we thought of Summerslam (we didnt really), the bracket for the Mae Young Classic, and NXT Takeover.  You'll also find out why taking a 12 year old to wrestling shows is a mistake we probably won't repeat soon, why Kat turned on Anthony, and how we think Sugar Dunkerton is in bed. This episode includes a full recap and review of PWX Eye of the Beholder! PWX coverage starts about 30...
Published 08/28/17
*basks in welcome back chants* Oh no ones chanting? That's fine, just listen to this! Kat and Doug are back with more energy and are discussing why they've been gone, going back to school/work, and rambling on tangents about movies.  You'll also get to hear our analysis of recent WWE, picks for Summerslam, some WWE2k18 roster announcements, and we preview PWX Eye of the Behold.  Strap in kids!
Published 08/17/17
This week Kat and Doug discuss Funko hunting, Mug cakes, and movie selection.  They also pick for Battleground, review APW Chester (and a non review of Battlezone at the Gaffney Peach festival), and preview all 32 contenders for the Mae Young Classic!
Published 07/23/17
What a weekend guys. We cover GBOF (briefly) then jump right into PWX This Is How We Do it and Evolve 88.  If you haven't watched either of them, you should go check them out on Floslam!  Huge shout outs to the whole crew for an awesome weekend of wrestling!
Published 07/14/17
Huge Shout out to EVERYONE who dropped in to talk to us after This is How We Do It before Evolve 88.  This episode features James Drake, Martin Stone, Mikey Gulino, Jason Cade, Ethan Case, White Mike, and John Skyler.  Find out what matches they'll never do again, their favorite matches, what desserts they like.  You know, the usual Stupid and Delicious rundown.  It was a blast as usual!
Published 07/11/17
This week its a quick one.  We pick for great balls of fire in less than 5 minutes (because we give almost negative cares) then preview PWX Wrestling This Is How We Do It and Evolve 88.  Hopefully we'll have more content coming your way this weekend!
Published 07/08/17
This week Doug and Kat discuss their lake adventures, decorating (sorry yall, its a married couple podcast now), and being socially awkward.  We also break down Wrestlecircus Dive Hard with a Vengeance show and cover WWE.  Enjoy!
Published 07/03/17