Today we look at text selection and the exegetical point
Published 04/30/21
Take a peek behind the scenes and listen in on my conversation with Derrick after the interview ended.
Published 04/28/21
Derrick Brite joins me to talk about the fight for the purity of the church.
Published 04/26/21
A glimpse into what happens after the interview, this time with Dr. Benjamin Merkle
Published 04/21/21
Dr. Benjamin Merkle (D.Phil, Oxford) talks about the place of Christian Education in our fight for the future.
Published 04/19/21
Let's talk some more about what a sermon isn't as well as what a sermon is.
Published 04/16/21
Every pastor has preached a bad sermon. Listen in as we talk about what it's like to leave the pulpit discouraged.
Published 04/14/21
Why raising godly children matters in our fight for the future.
Published 04/12/21
A shocking as this is going to sound, you need to hear it. Sermons aren't the same thing as preaching. Let me explain why.
Published 04/09/21
Kevin tells us about running for office in Colorado.
Published 04/07/21
We have to fight for Christian marriages in our fight for the future. Listen in to find out why.
Published 04/05/21
What are the seven things a sermon must have? Listen to today's episode to find out.
Published 04/02/21
C. R. Wiley and I talk about great classical literature for men.
Published 03/31/21
Today we talk to Rev. Chris Wiley about the role of the family in the fight for the future.
Published 03/29/21
Talking about our upcoming miniseries on how sermons work.
Published 03/26/21
Chatting with Phil Kayser about preterism and historicism after the interview.
Published 03/24/21
A conversation with Dr. Phil Kaser on postmillennialism and the future hope of the church
Published 03/22/21
A quick update on the schedule for season three.
Published 03/19/21
Looking forward to season three.
Published 03/15/21
When we say that God is faithful, it isn't just academic. Come hear why.
Published 02/23/21
Behind the scenes of my interview with Kelli Palfy
Published 02/03/21
A conversation with Dr. Kelli Palfy.
Published 02/01/21
My reaction to this week's interview with Dr. John Haney.
Published 01/24/21
A difficult conversation with Dr. Haney about how being cheated on affects men.
Published 01/19/21
What ya gonna do when they come for you?
Published 01/13/21