Learning from Nature How to Live
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I am continuing my journey through the Sermon on the Mount, interpreting it from a nondual perspective. Today I look at one of the most beautiful passages in the Bible in my opinion, sometimes known as the “lilies of the field” passage.  The topic of the section is worry or anxiety. I did an episode entitled “Beyond Anxiety and Fear” immediately before I started this series about the Sermon on the Mount. So I do not want to repeat myself. I will talk about worry, since that is the subject Jesus is addressing. But I am more interested in what Jesus points to in order to help us overcome worry and anxiety. 
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Every Advent I read W. H Auden’s For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio. Every year different parts of the lengthy poem catch my attention. Today I want to start by talking about the part of the poem that describes the Annunciation, which is the appearance of the angel Gabriel to Mary. In the...
Published 11/27/24
Published 11/27/24
I have been meaning to speak on this topic for a while now. An email I got from a listener a few weeks ago raised the issue, and I have not been able to forget it. I addressed the subject in a blog about a year ago, but I have not addressed it in a podcast in relation to nonduality. This is the...
Published 11/20/24