Avast ye GISTers an’ set yer compass for the stARRs! Today, first mates Josh Marsh and Aidan McFadden traverse the choppy seas of… space? With Dr. – I mean, Cpt. – Matteo Ceriotti from the University of Glasgow at the mast, they aim to explore the potential of solar sails for space-travel. Is there treasure in store for our crew or will they be left adrift? You decide.   References – Mesopotamian sailboats www.brighthubengineering.com – Mariner 10 Space...
Published 12/18/14
Our Explorathon Podcast is here! In this episode, Emilie, Barry and Josh travel a path of discovery to learn the importance of science communication. Helping them along the way are Jamie Gallagher, Joanne Dempster, Susie Mitchell, Zara Gladman, Ian Scott and Kevin O’Dell – key figures in Glasgow’s science communication scene. Join them as we learn why people communicate science, how they do it and why we should listen…   Related Links Check out Explorathon events here. Find out what you...
Published 12/05/14
Josh and Barry deliver another Science Bite from this year’s Explorathon event with the help of Dr. Jennifer Corns, a philosopher at the University of Glasgow. This time, we’re taking a journey into the mind to find out what benefits there might be to suffering… You can find out more about the project and share your own experiences at www.valueofsuffering.co.uk.
Published 11/20/14
Hot and fresh out the oven, it’s our second Science Bite from this year’s Explorathon! This week, Josh, Sydney and Emilie chat to Fiona Achcar about using computers to model parasites and find their weak spots!   References Michaelis-Menten kinetics, Wikipedia Michaelis-Menten kinetics, ChemWiki at UC Davis Fiona Achcar on Google Scholar
Published 11/05/14
Join Josh and Sydney – two of our newest GISTers – for the first in our short series of Explorathon 2014 flavoured science bites. Together, they talk to Stefan Videv from the University of Edinburgh about LiFi – an ambitious project which aims to to turn ordinary light into a high speed data source.   Related Links Creative Commons License University of Edinburgh opens LiFi R&D Centre Harald Haas’s website WiFi Tech Statistics Chinese Researchers Transmit 150 Mb/s over...
Published 10/23/14
GISTers Debbie Nicol, Emilie Steinmark, Barry Robertson and Timothy Revell discuss some weird and wonderful science from Glasgow and the wider world. They start by looking at (and playing with) the new Lego Research Institute collection, followed by discussing the Haber process and how it has meant we can feed 7 billion people. They also talk about some research suggesting that dolphins squeal with happiness and where on the body it hurts most to be stung by a bee. Finally, they talk to Dr....
Published 08/25/14
The podcasts are back. After silence on the airwaves for over a year, we’ve finally recorded a new podcast. Though many of the voices are new, the theme is the same: science! Join the GISTers to discuss a rocks, hydro-gels, concussions and a curious turtle tail.
Published 08/15/14
This episode, the team talk about giving the HPV vaccine to boys, 3D printing, patenting genes and much more.   Originally published March 4, 2013
Published 03/04/13
Produced by Craig McInnes, October 21, 2012.   What do you get when you cross cutting-edge science, good old-fashioned conversation and near-lethal levels of wit? The answer, of course, is the latest instalment of The GIST’s very own podcast. Four chatty members of The GIST decided to sit in a room and discuss some of the more pressing matters facing science, students and comic book-readers a-like. Find out the meaning of cum hoc ergo proctor hoc in the first of a new feature called...
Published 10/21/12
Produced by Alan Boyd, 20 September, 2011   In this episode you’ll find the best bits of our recordings over the last few months, including: Beer that stays fresher for longer; the real Spongebob Squarepants and the relationship between monkey genitalia and self-awareness. Thanks for listening!
Published 09/20/11