Stephen Davey probes another deep mystery: God's sovereignty in salvation. Though perplexing, it should lead to humility and gratitude. He uses Paul's potter analogy to highlight God's authority, wisdom, and mercy in choosing His own. Most importantly, Stephen asks the crucial question: Have YOU come to Him? Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/30/24
Stephen Davey probes the depths of God's sovereignty in election. Though a complex topic, a biblical understanding of this doctrine elevates our worship, humbles our hearts, and highlights God's mercy. Using examples from Abraham, Jacob/Esau, and Pharaoh, Stephen shows that God's choices are not based on fairness but on His sovereign will. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/29/24
Paul's heart breaks for his people who reject Christ, their Messiah. Stephen Davey unpacks Romans 9:1-5, reminding us that both truth AND compassion are needed to reach the lost. He highlights Israel's blessings, emphasizes Christ's deity, and urges us to trust God's wisdom even amidst life's burdens. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/26/24
Stephen Davey closes out Romans 8 with a powerful reminder of God's unfailing, unbreakable love. Learn how hardship, persecution, angels, demons, the powers of darkness, or even the stars themselves cannot sever believers from Christ. Rest in the assurance of His eternal love. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/25/24
Stephen Davey unpacks the believer's eternal security in Christ. Discover how God's work—not our own—guarantees our safe arrival in heaven. Find peace as you learn that your salvation cannot be revoked or returned! God will defend you, not condemn you. Enjoy the voyage! Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/24/24
Diving into deep waters, Stephen Davey explains the controversial doctrine of predestination. He illuminates the fivefold chain of salvation and shows how predestination points to God's sovereignty while emphasizing our personal responsibility to embrace the Gospel. Discover the significance of this doctrine for your faith, your church, and your outreach. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/23/24
Stephen Davey continues unpacking the true meaning of Romans 8:28. God's purpose is certain, comprehensive, and continuous! Though the twists and turns of life seem chaotic, God weaves all circumstances for good – His ultimate goal is to transform us into the likeness of Christ. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/22/24
Romans 8:28 is often pulled out as a quick reassurance, but what does it truly mean? Stephen Davey tackles common misunderstandings about this verse. Learn how this verse is NOT an explanation for suffering, a ban on sorrow, or a promise of worldly comfort. Discover the true message behind this famous verse. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/19/24
Even as believers, we feel the groaning of a broken world. Stephen Davey unpacks Romans 8:23-27, exploring our longing for our full inheritance, redemption of our bodies, and the final stage of adoption. He reminds us that even in these groans, we have hope and the Spirit's powerful intercession on our behalf. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/18/24
Stephen Davey delves into Romans 8:16-22, revealing the astonishing inheritance Christ-followers possess as sons and daughters of God. Discover how our present trials and the groans of creation point to a magnificent future where God's glory will be fully revealed. Despite temporary difficulties, we walk as heirs to an incredible fortune! Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/17/24
How can we live lives that honor God? Stephen Davey explores Romans 8:12-15, showing how the Holy Spirit's presence transforms us. Discover the power of submitting to the Spirit's guidance, the freedom of belonging to God's family, and the joy of intimately addressing God as 'Abba, Father!'. This episode offers a deeper understanding of Spirit-led living. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/16/24
In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey delves into Romans 8:5-11 to explore the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit. He contrasts the empty pursuit of worldly desires with the life and peace found in a relationship with God. Discover how the Holy Spirit empowers believers and the profound implications of His indwelling presence. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.
Published 04/15/24
Faithfulness in seeking to honor the Lord in the everyday responsibilities of life is the primary measure of a Spirit-led life. Paul introduces us to the concept of walking according to the Spirit as the norm for the Christian.
Published 04/12/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey The amazing reality is that, by the grace of God, sinners can stand uncondemned before the holy God. This is not only possible; it is certain for all who trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. That wonderful truth is clearly stated in Romans 8:1.
Published 04/11/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey In Romans 7 the apostle Paul affirms, and illustrates from his own life, that every believer is engaged in a continual, lifelong battle against sin. It is an agonizing struggle, and defeats will be suffered, but ultimate victory is assured through the power of Jesus Christ.
Published 04/10/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey As followers of Christ, we are freed from the law. However, the law still serves a purpose. The law does not save anyone; rather, it reveals people's sinfulness so that Christ can save them.
Published 04/09/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey The Christian life is a growing relationship with the living Lord. As that relationship flourishes, it will naturally produce a Spirit-controlled life that mirrors the character and conduct of Jesus Christ.
Published 04/08/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey In the opening verses of Romans 7, the apostle Paul explains the great truth that we who are saved through faith are freed from the law and united with Jesus Christ. The result and evidence of this union is a spiritually fruitful life.
Published 04/05/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey Romans 6:23 is one of the key Bible verses in setting forth the basic gospel message. It informs us of our great problem--sin that leads to eternal death. But it also gives us the solution--the grace of God that freely gives us eternal life.
Published 04/04/24
We are all slaves to the one we serve. As Christians we are slaves to God. This means we obey Him and lead lives characterized by righteousness.
Published 04/03/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey The grace of God is essential to our salvation. Grace is also central to living the Christian life. The internal, transforming work of grace motivates us to live for Christ, not conform to unbiblical expectations.
Published 04/02/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey We cannot live correctly if we do not think correctly. This is a fundamental principle of Scripture. In Romans 6, we find this principle set forth concretely with three key words.
Published 04/01/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey Water baptism is a picture of Spirit baptism, which identifies us with Christ's body, the church, and with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. Such an intimate connection with Christ leaves no desire to ever go back to a life dominated by sin.
Published 03/29/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey A proper understanding of God's grace does not excuse sin; it makes sin abhorrent to us. Indeed, we cannot live a life of sin.
Published 03/28/24
Past episodes and the video version of The Wisdom Journey are free and on demand here: https://wfth.me/journey God's Word tells us how deeply and thoroughly sin has infected and affected us. But this truth only highlights the abounding, inexhaustible grace of God, a grace that is greater than all our sin.
Published 03/27/24