 Liz Jewell is the Family Support Counsellor at Fragile X Australia, and Monique Mitchell is the mum of two children with Fragile X Syndrome. This conversation teaches us about Fragile X characteristics and the difference between boys and girls. We also include a Q&A from the Sunflower community, which is very insightful. If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast please contact your healthcare practitioner. For support and information Fragile X AustraliaFragile X...
Published 08/06/23
Solène joined Ruth and Chantal at Disability Expo to share her life experiences of living with BPD and ADHD.  It was a deep and meaningful conversation where Solène revealed the highs and lows, including how her therapy has given her the tools to accept and embrace her mental health and ADHD. This is a live recording. If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast please contact your healthcare practitioner. For support and information BDP BunchMindBe Beyond Borders Hosted...
Published 07/30/23
For our first-ever face-to-face Sunflower Conversations recording, Chantal was joined by Patrick Fopma, who is autistic and who describes himself as having Aspergers. In our conversation, we discussed his differences, including how he wanted to fit in when he was at school. We cover his journey through education and the barriers he faced to gaining employment. Patrick offers some great advice to young autistic people but also to employers. This was a live recording, and as such, the sound...
Published 07/16/23
Karen is a beauty pageant queen who joins the conversation to discuss her diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Karen shares intimate details of her health journey in a humorous and endearing way. After coming to terms with her post-surgery body,  Karen enters beauty pageants to build her self-confidence and help support other women and raise cancer awareness. If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast please contact your GP or healthcare practitioner. For...
Published 07/02/23
Ambar Zenteno, Miss Chile, has dysautonomia and is shining her light on the condition through the beauty pageant Miss World - Beauty with a Purpose platform. Dysautonomia is a term used to describe any disorder of the autonomic (automatic) nervous system. Ambar advocates for the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower in Chile and plans to raise the profile of invisible disabilities and dysautonomia as she heads to compete in Miss World this year. If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this...
Published 06/25/23
Justin has ADHD, Developmental Coordination Disorder, and Sensory processing issues. A graduate at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, in Wisconsin, which has a special focus for students with disabilities. Justin explains how each of his disabilities affects him and what accommodations his college has made so that the barriers to his education and work are removed. If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast please contact your GP or healthcare practitioner. Hosted...
Published 06/18/23
Anna Ballreich joins us from the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 to explain the history of the games and what visitors can expect to see and experience. The Special Olympics is from the 17th – 25th June 2023. 7,000 Special Olympics athletes with intellectual disabilities from 190 delegations will compete in 26 sports. The athletes will be supported by more than 3,000 coaches and 20,000 volunteers. For support: Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 information and ticketsGet your...
Published 06/11/23
Murray Goulder has epilepsy and joins us with Daniel Jennings from charity, Epilepsy Action, to talk about absence seizures, treatment, public misconceptions and access to venues. Murray campaigns for greater awareness of epilepsy using his lived experiences. An avid music lover, he regularly attends concerts and is passionate about ensuring access for all. If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast please contact your GP or healthcare practitioner. For support: Epilepsy...
Published 05/28/23
Jade Godier joins us to share exciting news about Disability Expo, a free person-focused event for people with lived experience of disability. Showcasing the latest developments on the disability market, relevant services and information, and a full programme of inclusive activities, performances and presentations from engaging relatable people. More information Disability Expo information and free ticketsHosted by Chantal Boyle, Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.   Music by "The Emerald Ruby"...
Published 05/24/23
Meegan Winters is the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program regional partner in the US and co-founder of AbleVu and Able Eyes. Meegan talks about her life experiences and why she decided to create the AbleVu, - which provides a detailed preview of an organisation's accessibility features. Access virtual walk-through tours, accessibility checklists, and other details to ensure the location is accessible prior to visiting.  More information AbleVuHosted by Chantal Boyle, Hidden Disabilities...
Published 05/21/23
Claire-Louise has Congenital Anosmia and is severely visually impaired. Since birth, Claire-Louise hasn't had a sense of smell, but only discovered this when she was 11 years old. We talk about how Claire-Louise navigates through life without two of her senses and what effect that has on her anxiety. If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast please contact your GP or healthcare practitioner. For support: Fifth SenseHosted by Chantal Boyle, Hidden Disabilities...
Published 05/07/23
Helen Eftekhari is a specialist nurse in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS), and Jasmeet Kaur has lived experience of the health condition. Our conversation discovers what PoTS is and how it affects the body, including the impact it has physically and mentally on patients who can be left with chronic pain, fatigue and anxiety. Helen and Jasmeet share their joint knowledge to inform ways to care for and manage flare-ups,  and advice on how others can support patients. They also respond to...
Published 04/09/23
We are joined by colleagues Holly Tyrer, Hidden Disabilities Sunflower USA, and Scott Casson-Rennie Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Ireland. It is Holly’s 4th anniversary of her brain injury and Scott’s first anniversary of his Aneurysm. The brain is at the heart of our every action and thought, and so we talk about how their ABIs occurred, the effects that they have had on their lives, and their health journeys so far. If you are experiencing any issues discussed in this podcast please...
Published 03/26/23
Russell joins us from the ME Association to discuss Myalgic Encephalopathy and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), including what it is, and how it affects people. ME/CFS is a chronic, complex, multisystem disease that can produce a wide-range of disabling symptoms, dramatically impacting a person's ability to initiate or complete everyday tasks and to mobilise normally. We also talk about the similarities between ME and Long Covid. Russell shares his health journey with ME and his...
Published 03/05/23
We discuss the autoimmune disease Lupus, with Paul Howard, the CEO of Lupus UK. And Rachel Hall, who has lived experience of Lupus.  Paul talks us through what the disease is and the symptoms to look out for and Rachel shares how Lupus has affected her, and the health journey she has been on. The conversation is packed with ways to support your career and where to turn to for support. Rachel has created an online group to offer support to other people with Lupus. If you are experiencing any...
Published 01/29/23
“Functional neurological disorder is a really common neurological condition. It happens because of a problem with brain signalling. So, it's involving brain networks rather than specific anatomical damage and it can affect any part of the nervous system.” Dr Chris Symeon, is a consultant neuropsychiatrist at St George’s University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the clinical lead for the FND rehabilitation programme. Dawn Golder, is a National Advocate of FND Hope UK and has lived...
Published 01/08/23
“But you can end up in a coma if your sugar levels are too high because your body just can't function with so much sugar.” We are joined by Sunflower Friend - Emma Cathro. Emma has recently graduated with a First Class Honours in German and Sociology at the University of Aberdeen and is now a research associate. Emma has type 1 diabetes and shares her story of living life with the condition.  We cover the main symptoms and what to look out for prior to getting a diagnosis. Emma explains her...
Published 12/11/22
Dr Andrew Whittamore of Asthma and Lung UK and Felicity Payne join us to talk about Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD which is the name for a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties.  Felicity has emphysema which comes under the umbrella of COPD, and explains how she has grown used to the condition, after initially finding herself feeling isolated with many unanswered questions. Felicity shares the activities she does to keep her lungs as strong and healthy as she...
Published 11/20/22
Dyslexia and Dyspraxia with Dayna Halliwell Dayna is a digital content creator and actor and uses her lived experience of dyslexia and dyspraxia to raise awareness on her platforms of her learning difficulties. We talk through Dayna’s education experiences in primary school and university and the support that exists, but, also the needless and endless barriers to support from the Disabled Student Allowance, DSA. There are some great tips from Dayna on how to ‘take up space’ and not be...
Published 11/13/22
“…there are some people who are super comfortable stammering who won't looking for therapy or to change anything about their relationship with their stammering and the way that they talk. For those people who are looking to change that there's a range of support and therapy options, and speech and language therapy is one of those options.” Kirsten joins us on The Sunflower Conversations podcast to share with us her knowledge. Kirsten is the Programme Lead for Adults at STAMMA and is also a...
Published 10/30/22
Pam joins us to give an insight to stuttering and the theme for International Stuttering Awareness Day which is Be Seen, Be Heard. The stereotypes associated with stuttering can often mean that a person that stutters is excluded, these barriers can affect self-worth. Be Seen, Be Heard seeks to challenge those stereotypes and encourage patience and acceptance to allow everyone to be their whole self. Pam explains that the neurodiverse condition isn’t a sign of intelligence but a disruption to...
Published 10/22/22
Steph Weatherley is the Information and Support advisor at The Migraine Trust, and has lived experience of migraines. We are also joined by Katy Brown. Katy is the CEO of her own company Magic Mountain and lives with chronic migraines. In this conversation we clear up the common myth about migraines not being simply headaches, it is a neurological condition. Katy shares with us how her daily migraines impact her life and the how she has set healthy boundaries to ensure that she is able to...
Published 10/16/22
British Dyslexia Association with Helen Goodsall Helen is the Knowledge & Information Manager at the British Dyslexia Association, an experienced workplace assessor and a parent of dyslexic children. She joins us to discuss the theme for Dyslexia Awareness week ‘Breaking through barriers’ which looks at how those living with dyslexia can overcome obstacles in their lives, this could be during education, work or general day-to-day living. 1 in 10 of the population has dyslexia, a...
Published 10/02/22
FASD with Jacob Casson-Rennie Jacob is 16 years old and lives with his parents in Ireland, who head up FASD Ireland and Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Ireland.  Jacob talks to us about living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, FASD.  For Jacob auditory processing and memory is an issue and he explains how important it is that his peers and school are educated on the condition so that his additional needs can be understood and met. At school he has learning support staff who are crucial to...
Published 09/11/22
Jen Hankin is a musician who composes, teaches and performs. Her creative skills extend to fine arts (digital and watercolour), photography, videography, fashion design and writing. Jen is also autistic and has ADHD. Jen has created a new piece of music called 'The End of Torpor' which is about coming out of a period of burn out which relates to her neurodiversity. This conversation focuses on Jen's education and how she uses her experiences to teach music to young neurodiverse...
Published 08/28/22