All great things start as ideas before you put in the work to make them a reality. Without putting active effort into visualizing your plans, goals, and what you want your future to look like you will significantly reduce the chances of them becoming your reality. Visualization is self-fulfilling and will help you significantly on your journey to success. In today’s episode, Mark shares his own experiences and best practices when it comes to using tactical visualization, as well as how it’s...
Published 02/08/24
Women will both consciously and subconsciously ask you questions designed to specifically test your emotional stability as a man, also known as a frame check. If you become unpeeled and angry at a frame check then she’s going to lose attraction for you because you simply come off as a weak man. So learning to pass frame checks is essential if you want to deal with beautiful women. In today’s episode, Mark shows you how to take these frame checks and flawlessly pass them by reframing their...
Published 02/05/24
While you should always armor up your soldier before heading into battle, even the most careful of men can find themselves faced with an STD at some point, particularly if they are very sexually active. If you find yourself in this situation, you’ll need to be transparent with any girl that you’re sleeping with even though it’s a difficult topic to approach due to their inherent stigma. In today’s episode, Mark teaches when to approach this topic during the dating process, the best way to...
Published 02/01/24
As you continue working hard on yourself and start to excel in life, it’s only natural that you confidence is going to start going up. While confidence is great, it can easily lead to an inflated ego which has caused many men to crack and be humbled as the universe has a special way of knocking those men back down to earth. Today’s episode discusses this concept, covering why men start to develop an ego, how it makes them crack, and what you can do to keep everything in check and ensure you...
Published 01/29/24
You'll oftentimes hear about how women are attracted to 'bad boys' and how being too nice is actually counterproductive to building attraction. This is a half-truth; it's not the fact that the person is a bad boy that makes him attractive, but rather the specific traits and behaviors that bad boys exhibit that make them attractive. This includes things like confidence, taking the lead, and being disagreeable. In today's episode, Mark shows you how to leverage these qualities by taking...
Published 01/25/24
While developing the mentality and skill set that will allow you to be attractive to as many women as possible is important, the ultimate goal is still to find your soul mate with whom you can have a long-term relationship, or perhaps even marry. However, the work doesn’t stop there; the rent is always due when you have a woman. Don’t think that just because you’re in a stable relationship, you can let off the gas. You need to always show her that you're the man, consistently seduce her, and...
Published 01/22/24
One of the most critical skills you need to cultivate in order to get what you want from life is that of facing your fears. Whether it's investing in yourself, building a business, or approaching women, they can all evoke fear in a person. There's no shame in feeling fear, but the difference between winners and losers is those who can do what needs to be done despite being afraid. Please join us in today's special inspirational episode where Mark is going to skyrocket your confidence and...
Published 01/18/24
For some guys, having sex with just one girl simply isn’t enough; they want to have experiences with two or perhaps even three girls at one time! As a listener of the Unapologetic Man podcast who is privy to the incredible advice and teachings of Coach Mark Sing, you’re primed to turn this dream into a reality. However, this whole thing works in a very different way than just getting regular sex. So, in today’s episode, Mark gives you easy-to-follow instructions on how to get the girls on...
Published 01/15/24
Speed dating events can be a great way to both practice your game and get a bunch of girls' numbers. Yet many people avoid them either because they find the whole setting intimidating, or they don’t feel a few minutes is enough time for them to work their magic. Well, all of that changes today as Mark is sharing absolutely everything you need to know to crush any speed dating event, beat out every other man there, and be left with so many numbers you’ll start considering a career as a human...
Published 01/11/24
On The Unapologetic Man podcast, we preach the importance of being an unapologetic alpha silverback who has enough backbone and confidence to get out there and crush it with life, money, and women. It’s a mindset and frame that, when adopted correctly, will unlock your true potential as a man and cause many aspects of your life to simply fall into place. Today’s episode aims to give you practical and actionable tips and behaviours that you can start to employ TODAY that will allow you to...
Published 01/08/24
A lot of guys spoil their chances with women who would otherwise be attracted to them simply because they escalate things sexually too freaking quickly. So how long should you wait and what signs do you need to receive before you know it’s time to get serious? This is where Mark’s V-Cut Protocol comes into play, following this protocol ensures that you will never escalate too fast with a woman and creep her out, and allows you to lay solid groundwork so when you do take things up a notch,...
Published 01/04/24
Happy New Year to one and all! To start the year off on the right foot, today’s episode recaps the absolute fundamentals of attraction and what women REALLY look for in men (not just what they say they look for), and how you can leverage these attraction triggers to make yourself ultra-desirable to women. While long-time listeners may think they already know this stuff, the reality is the dating market is in constant flux as technology, social media, and dating apps rapidly change how modern...
Published 01/01/24
The year is drawing to a close, and you are no doubt looking forward to the New Year's celebrations. But wouldn’t your celebrations be that much better if you could kiss tons of hot women? Of course it would! We here at the Unapologetic Man Podcast want to make your New Year EXTRA special. So in today’s throwback episode, Mark is going to tell you exactly how you can kiss multiple hot women this New Year's Eve by using this simple but extremely effective template which will have a line of...
Published 12/28/23
Most of us guys have some kind of self-destructive habits or behaviors that actively harm our success, and it’s not just the obvious things like alcohol, it’s the small things like choosing to eat that bad food or deciding not to ask the girl you like on a date. Although it might not be immediately apparent, self-sabotaging behaviors come from a good place. The desire to protect ourselves from potential hurt, or to obtain quick comforts instead of struggling today for long-term gains. ...
Published 12/25/23
Listening to podcasts such as The Unapologetic Man Podcast to improve your knowledge and ability to attract women is super effective and you will absolutely see a noticeable improvement in your dating life. However, just consuming this knowledge and keeping it as theory doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to go out there and use it in the heat of battle flawlessly. There are still some common mistakes that guys make, not because of their lack of knowledge, but because of their lack of...
Published 12/21/23
While there are certainly downsides to only sleeping with women quickly, as a man who’s interested in improving himself and becoming better with women, you should still want to obtain the knowledge and develop the skillset that will enable you to do it. As you might expect, there are a lot of considerations and nuance involved with getting a woman to trust you this quickly, and you need to be mindful of both how you are presenting yourself and how comfortable you are making the woman feel. ...
Published 12/18/23
Too many of us delay our happiness in the endless pursuit of achievement. While chasing goals and reaching the next mountaintop is essential to your growth as a man, sooner or later you’ll realize that this journey has no end. Every goal you achieve will be immediately replaced by the next, and if you don’t fully understand this you could be sleepwalking your way into old age without ever actually enjoying yourself. The goal of today’s episode is to reconcile this discrepancy and help you to...
Published 12/14/23
One of the most common reasons guys get blown out by women is they are simply too nice and agreeable. Women crave a playful back and forth, it’s what excites them and builds attraction. You don’t want to be the nice guy, you want to be the exciting, funny, seductive, and romantic guy, and you can achieve this by using the push/pull technique, which is where you playfully mix pulling her towards you and pushing her away which keeps the interaction engaging and exciting. However, this...
Published 12/11/23
In the current dating landscape with Instagram and dating apps being so prevalent, women are spoiled for choice when it comes to men. They have access to near-infinite attention and compliments from guys, which leads many women who develop a grossly inflated idea of how attractive they really are. This is dangerous for you as a man because if you buy into their perceptions and believe these women are out of your league, it’s going make you convey a lack of confidence, lose frame and...
Published 12/07/23
Modern society has been carefully lacing the idea of masculinity with negativity, calling it toxic, damaging, and unhealthy, when in reality nothing could be further from the truth. Masculinity is not only important to you as an individual, but it’s masculinity that builds and maintains the society we all rely on every single day of our lives. It’s time to forget society's attempts at telling us our masculinity is bad and embrace it once and for all. And by doing so, you’re going to unlock...
Published 12/04/23
The dating apps are one of your main ways of meeting new women, but there’s no denying that it’s a very competitive market these days and your profile is going to need every bit of help it can get to stand out from the crowd. One of the easiest, yet under-utilized ways to give your profile a competitive edge is to leverage videos to show off your value, humor, and personality in a way that photos simply cannot compete with. In today’s episode, Mark explains exactly how you can do this...
Published 11/30/23
To fully understand why women like what they like, and pick the guys they pick you need to understand hypergamy which is the fundamental idea that women want the best man they can get and are completely willing to drop their current man if a better option presents itself. So in today’s episode, Mark is interviewing Paul Bauer of the "Come On Man” podcast where they discuss how hypergamy works in detail, and explain how you can retain your girl by leveraging women's nature and using it to...
Published 11/27/23
One of the most commonly searched terms in the topic of relationships is “How do I get my ex back?”. Understandable, she’s broken your heart, and every attempt you make to beg and plead for her back just seems to drive her further away. The main reason this happens is because our natural instinct to appease and submit to her is fundamentally wrong. If you really want her back then there is one option and one option only available to you, you need to start working on yourself. In today’s...
Published 11/23/23
We are subject to the development of flaws and weaknesses due to the traumas we experience throughout our lives. Whether it be anxiety, difficulties focusing, being prone to getting stressed out, or overthinking. These weaknesses are often instilled in us during our childhoods, and we go through our whole lives seeing them as exactly that, weaknesses. But believe it or not, if you frame these behaviours correctly, there’s almost always a silver lining to these so-called ‘flaws’ that you can...
Published 11/20/23
So far on the Unapologetic Man Podcast, you’ve been given over 500 episodes worth of invaluable information when it comes to seduction and masculinity. But this podcast is fundamentally just a taster, the real magic happens in Mark's 3-month coaching program which is where all the highest-level secrets are shared. So for the first time, you’re going to be given a peek behind the curtain with a full coaching call between Mark and his students. You’ll get to see and experience first hand what...
Published 11/16/23