(E41) Intergenerational Freedom with David James Rodriguez
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David James Rodriguez helps parents empower their children using homeschooling, apprenticeships, and customized learning strategies. He's the Principal of Valor Academy, a homeschool coach, and publisher of "The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto, who some refer to as the "World's Most Courageous Teacher". Also, he founded the Education Options Expo, and Education Options TV, where he has introduced 1,000’s of parent to respectful schools and approaches to learning, and interviewed world leaders who are demonstrating the future of education today. He's passionate about Getting All The Thinkers Out of forced schooling, so he created the GATTO project, which is accomplished by helping parents remove their children from bad schools. Also, he coaches parents on apprenticeships and homeschooling. He’s the host of the Freedom Lovers Show, where the goal is to build a voluntary world, one relationship at a time. Born and raised in California, he sold his first business at age 26. Find him on IG/Telegram/YouTube: FreedomLoversShow or DavidJamesRodriguez.com SHOW-NOTES FROM SHOW: Government The Biggest Scam In History: https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/seeking-and-speaking-your-inner-truth-57964/government-the-biggest-scam-in-history-exposed-time-to-homeschool-490424196 The Libertarian Manifesto: https://www.amazon.com/New-Liberty-Libertarian-Manifesto/dp/1610167317/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0PWRBhDKARIsAPKHFGiLCqqXAns5cCe5PjrAhtaenPPaFCrTopnYwWsNAIji7825iOqCyMIaAmZJEALw_wcB&hvadid=241642571645&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1017588&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=17542079505467446376&hvtargid=kwd-62552817364&hydadcr=22565_10355049&keywords=the+libertarian+manifesto&qid=1648243660&sr=8-1 Summerhill School: https://www.summerhillschool.co.uk/ Acton Academy: https://www.actonacademy.org/ Freedom Lovers Show: https://T.me/freedomloversshow
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