Today we have a special and tender episode with my friend, Nicole Granati. Nicole is a spiritual counselor, minister, and teacher -- as well as a long time member of The Womb Room!  Nicole shares the story of her abortion outside the medical system, the lessons it brought, and how it changed her life. It was especially beautiful to have this conversation with Nicole after being with her in the Sovereign Womban container for the past year, where we get to play with these practices of...
Published 09/21/22
What if there is medicine to be found in our jealousies and insecurities with other women? Or our challenges with our mothers? The phrase "sisterhood wound" seems to have burst into the collective consciousness recently, and today, I talk with my friend Chelsea Leone explore what this wound is, and how we can work with it for deeper relationships and freedom. Chelsea is a sister, herbalist, teacher, and a self proclaimed "sex and shadow mentor, witch and artist". Her work encompasses...
Published 08/24/22
Whether we turn to herbs, pharmaceuticals or panic, most of us are conditioned to believe something is “wrong” when we experience uncomfortable symptoms in our body. What if, instead of orienting to what needs to be “fixed”, we saw our symptoms as brilliant, adaptive, and part of the healing process? Today I’m talking with Dr. Melissa Sell, a chiropractor who specializes in mindset and health coaching based upon the 5 Biological Laws of Germanic New Medicine --  a paradigm of...
Published 08/10/22
How can we grow our ability to hear our body speak -- and what might the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda have to offer us in supporting this  relationship? These are questions we bring to today's conversations with my dear friend, Bryn Hlava. Bryn is an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, Marma Therapist and 300hr Certified Yoga Teacher through the lineage of Bhakti Yoga. Through practical applications of Ayurvedic wisdoms, foods & herbs, lifestyle, somatic movement, meditation and more, Bryn...
Published 08/03/22
What is your relationship like with resources, receiving, and money? How might we transform our money stories so that we can be open to our fullest abundance -- and pour back into our communities from our overflow? I've never talked about money publicly befpre, and honestly, it still makes me cringe a little! But, it's time. What if we could create a loving, reciprocal, matriarchal system of wealth creation? It's happening. I'm so honored to share my conversation with matriarch and creatrix...
Published 07/12/22
What if healing trauma didn't have to be drastic or dramatic -- what if your healing could be slow and gentle? In our first episode for this season, I'm talking with Hannah Grace, a somatic therapist, dance teacher, and if I may say so, an incredibly genuine soul. Her body of work, Web of Grace, walks with women as they discover who they are through somatic trauma healing, embodiment, and deep relationship. In our conversation we explore: Why big cathartic experiences plant medicine...
Published 07/06/22
With the legality of abortion access in question across the country, I wanted to take the time to share some of my personal (and maybe unpopular) thoughts on the threatened abortion bans and possible overturning of Roe v. Wade.  It's my deep desire that we all feel resourced internally and externally to self-govern our wombs and support our communities in doing so as well. May this be received in the spirit it is shared in. I talk about: - why I don't believe abortion is a "right" - how...
Published 05/08/22
Do you know how to read your cervical mucus, track your ovulation, and understand what your cervical fluids mean about your health? 💦 Today, I’m talking with someone who loves talking about cervix just as much as I do— and that’s Chloe Skerlak!  Chloe is a holistic reproductive health practitioner and full spectrum fertility awareness educator. Her mission is to break the taboo around the menstrual cycle, guide people on their journey to body literacy, and teach comprehensive and accurate...
Published 04/20/22
At the core of our being is the psoas — sometimes known as a muscle, or as my guest Liz Koch calls it, a “fluid messenger” that has so much to teach us about what it means to walk rooted on the earth. Liz Koch is an international educator the creator of Core Awareness,™ a somatic approach to deepening the experience of the human core, and the author of beautiful books including The Psoas Book and Stalking Wild Psoas. In our conversation, we explore: the primal brain and the animal body —...
Published 04/13/22
What if everything you've been told about anemia is a scam? Chances are, if you're a bleeding woman, you've likely either been told you have "anemia," or that you need to be concerned about getting enough iron in your diet.  But if we're all so concerned about getting enough iron, why is everyone still anemic? In today's episode, we're busting some major myths about iron and anemia in female health, with my guest Loren De La Cruz, functional nutritional therapy practitioner, preconception...
Published 04/06/22
If you've experienced fibroids, you've likely felt the frustration, fear-mongering from providers, or sense of confusion that often comes with the question of, "can I eliminate fibroids without surgery?" In today's conversation, I talk with Cecili Simmons, owner of Operation Fibroid Freedom. She supports women in eliminating fibroids naturally and reclaiming their womb wellness as divine birthright. After her own journey with fibroids, Cecili's mission is to support all women with fibroids...
Published 03/30/22
I'm sharing something personal... I'm in a season of my own preconception time! This week, I'm sharing some of the ways that I'm nourishing myself in preparation for pregnancy and mothering.  Sharing this is not meant to be prescriptive or to say what anyone "should" do, but rather to give a peek into my world and into the practices and tools that have been supporting my journey. And after witnessing hundreds of births and supporting so many women & families throughout the childbearing...
Published 03/23/22
Today I’m talking with Settareh Derafsh Kaviani, a first generation Persian-American woman, mother, birth worker and researcher, and witch who has devoted her life to healing herself and her lineage. After quitting her career as a clinical social worker, she continues to do the deep work of self-healing, and guiding women through the transformation from victimhood to freedom through transcendent birth and spiritual remembrance. In our conversation we explore: Settareh’s journey through...
Published 03/16/22
Grief lives in the body. This is a simple truth, and yet in our culture, our collective conversation around grief is often focused on the mind, on “moving on,” and on processing in isolation. So how do we truly embody our grief, and stay open-hearted to the gifts it brings?  Today, I share my conversation with Grace Harman, an embodied grief guide (and member of The Womb Room!) Grace brings her experience as a dance/movement therapist, as well as her own experience of grieving her mother,...
Published 03/09/22
What do our hormones have to do with our gut health, and how can understanding this connection help us support healthy digestion? This is what we explore in today’s episode with Ashe Milkovic,  a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Functional Hormone Specialist. The founder of The Functional Women’s Academy, Ashe has a  passion for spreading awareness about the power of functional nutrition for optimizing hormones & fertility.  With gas, bloating, constipation and food intolerance...
Published 03/02/22
"Period pain isn't normal." We hear this all the time in the menstrual health world and social media -- and I've said it too! While it's true that period pain isn't inevitable or typically optimal, orienting to pain as bad or as a pathology doesn't serve us, either.  In this episode, I'm sharing some of my thoughts on this phrase, the recent pushback to it, and how we can orient to our sovereignty, agency, and innate healing brilliance of our bodies.  Save your spot in the FREE...
Published 02/23/22
Vulvodynia and Vaginsmus are fancy terms for vulva and pain, irritation, and constriction -- and this is something that many more of us experience than we might think! In a context where female pelvic pain is either normalized or pathologized, in my conversation with Maura, we offer a different perspective: that vulva and vaginal discomfort is an invitation for simple, hands on medicine.  In our chat, we explore: what these terms mean, and why the medical terminology doesn't mean much to...
Published 02/16/22
This week we have Clarissa Gonzalez, an herbalist and cultural worker specializing in fertility, womb health, sleep & mental health at Blood Moon Healing where she is continuing the lineage of Traditional Mexican Medicine inherited grandmother wisdom & where she lifts up ethical, spiritual herbalism & learning from our herbal relatives.      In our conversation, we explore the spiraling, internal ritual that is the menstrual cycle, and get into: Indigenous perspectives on the...
Published 02/09/22
If you've been exploring female hormone health, you've probably heard the term "estrogen dominance." It's one of the most common hormonal imbalances, and a factor in heavy periods, menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, PMS symptoms, and even cysts, fibroids and endometriosis. So, how to we support our innate hormonal brilliance? Today, I'm sharing a lesson from The Womb Room Body Literacy library -- where we have tons of deep dives on all sorts of female health topics! We'll unpack: the 2...
Published 02/02/22
Do you ever wonder HOW to listen to your intuition? Do you feel called to step into sovereign health, but feel pressured by what external authorities say you "should" do?  This really comes down to tending your nervous system and creating space to be fully expressed in your body -- and it's key to being in our sovereignty.  Today I chat with Maura Sternberg about what embodied practice looks like in The Womb Room, and WHY it's so important to being in our power.  And, you're invited to...
Published 01/26/22
Today on the podcast we have womb healing and pelvic embodiment guide, birthworker and yoga teacher, Veronica Constance.  In our conversation we dive into one of both of our favorite topics: pelvic embodiment, what it has to do with our nervous system, and how it can support our lives.  We get into: what pelvic embodiment means and feels like the role of pleasure in embodiment work why moving through stressful experiences needs to happen in the body what pelvic mapping is and why it's a...
Published 01/19/22
In today’s podcast conversation, I talk with my friend and fellow birthkeeper, Saima Kara, about the brilliance pf physiological birth, and her experience shifting from hospital doula work to being a birth keeper outside of the medical system.  Saima is a radical birthkeeper in the UK, holistic childbirth education teacher, and a powerful voice and leader in the world of supporting women through physiological birth. If you’re even considering being pregnant one day in the future, or if...
Published 01/12/22
When you get "triggered," what do you do? In our culture, it's common to move into blame, shame, or shutdown -- but what might these activating feelings have to teach us, and what does it have to do with our womb sovereignty?  In this episode, I'm sharing a recording from inside The Womb Room, my year-long container for cultivating womb sovereignty and matriarchal healing. I get into: The difference between experiencing victimization, and taking on the identity of victim How we can hold...
Published 01/05/22
Have you ever explored how plant allies can be part of your cervical healing journey? In today's episode, I share my conversation with fellow herbalist and cervix-lover, Allie Cuozzo, about the science and magic of herbal medicine specifically for tending to cervical dysplasia. We get into: Reframing cervical "abnormalities" (8:30) Allie's journey to the plant path and how a brain injury led her deeper into womb work (15:00) The body systems involved in cervical health (38:00) 3 favorite...
Published 12/29/21
Mushroom medicine, and psilocybin in particular, can be a powerful earth ally in healing -- especially in relationship to womb work, birth, and even mothering. In today's conversation, I talk with Mikaela Valentino, a facilitator of mushroom medicine and an educator of "mushWOMB consciousness," which honors the cyclical nature of life and death, and opens up us to deep truth and expansion. 
Published 12/15/21