This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, the difficult topic of betrayal and the arduous process of learning to trust again is explored through the anchors of Strength and The Empress reversed. I explore the pain and fear associated with infidelity, including abandonment wounds, rejection, and scarcity. The cards help guide me towards a discussion on repairing trust, what that can look like and how to be realistic about the non-linear process of repair after betrayal. It seems like all...
Published 09/17/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I spend time talking about some of the nuances of trauma including PTSD, C-PTSD, and generational trauma through the lens of The Chariot, Nine of Wands, Nine of Cups, Ten of Cups, and Three of Pentacles. I surprise myself with the depth and connection between the archetype of, and symbolism within, The Chariot. As I pull additional cards throughout the episode, I explore  what it is like to live with, cope with, and seek to heal trauma. Topics...
Published 09/10/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I sit down with Erin Jones, the owner of Hermit and The Moon, to explore the power, nuance, and healing properties of language. This conversation was inspired by a meetup in The Symposium a while back where Erin challenged the use of the phrase “stalker card” and changed the way I view repeating cards. This got me thinking about the language used within and about tarot, so naturally I invited her to explore this with me on the podcast. Erin and...
Published 09/04/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I spend time reflecting on personal identity and parts work. I’ve been seeing a lot of folks in my therapy practice who are feeling disconnected from themselves and others and we’ve found that it stems from a disconnection from our multiple parts and identities. We often grab a hold of one identity (e.g. mother, therapist, tarot reader, etc.) and we forget that we are so much more than that because the other parts and identities feel at odds with the...
Published 08/27/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I sit down with *gasp* my accountant. But this isn’t your average boring financial conversation. Tony Cola and I sit down to explore the ups, downs, nuances, and celebrations of being a business owner (or having a side hustle).   We open the episode with the Three of Pentacles, which immediately has us talking about how important the beginning phases of starting a business are, in addition to the internal and external team you create. The Ten of...
Published 08/21/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I step into the profound world of The Hierophant in order to expose the complexity of history, culture, and spirituality that carries both pain and hope within this archetype. By navigating this card’s inherent duality, I am able to explore the challenges it poses in today's world where rigid traditions often clash with our modern values.   Join me as I dissect this archetype's call to embrace beliefs, its symbolism of wisdom-seeking and its shadow...
Published 08/13/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I sit down with author, storyteller, and tarot enthusiast Amanda “Mandy” Hughes from @HaintblueCreative. We explore the inherent narrative quality of the cards, and how we can utilize them for our own creativity. Plus, Mandy walks us through a narrative read of the cards and shares her Tarot Story Arc spread for storytelling. This was so fun to experience - even if you’re not a storyteller. I found myself developing new insights with the cards by...
Published 08/06/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I explore why The Emperor is one of the most contentious cards in the tarot (along with The Hierophant, but that's for a later episode). I’ve long had a distant and detached relationship with this card until recently. Join me as I spend time unraveling this archetype’s shadow in order to reveal its light - which we don’t often allow to shine. Throughout this episode, I rely heavily on the Somnia Tarot depiction of The Emperor, because it is...
Published 07/31/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I had the opportunity to sit down with Sam and Aussie, a couple and castmates from the Netflix hit show "The Ultimatum: Queer Love," which debuted in May 2023 and follows five couples who disagree over whether or not they’re ready to get married. This might seem like a departure from my typical content, but Sam is actually a tarot reader and both she and Aussie infuse Tarot and mental health advocacy into their daily lives and into their relationship....
Published 07/23/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I sit down with a body positive photographer and content creator who’s on a mission to help folks learn to love their body. Ashley Fenison and I get really vulnerable talking about existing in a fat body, how to develop a relationship with a body that society is always telling us to hate, and how to comfort our wounded inner child. We open the episode with the Ace of Swords (swords won’t leave me alone y’all) and The Universe (The World). This...
Published 07/09/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I celebrate the 100th episode of the podcast by exploring the idea of manifestation, the psychology behind it, and the connection of this experience to The Empress. I spend some time hanging out at the intersection of manifestation and privilege and talk about the role The Empress plays within this space. The Hierophant helps us open the conversation, which I then quickly pair with The Empress - creating a fascinating pathway of thought and...
Published 07/02/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I find myself sharing personal musings on the paradox of growth and change. I shed light on how so many of us seem to be experiencing significant changes right now. I went back and forth between a few ideas for this week’s episode, but I kept landing on how paradoxical growth and change is. On one hand it can bring us so much joy and fulfillment, yet on the other hand it can be wrought with pain and discomfort. I use this opportunity to reflect...
Published 06/25/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, Sonia Fregoso, M.A., LMFT joins me to explore somatic healing practices and how tarot can act as our personal medicine and wisdom. We get vulnerable and explore the ancient healing practice of crying, discuss how tarot is accessible medicine, and get real about how we've become disconnected from our bodies. We begin by inviting in the energy of the Strength card and the Page of Pentacles and end with the Strength card re-emerging with the Six of Cups....
Published 06/18/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I guide us to the tarot intersection of Internal Family Systems and Carl Jung's process of individuation. I have been deep in the world of Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Jungian Depth Psychology the last few months - so, it’s not surprising that the theme for this week’s episode centers around both of these concepts. In fact, the workshop in The Symposium this month (Working with The Swords) is also heavily influenced and inspired by IFS and...
Published 06/11/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, Nick Kepley from the In Search of Tarot podcast joins me as my very first guest post podcast shake up! We get nerdy about the importance of looking beyond the self, through the lens of The Magician. We peel back the layers of the card's overt and covert symbolism, while also exploring what it means to step outside of the binary, or all or nothing thinking, and into a state of liminality or “formlessness." We touch on the Six of Pentacles, The World,...
Published 06/04/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I open up about my surface-level relationship with The Fool and the journey I took in search of depth and meaning. It was during this month-long journey that I started to apply various psychological principles to the first card in the Major Arcana – like the theory of attachment, the experience of anxiety, and the liminality of identity development. However, it wasn’t until the recent changes with the podcast that I started to assign the word...
Published 05/28/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, I explore the pain and confusion inherent within an abrupt farewell and speak candidly about my former co-host’s departure and what my vision for the future of The Tarot Diagnosis is - all while pulling cards of course. I have a lot of conflicting thoughts and feelings about this episode, but I think it's a necessary part of the process. Join me as I explore my own experience with this sudden change through the lens of the Two of Wands, Five of...
Published 05/21/23
After a brief hiatus, we are back with a new episode and a GUEST! Jordan Hale joins us this week to explore the magical world of dreams and how to incorporate tarot into a dreamwork practice. Jordan is a psychotherapist, writer, and performer. She hosts her own podcast called Psyche Magic, where she interviews artists and healers about working with the subconscious - via dreams, tarot, and spiritualism.  She is passionate about exploring the power of these various shadow work practices for...
Published 05/07/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, we dive into the often ugly (but all too familiar) world of Grudges and Revenge. Inspired by several listener questions over the past year, we tackle the shadow side of our inner worlds, the enticing and obsessive desire to consider revenge, and why we have such difficulty letting go of grudges. Join us for this very Three of Swords episodes, where we channel Knight energy to see how we can find the balance between the Four of Wands and The...
Published 04/16/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, we talk about the extremely common, but very uncomfortable topic of intrusive thoughts.    We all have them from time to time. Sometimes it’s easy to brush them off, and sometimes they can be deeply disturbing. It seemed only right for us to talk about the nature of these thoughts, and what we can do to help manage them.  King of Cups and The Lovers opens the conversation for us and leads us on several different noteworthy paths. Join us as we...
Published 04/09/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, we explore the intersection of fantasy and reality - where daydreams meet the realities of lived experience. True story: in 1997 Luna took a job working at a summer camp where a reality show called Bug Juice was being filmed and featured Luna as one of the camp counselors. The show aired on The Disney Channel and developed a pretty big following. Every once in a while, the show remerges on social media. Lately, it’s been on TikTok – which prompted...
Published 04/02/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, we take a philosophical journey through the often elusive world of Self-Worth.   We explore the various factors that can contribute to our sense of self-worth, as well as the challenges that can arise when our sense of self-worth is compromised. People will talk about self worth (and its first cousin, self esteem) all the time. It’s hard to spend 10 minutes on social media without having someone say something about it. The problem is, most of us...
Published 03/26/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, we explore an often universal phenomenon that so many of you have asked us to talk about: Imposter Syndrome. Imposter Syndrome is a phrase that gets thrown around lot in our world, but what does it really mean? And - if it’s something we struggle with, what can we do about it? We have a remarkable start to the episode as we both pull a Page - which sets the tone for our exploration into the wide and wild world of imposter syndrome. The truth is, we...
Published 03/12/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, we get real on a topic that we’ve been noticing personally, professionally, and within the greater tarot community - feeling Stuck in a Rut. It’s a normal part of our human experience to feel stuck and like every day is the same and to wish we felt more inspired and engaged. But just because it’s normal, doesn’t mean it feels good. First cards of the episode don’t hold back: Death, Three of Swords and Four of Cups. Oof, but accurate. And from there,...
Published 03/05/23
This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast, we finally get around to tackling a topic that we all can relate to… procrastination. Inspired by a question from a listener, the cards guide us through an enlightening conversation about exploring the roots of procrastination. From Three of Wands to Death, Queen of Wands, Page of Wands, Knight of Swords, and Three of Pentacles, we dive deep into emotional awareness, neurodiversity, rebellion and the importance of compassion and companionship. Decks...
Published 02/26/23