(Sunday 30th September 2012) After another week Steven and Tom talk about the toilet trip to MI5, Tom doesn't like Cheese and onion crisps and how Tom irritated people as a child.
Published 09/30/12
Chris joins Tom and Steven in their semi-regular sunday show. (23/09/2012) We talk about various things from Prof Brian Cox on Doctor Who, Polictics and a bit of a confrontation between Boris Johnson and the Queen because he looked up her blouse.
Published 09/23/12
With the end of London 2012. Tom and Steven decide to burst the bubble with Accents, Capri-Sun Airlines and...Boris Johnson...
Published 09/14/12
Tom and Steven are back from their Holidays and will resume their weekly podcast. This week they discuss their adventures in mystical lands. and a bit more Boris Johnson. Those who want to enter the music/intro competition will have their music played on the podcast either as a intro or between intervals, and will have a special segment on the show. Send them in as .mp3 or .wav (enter as many times as you want) to: [email protected]
Published 09/05/12
Tom chats to Billy Connolly about Scotland and the new pixar film brave done in a small hall in Edinburgh. (impressions)
Published 08/12/12
Tom and Steven review the London 2012 opening ceremony. With discussion on parties and a strange child who does not take to peaches in a Capri-Sun.
Published 07/28/12
Tom and Steven discuss various things during the week. Milk Prices, Farmers, London 2012 Olympic Games, Boris Johnson on the Olympics and his article in the sun. Why we complain about rain. The terrorist attack straight from a Batman Comic (our hearts go out to those affected) (Steven was away at the time). Microsoft's Big Boobs. Killing Children in games. Ceremonies of London 2012 and Bejing 2008.
Published 07/22/12
(15/07/12) This weeks sunday show had some interesting stories to boot. with Tom and Steven and new special guest Chris discussed matters from Olympics, Andy Murray, Potholes, Angry sausages, gaming news and some stories from Tom's Collection. Perhaps the strangest podcast yet.
Published 07/16/12
Tom tells Steven about the picture of him in the newspaper were they spelled Tom's Name 'Tom Day' to 'Tom Daly'. Send us your questions and stories to: [email protected]
Published 07/12/12
Part of the weekly podcast (07 July 2012). Tom and Steven discuss the Higgs Bosun (Prof. Brian Cox). A Olympic theme sweeps the nation as it is only 20 days left to go til the start. The new 'Game of the Week' segement for games that we buy, play for a week then forget. And some more daft stuff about the Tennis with Roger Federer and Andy Murray finally the time you download this he is probably out. A tiny bit about charity. Why not send us in your questions, stories or topics to:...
Published 07/07/12
Steven talks to the London mayor Boris Johnson on the future of london. (impressions)
Published 07/07/12
Tom and Steven talk to Boris in this podcast. Send us your stories and questions to: [email protected]
Published 07/04/12
Tom and Steven read e-mails, moan and check the news, Assassins Creed 3 and an extra special interruption by the Monarch. TheWarlockCast. Hosted by two inept Brits Steven and Tom discuss topics such as: Gaming, Politics, Media and other guff. Plus Special guests. Tom is hell bent on...something and enjoys a variety of things like games, sport and films. (Also known as Deltaday) Steven is a man without merit he will do and say things that may be unexpected... (Known as Penguin87 on...
Published 07/03/12
Tom tells Steven the Story of the Chicken in skyrim and it's disasterous consequences on the locals.
Published 07/02/12
Tom and Steven discuss the recent release of Perry the Platapus back into the wild (during a commentary over Just Cause 2, the background audio was difficult to get rid of).
Published 07/02/12
Unfortunately sometimes the parents can just stroll in. And that is what happened to Steven during a recording. Of a Youtube Video 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2' Game commentary on our Youtube Channel 'NorthernWarlocks' http://www.youtube.com/user/NorthernWarlocks Full Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=UUtgqcyMAiGjIIHToGkbcqoA&v=fCOXckEO4WE Animation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=hmLu-AyOYq8
Published 07/02/12