Speaking of Jeff Bezos and the dying Washington Post, wanna hear a Bezos story? Ep-1680
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Speaking of Jeff Bezos and the dying Washington Post, want to hear a Bezos story? I’ll share a Jeff Bezos story with you. If you've been with us a long time, you might have heard it, but it bears repeating because the people who run the Washington Post, Bezos among them, are facing pushback from their team. They tried to put an editor in place to change things, but the editor got ran out of town. And, I'll remind you of the sort of person that Jeff Bezos can be. Remember when they had William Shatner who got to go on one of Bezos rockets? You might remember when Bezos stole the stage from Shatner who was trying to tell an emotional story. We'll also look at some of the changes that have gone on in a world related to the Washington Post. For some reason, Snopes.com is being celebrated now by conservatives for suddenly telling the truth about Ashley Biden's diary and something else. But why are we celebrating this? It's seven years later. This no longer matters in the election cycle. Lots of people in the media, though, should be doing the same thing that Snopes has done. Anderson Cooper did an entire segment on right wing media selectively editing videos. But, wasn't there a time when Anderson Cooper did the same thing? And, we can't ignore this because it's so central to what Democrats have become, Jamal Bowman, the guy who pulled the fire alarm in order to disrupt an official government proceeding, went out and showed exactly who he is at a rally with AOC in Brooklyn. What does God’s Word say?  1 Corinthians 1:27-31 NIV But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. Episode 1,680 Links: Meet Tyler Cherry, the new @WhiteHouse Associate Communications Director, as of last week.REVEALED: Amazon Complied With Demands From Biden Regime to Censor Books Critical of Big PharmaWoke Journo Revolt at Washington Post Successfully Blocks Editor Who Vowed Reform; “an example of exactly why the paper has been in freefall–the inmates are running the asylum at the Post”Jeff Bezos interrupting an emotional William Shatner describing his only space flight experience just so he could spray champagne is so incredibly on point for these billionaires.Anderson Cooper just did an entire segment on the "right wing media selectively editing videos." He's just so concerned about disinformation.WATCH: Bill Maher realizing how Democrats are rigging the 2024 election is golden. When will Maher just come out and say he was wrong about election fraud?Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman is a clown: “We gonna show them who the f*ck we are! We gonna show them who the f*ck we are!” (He’s down by as much as 17 in recent polls)a...
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