Season one of Theatrically Speaking republishes the original 2007 episodes. The special nature of 10-minute play festivals.
Published 04/07/21
Season one of Theatrically Speaking republishes the original 2007 episodes. Almost all about 10-minute plays.
Published 04/07/21
Season one of Theatrically Speaking republishes the original 2007 episodes. The script looks good, now how do you present it?
Published 03/31/21
Season one of Theatrically Speaking republishes the original 2007 episodes. Can there be an episode about script formatting that doesn't waste your time?
Published 03/31/21
Season one of Theatrically Speaking republishes the original 2007 episodes. When should you stop writing a play? How do you know when it's done?
Published 03/25/21
Season one of Theatrically Speaking republishes the original 2007 episodes. How can you incorporate theatricality into your writing?
Published 03/25/21
Season one of Theatrically Speaking republishes the original 2007 episodes. What is theatricality and why is it incredibly important?
Published 03/24/21
Season one of Theatrically Speaking republishes the original 2007 episodes. In episode zero, I talk about what the show will be.
Published 03/24/21
Back from 2007! Theatrically Speaking was the first playwriting podcast. Season 1 collects the original episodes, remastered, and Season 2 presents new material.
Published 03/03/21