This is About...one kid’s moment of guilt, and the adventure she takes to free herself from it. Robyn’s father makes life at home unpredictable and sometimes violent. Real life starts with a road trip and a cast of colourful characters in the bright lights of the stage. But an unexpected homecoming leads to Robyn’s true magnum opus.
Published 10/26/16
This is About...a group of independent theatre makers getting smacked down by the United Nations. Four Aussie theatre makers travel to the Philippines to adapt a violent Japanese cult novel with local theatre group the Sipat Lawin Ensemble. What happens next shocks everyone.
Published 10/11/16
This is About...a new podcast of stories told by those who lived them. Sometimes funny, sometimes dark. Always curious. This is About digs deep into issues that matter through the beautiful, awkward and dismal stuff that actually happens to people.
Published 10/10/16