Theta Sigma's Doctor Who Podcast Episode 306 Chronicles of a Timelord Interview
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Hello and welcome to Theta Sigma’s Doctor Who Podcast episode 306 ! Yes after a few week’s away I’m back and recording new shows again, but more of that later in the show ! Before we get into this week’s somewhat different but none the less very special show, I wanted to take a few moments to explain my recording absence over the last couple of week’s. You’ll all be aware I’m sure that these are unprecedented times with 1/2 the planet if not more in lockdown due to the current COVID 19 pandemic. One of the things that became incredibly apparent for me very soon after the UK lockdown started, was the fragility of my own mental health ! Like countless millions around the globe I got scared...really scared. I struggled to concentrate on anything for fear of this disease and what it was doing to so many and what it could do to me should i contract it. But I’m in the privileged position of living and working in the same place - indeed the same building and while we are closed to the public at the present time, the 5 of us who are locked down here are meeting 3 times a day for prayer and worship (Yes we’re a Christian community and yes we are observing social distancing in these meetings !) and one of the things I found particularly helpful during these times, was to be as open and honest as I could about the state of my mental health and just how fragile I was feeling at the time. And you know guys - with the help of my colleagues support I’ve come through this ! Oh the fear hasnt gone completely and there are still days when I struggle, BUT being open and honest about it was the best thing I could have done ! So I guess what I’m saying is that if you’re struggling with your mental health during these times or at ANY time, DONT be afraid to tell someone, DONT be afraid to talk about it - even if that means by phone or over the internet. And DONT be afraid to ask for support ! That’s not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it’s a sign of strength that you found the courage to ask ! So while we’re all intent on staying at home to protect our bodies and those of the rest of the planet, lets also remember to protect our mental heath too ! This week’s podcast - as I mentioned at the top of the show - is somewhat different to the usual TSDWP as you’ll discover shortly. You’ll have noticed on the TSDWP social media feeds in the last couple of weeks I’ve been posting links to a huge fan made Doctor Who Story The Final Game. If you’ve not listened let me encourage you get on Youtube and look up “The Final Game” and have a listen. There are 5 parts at the moment and another 2 to follow as well as numerous other audio adventures in the pipeline but I’ll not spoil too much as that’s the very point of today’s podcast, in which I’m chatting to Chris Keogh, Writer and producer of The Final Game. I started off by asking Chris how he got into Doctor Who in the 1st place... ANCHOR FM - RSS FEED - SPOTIFY - BREAKER - GOOGLE PODCASTS - POCKET CASTS - RADIO PUBLIC - Facebook GROUP - Facebook PAGE - Twitter - @thetawho
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