In this episode we are covering the infamous ship that sank the Titanic...or is it the Olympic? Well, that's going to be for you to decide! We discuss some of the history leading up to the catastrophe that took place in the North Atlantic Ocean. We also cover some of the similarities between the Titanic and its sister ship the Olympic in addition to some of the differences between these luxury ocean liners. We cover JP Morgan and his monopolization of the shipping and passenger trade industry...
Published 02/07/23
In this episode we cover the origins of the world anti-communist league starting with the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations and the Asian Peoples Anti-Communist League. This group brings together nazi collaborators from the Ustasha, Iron Guard and the Organization of Ukranian Nationalists. We also cover War Criminals from the days of the Imperial Japanese some of whom we've previously discussed in the Blood and Gold series on the Golden Lily Operation such as Yoshio Kodama and Ryochi Sasakawa....
Published 01/31/23
In this episode we talk more about Lyme disease, and we specifically cover the discoverer of the bacteria responsible for Lyme Willy Burgdorfer. We discuss his work for the US Biological Weapons program ran out of Fort Detrick which includes tinkering with things as deadly as the plague. We also cover two possible bioweapons attacks on Communist Cuba as part of the CIA's psychotic cold war. This episode can get under your skin or on top of it? I don't know surely there's some sort of word...
Published 01/17/23
In today's episode we cover the strange animal research laboratory on Plum Island and its possible role in the creation of Lyme Disease. We discuss the initial outbreak of Lyme in the closest mainland town from Plum Island which is Old Lyme, Connecticut. We also discuss Nazi Biological Warfare Scientist Erich Traub who was brought over to America under Operation Paperclip. Both Traub's Nazi past and his work for the US Biological Weapons program underneath Fort Detrick are discussed. We...
Published 01/10/23
In this episode we cover the links between the 9/11 Hijackers and the Anthrax Attacks. We discuss how the official narratives concerning both stories makes no sense and we offer an opposing theory to the FBI and 9/11 commission's baseless theories. We also discuss how it appears that the 9/11 hijackers were following a script that would make them appear guilty for what happened on 9/11 but how the neocons responsible for the anthrax attacks faiiled to frame them for the anthrax attacks which...
Published 01/01/23
This holiday season we are talking about that white fluffy powder that you can't make snow angels in without really regretting it: anthrax. We talk about FBI cover-up tactics during the investigation into the anthrax attacks as well as the narrative shift of the attacks being committed by terrorists backed by Iraq to it being a lone nut disgruntled scientist. We discuss where the Anthrax may have actually came from and we also go into the eerily accurate simulation Dark Winter and how some of...
Published 12/20/22
In today's episode we discuss King Hubbert the technocrat and scientist with a flawed methodology and Malthusian worldview. We also go over a brief history of the Rockefeller starting with John D. Rockefeller's rapist snake oil salesman father up to the offspring that would dominate the world oil market during the Cold War years. The majority of the episode we discuss a theory outside of the conventional western geological orthodoxy that challenges the very notion that petroleum is dinosaur...
Published 12/11/22
In this episode we cover the blood-soaked career of Ed Lansdale who would be involved with the looting of Yamashita's gold as well as attempts at killing Castro, operation Northwoods (plan for false flag on America blaming Cuba), pioneering new psychological warfare techniques and maybe even something to do with the assassination of JFK according to L Fletcher Prouty. We also conclude our series on Yamashita's gold by explaining how funds derived from this black gold was used to rig foreign...
Published 12/04/22
In today's episode we continue on our odyssey into the golden lily gold. We Talk about Jose Roxas and the golden buddha that would bring him a lot of trouble. We talk about former Philippines dictator Ferdinand Marcos and continue discussing Santy the man who would torture Yamashita's driver Kojima and would go on to act as a CIA cutout man for multi-billion-dollar black budgets for men like Edward Lansdale.
Published 11/26/22
In today's episode we cover the looting of the far east by the Imperial Japanese government and all the gold and other wealth acquired as they pillaged their way across Asia. We cover the operation known as Golden Lily, General Yamashita and his death and how CIA cold warrior Ed Landsdale would stumble his way into this tale. In the next couple of episodes we will cover how the plunder the Japanese acquired during WWII would become a black budget used by American Intelligence to rig foreign...
Published 11/20/22
In today's episode we scratch the surface of some of the financial crimes taking place during 9/11 such as insider training, the missing $2.3 trillion and what have you. We also discuss neocon freaks and warmongers like Jerome Hauer, Rudy Giulliani, PNAC and the like. We also discuss the anthrax attacks for a bit and even how Jerome Hauer relates to a certain medical treatment for a certain illness that is definitely not a US bioweapon. Like I said this is only scratching the surface. Next...
Published 11/13/22
Roy Radin Killing, Arlis Perry Ritual Slaying, Ron Sissman Murder, Snuff Films, Drug Running, Satanic Cults, Process Church Spinoffs and much more on the Things Observed Halloween Spooktacular Songs Midnight, The Stars and You - Roy Noble and his Orchestra Halloween Theme- John Carpenter Mephistopheles - Black SUnday Sources The Ultimate Evil - Maury Terry Sinister Forces 3 - Peter Levenda
Published 10/31/22
In today's episode we discuss David Berkowitz the Son of Sam. We cover a lot of the material covered in Maury Terry's investigation into the murders title The Ultimate Evil as well as a little bit of information from Peter Lavenda's Sinister Forces book 3. We ask the question if Berkowitz was a loner who heard voices from his neighbors dog that he believed to be a demon dog or a psychosexually motivated killer or perhaps a member of a murderous satanic cult. We discuss his neighbor Sam Carr...
Published 10/23/22
In this episode we pick up where we left off with the process church of the final judgement. We discuss how figures such as William Burroughs, Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsberg and other counterculture giants relate to the Process. We also discuss musician Gensis P-Orridge and the Temple Ov Psychick Youth the group modeled after the process and the sex magic and SRA allegations surrounding it this occult group. Put on your waders cause we're about to be knee deep in muck
Published 10/16/22
We're kicking off the spookiest month, October with covering the history of the Process Church of the Final Judgement. We start off with the general history of the cult discussing their start as an offshoot of scientology up until they arrive in America. We cover some of the weird group exercises/mind control techniques the group employed, one of the cofounders obsession with fascist right-wing ideology and some of the black/sex magic the group partook in. We also begin to look at how the...
Published 10/09/22
In Todays episode we cover some more CIA/SRI connections to TTSA, Peter Levenda, the Sekret Machines book series and the possibly Gnostic Luciferian/alien philosophy at heart of the book series. We discuss the interesting inversion of the classic aliens are demons argument and ask if we can truly understand what Peter Levenda is getting at in the sekret machines books. This episode pairs well with the programmed to chill episode where Jimmy Falun Gong speaks with Dr. Pig Bodine on Peter...
Published 09/25/22
In today's episode we cover the strange saga of Tom Delonge the former Blink-182 front man and his To The Stars Academy. We talk about the litany of intelligence agents surrounding the project from agencies as diverse as the CIA, DIA and the Pentagon. We discuss some of the people at TTSA who used to belong to the Stanford Research Institute and how that relates to Jack Sarfatti and the sus goblin Walter Breen. We discuss Project Stargate and CIA funded remote viewing experiments and how they...
Published 09/18/22
In today's episode we conclude our investigation into Ed Haslam's book Dr. Mary's Monkey. We discuss some of the strange research known to have taken place in New Orleans at the time, contaminated polio vaccines and whether they contributed to the burgeoning cancer epidemic, and the women who claims to have been Lee Harvey Oswald's lover. This woman also states that she was working on a bioweapon for Castro alongside David Ferrie, Alton Ochsner and Mary Sherman. The primary questions of...
Published 09/04/22
Today we dive into the strange death of Dr. Mary Sherman and all the anomalies surrounding the case. We also talk about maybe the weirdest dude of all time David Ferrie and his relationship to the JFK whack and try to begin unpacking what his relationship to Mary Sherman may have entailed. Lastly, we take a look at Dr. Alton Ochsner the right-wing nut job who was the surgeon of Clint Murchison and Latin American dictators and in his spare time helped create an anti-communist propaganda...
Published 08/28/22
In our last episode of this 3 part series we talk about some of the pagan and Kabbalistic imagery in the Sistine chapel. We also discuss the Egyptian obelisk that stands in the center of St. Peter's square. If you enjoy this episode make sure to follow the pod for all the hot juicy goss that's coming down the pipe.Twitter: thingobserverSongs:Johnny Cash - In The Sweet Bye and ByeHank Williams- Precious Lord, Take My HandHymnus (tonus monasticus) ยท Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice...
Published 08/21/22
In today's episode we cover the story of the occult obsessed monk Johannes Trithemius who is considered to be the founder of modern cryptography and steganography. The works of Trithemius would go on to inspire many occultist such as John Dee. Trithemius was rumored to take his magic beyond that of the natural magicians of his age and was even said to be a necromancer. We also discuss Giovanni Pico Della Mirandella the founder of Christian Kabballah as well as the pentagrammaton. Should I...
Published 08/14/22
In this episode we cover the curious tale of Marsilio Ficino who translated the Corpus Herticum into Latin at the behest of his patron Cosimo de' Medici. We look at his magical belief system and how he reconciled this alongside his Catholicism. We also touch on how Ficino helped to pioneer the philosophy of religious syncretism and ask the question of whether or not Ficino could have laid some of the groundwork for ecumenism in the Catholic church. Also discussed is some of the occult imagery...
Published 08/07/22
In this episode we cover famous American sexologist Alfred Kinsey and how he relates to the CIA's MKULTRA mind control experiments, Nazis, Aleister Crowley and sexual blackmail. This one gets pretty dark so you have been forewarned.Resources:Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences by Dr. Judith Reisman (Free PDF available on her website)Alfred C. Kinsey: A Life by James H JonesMK ULTRA SUBPROJECT 67: MKULTRA DOC_0000017467 (archive.org)MKULTRA Index where you can verify that the Institute of Sex...
Published 07/17/22