The author of "A House in St. John's Wood: In Search of My Parents," sculptor Matthew Spender talks with Travel Hour host Matthew Stevenson about growing up as the son of famous parents.  His father was the celebrated English poet from the 1930s, Stephen Spender, and his mother was the pianist, Natasha Litvin.  Writers W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood were fixtures of his childhood.
Published 10/19/15
Author Joan Brady talks with host Matthew Stevenson about the Alger Hiss case, which gripped the United States from 1948 until 1950, when the former State Department official was convicted—Brady says unjustly—of perjury for denying he knew a purported Communist named Whittaker Chambers.  According to Brady's new book, in helping to convict Hiss, Richard Nixon, who later was elected U.S. President, worked to fabricate evidence against Hiss.
Published 10/06/15
Novelist, historian, and investigative journalist Jim Hougan talks with host Matthew Stevenson about traveling in and around Havana, Cuba, now that American sanctions and restrictions have eased.
Published 09/22/15
The director of the Einstein Forum, Dr. Susan Neiman, talks with host Matthew Stevenson about the life and times of Albert Einstein, and especially about his summer house located in Caputh, a lakeside village near to Potsdam—where the Forum bearing his name has its headquarters. 
Published 09/13/15
Patrick Strauch, executive director of the Maine Forest Products Council, takes host Matthew Stevenson and Travel Hour listeners on an extended tour of the woods in northern Maine, up Mount Katahdin, and down the Allagash River.
Published 08/01/15
Tuscan winemaker Alessandra Casini Bindi Sergardi speaks with host Matthew Stevenson about the art of making Chianti Classico and some other wines from her family's estate in the heart of Italy.
Published 06/20/15
Host Matthew Stevenson interviews Chattanooga historian Ralph Brown about the Civil War battles in 1863 at Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, and Missionary Ridge.  
Published 06/13/15
Host Matthew Stevenson travels to Marion, OH, the home of President Warren G. Harding (1921-23) and tours the house with Harding Home director Sherry Hall, who has also written a history of Harding's ownership of the Marion Star, a local newspaper.
Published 05/30/15
Host Matthew Stevenson visits the National Memorial on the Vítkov Hill in Prague to discuss with staff member František Štambera the legacy of 1938 Munich Agreement in the Czech Republic.
Published 04/25/15
Host Matthew Stevenson visits the Dieppe Raid Museum on the coast of France and hears about the disaster that awaited Canadian and Allied soldiers when they attacked German fortifications there in summer 1942.
Published 04/18/15
Former Serbian former minister, Vuk Jeremic, speaks to host Matthew Stevenson about the diplomacy of the Balkans, his work at the UN, and the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development and Horizons Magazine.
Published 03/21/15
A casualty of the wars in Iraq includes the recent Islamic State attacks the classical ruins at Hatra, Iraq, near the city of Mosul.  Scholar and writer Fatema Fsoudavar Farmanfarmaeeian speaks with host Matthew Stevenson about the threats and greatness of the classical cultural sites around western Asia.
Published 03/14/15
Host Matthew Stevenson visits the presidential home in Ohio of Rutherford B. Hayes, who was a decorated Civil War veteran and noted lawyer, before he was elected president in 1876.
Published 03/10/15
Host Matthew Stevenson visits the 1918 U.S. Marine Corps battlefield at Belleau Wood, France, near to the River Marne and Chateau Thierry, and the scenes of desperate fighting that helped establish the modern reputation of the USMC.
Published 03/02/15
Authors Jim Hougan (Secret Agenga) and Jack Owens (novelist and former agent for the FBI) discuss with host Matthew Stevenson the Watergate break-in and scandal that brought down the Nixon administration in 1974.  
Published 02/21/15
Navy veteran of the kamikaze battles off Okinawa and Bucknell University Professor of English John Wheatcroft talks with host Matthew Stevenson about how his experiences in the Pacific War shaped his writing, many books, novels, poetry, and life.
Published 02/14/15
Lincoln's indispensible man, William Seward, lived most of his adult life in Auburn, NY, that is, when he wasn't governor of New York, a US senator, or Secretary of State during the Civil War.  Host Matthew Stevenson speaks with Andy Roblee of the William Seward House.
Published 02/07/15
Meeting in Charlottesville near the home of Thomas Jefferson, novelists and authors Jim Hougan and Jack Owens discuss with host Matthew Stevenson the incongruities of the John F. Kennedy assassination in Dallas—bringing to the discussion their backgrounds (Hougan) as an investigative journalist and (Owens) as an agent for the FBI.
Published 01/31/15
Assassinated in Buffalo, NY in 1901, President William McKinley lived most of his adult life in Canton, OH, where host Matthew Stevenson speaks with the McKinley Museum's Buzz Ream about the qualities that made McKinley a Civil War hero and president. 
Published 01/24/15
Professor Barbara Snedecor, director of the Elmira College Center for Mark Twain Studies, in upstate New York, describes for host Matthew Stevenson and Tom Leonard the octogonal study where Twain wrote Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, and many other books at his Elmira summer home.
Published 01/17/15
Curator Chris Lafave of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library in downtown Indianapolis speaks with host Matthew Stevenson about the life and books of the celebrated Indiana-born author who struggled for years as a writer until his first best-seller was published in 1969. 
Published 01/12/15
Calcutta director of Indian Mother and Child, Dr. Sujit Brahmochary remembers his early days working as a physician for Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace.  Host Matthew Stevenson.  
Published 01/06/15
Documetnary filmmaker Paul Yule speaks with host Matthew Stevenson about his film,  "The Photographer, His Wife, Her Lover" about photographer O. Winston Link, and the disturbing questions that it raises about the iconic figure.
Published 01/05/15
Host Matthew Stevenson speaks in 2012 with Boston University professor and noted author and commentator, Professor Andrew Bacevich, about his books and his views on US foreign policy.
Published 01/04/15
Host Matthew Stevenson speaks with the celebrated Civil War mapmaker Earl B. McElfresh about Gettysburg, Antietam, and other Civil War battles, and the generals that led the troops into the fighting.
Published 01/04/15