In this episode, Daviana teaches Ben and Martin all about the viral anxiety relief/sleep aide/YouTube sensation ASMR. Maybe it could help you too?
Published 05/13/20
In this episode, Martin leads the conversation with co-host Ben about The Last of Us: Part II leak and the 85,000 free games being provided to NHS workers.
Published 05/08/20
In this episode we take a break away from our usual content and play some fun team building games to bring us all closer together during this time. So come join in, you may even learn something you never knew about a member of the team!
Published 05/06/20
With people locked up at home, online dating has gone up. OKCupid daters sent more than 35 million intro messages in March, which is about 4 million more than in the same time frame last year. So we thought it was the perfect time for us to offer a helping hand in planning your first date, virtually!
Published 04/29/20
Apple and Google have announced an unprecedented project to track and halt the spread of coronavirus through their iOS & Android devices. How does it work? Will it be effective? These are the questions that the guys are poised to discuss in this latest episode.
Published 04/27/20
In this second part of two, Ben, Martin & Daviana talk about their future predictions for the next decade. What things would you like to see in the 2020s?
Published 04/25/20
Hello! In this two part discussion, Ben, Martin & Daviana talk about the last decade, and our favourite moments from 2012 London Olympics to the Pokemon Go craze. Let us know of your favourite moment?
Published 04/24/20
Hello! We hope you are all safe and well. In this COVID-19 special, Ben, Martin & Daviana talk about the recent rise of Zoom, from corporate tool to home working necessity. Covering the recent privacy troubles and how we all feel about our new work environments. Is this the future?
Published 04/17/20
In this first episode of two, Ben & Martin talk about the history of YouTube, from humble beginnings to becoming the biggest video platform online. What's your earliest memory of YouTube? Let us know!
Published 03/03/20
Yes I know, we're suprised too... We're back and it's Season 4 baby!
Published 03/02/20
In this new mini-series, the team get together to play a host of fun games, totally off-script. In this first episode, fan favourite two truths, one lie makes a return. Can you do a better job of spotting the truths from the lies? Tweet us your results! @ThreePixelsPod
Published 07/18/19
In this episode games producer, Martin goes through his thoughts after this years  E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles, California. If you want to find out what to look out for in the future of gaming then take a listen! 
Published 06/25/19
In this episode technology news producer Ben breaks down the latest news from Apple regarding changes to iTunes fresh from WWDC 2019. So if you've been worried about what's going to happen then this is a must listen.
Published 06/07/19
In this episode games producer Martin goes through his thoughts and expectations for this years E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles, California. If you want to find out which games to keep an eye on and check out then this is a must listen.
Published 06/01/19
Ben and Allan are back from the UK Premiere of Rocketman, the Elton John musical biopic, to chat about their first impressions of the movie.
Published 05/23/19
This new mini-series sees the team get together to discuss topics openly without a single line of speech pre-scripted or thought out. This week is all about movie sequels. Discussing the great ones, the awful ones, and ones that flat out have gone on for too long. 
Published 05/21/19
In this episode, Ben along with his fiancée Daviana discusses their thoughts on the biggest selling film of our time, Avengers End Game. It goes without saying it's full of spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie yet then maybe skip this one.
Published 05/12/19
In this episode Martin focuses on the new consoles coming out soon. Covering Sony's next generation PlayStation, as well as the recently announced Xbox One S Digital Edition. How will the they stack up against new competition from the likes of Google Stadia?
Published 04/30/19
It's April 2019, the month that the controversial UK porn ban was supposed to come into force and nothing has happened. Does that mean it's not going to happen at all? Well, not exactly... Ben explains all in this weeks episode.
Published 04/16/19
In this episode Martin runs through the latest from this years BAFTA Game Awards hosted in London. Who did you want to win? Get in touch and let us know! 
Published 04/08/19
In this episode Allan delves deep into how Netflix changed the way we enjoy movies and how will continue to influence the industry for years to come.
Published 03/31/19
Dating back as far as 2012 Facebook users unencrypted passwords have been accessible to over 20,000 employees it has been revealed. Find out more in this episode.
Published 03/22/19
Finally, the game I've raved about for years has been released, Kingdom Hearts III and I couldn’t have been more excited to play it. In this episode, I will talk through my experience including the pros and cons of the game all while trying to answer the big question: was it worth the wait.
Published 03/17/19
YouTube’s comment section to some people might be seen as nothing more than a haven for trolls, but for YouTubers comments are a way to communicate with viewers. But due to a rise in peadophiles abusing the system, YouTube has cracked down and disabled comments for many family channels.
Published 03/10/19
The best picture winner at the Oscars this year was Green Book, essentially the same movie that won nearly thirty years ago. What does this mean for how the cinematic landscape will change going forward?
Published 03/04/19