We attempt to find... anything interesting to talk about in the fourth Pumpkinhead film.  I think we'll be happy to leave this series in the pumpkin patch.
Published 10/22/23
Can a returning Lance Henricksen and Doug Bradley save this sequel? Well, it's better than Wishmaster 3. 
Published 10/14/23
Is this an anthology sequel? What does this have to do with Part 1? Either way, let's throw the lore out the window with the first followup. 
Published 10/07/23
Fresh thoughts from the latest "Saw" film- just a couple hours after seeing it. First 10 minutes or so are spoiler free, then we get into the meaty details. 
Published 10/02/23
Stan Winston steps up to the director's plate with his first film, "Pumpkinhead"! All creature, all atmosphere, all annoying kids. How does this stack up to "A Gnome Named Gnorm?" Listen along to find out.  Also, as mentioned, friend of the show Becky Darke does a nice write up of the new Arrow release of "Psycho". Well timed after our run of the films. Check it out here: https://www.arrowfilms.com/blog/features/our-favourite-psycho-norman-bates/
Published 09/30/23
Which of these sequels would you watch again? We say- ALL OF THEM! What a real nice surprise, Clark. 
Published 09/23/23
We finally get to the remake and what to make of all of it. It's actually... interesting. 
Published 09/16/23
We get flashbacks and more flashbacks about how Norman became Norman! This rounds out the original series of Psycho!
Published 09/02/23
Anthony Perkins directs this next sequel that goes a little more slasher and a little more camp. 
Published 08/19/23
Is the sequel to one of the greatest films actually Good? Yes. Yes it is. We're not trying to tempt you with a click, yes it's good. And Sandwiches. 
Published 08/05/23
We discuss the Alfred Hitchcock classic, "Psycho"- the impact on early slashers, film exhibition and- how this could possibly spawn a franchise? 
Published 07/22/23
We go over all 9 Saw films. Favorite trap? Favorite Jigsaw Acolyte? Favorite twist ending? And the all important Franchise Kill Count results. 
Published 07/08/23
Chris Rock and Sam Jackson want to play a game. Finally, our curiosity is satiated. 
Published 07/01/23
Ever wanted to know the origin of Jigsaw even though the filmmakers and studio don't seem to be entirely dedicated to showing said origin? Ever wanted to see possibly the most eye rolly twist in a Saw film? Hit play on that device!
Published 06/17/23
We are joined by Rob Campbell from the Green Shirts podcast, the Road House Play in Portland and www.shirtnerdery.com and his brick and morter store- Made in Milwaukee.  Oh and we talk about Saw 3D!
Published 06/03/23
 Jigsaw takes on the insurance industry in a movie that goes over big with fans of getting gooshed!
Published 05/20/23
I start to feel a little bad talking poorly about a franchise that a lot of people love but c'mon- Hoffman? It'd be nice to see this story move forward. Still- Jigsaw would make a great Willy Wonka!
Published 05/06/23
A new creative team led by Dunston, checks in to start up a mini trilogy within a franchise. Does learning more about Jigsaw help or hinder? 
Published 04/22/23
Let's track Jigsaw's moral compass for a bit... and talk about pig slop and the further examples of his Rise and Grind Do Better philosophy!
Published 04/08/23
We are joined by David Weiner to talk about the third part in his 14.5 hr documentary on 80s horror! How do you go about deciding what to include? Who do you interview?  This doc is a great way to hear about the films you love and also start making a new checklist of any of the gems you missed.  Go to https://80shorrordoc.com/ to get your blu ray copy. 
Published 04/07/23
Tobin Bell gets to do some acting and people yell at eachother a whole bunch. And more Canadian Doors!
Published 03/25/23
We are joined by Becky Darke to discuss the first installment of the Saw franchise. Grandfather of Torture Porn or gritty Seven-inspired police procedural?  And... is Billy the Doll cute? 
Published 03/11/23
We discuss the series as a whole, favorite kills, best makeup effects and where we'd like to see a Part 5 take us. 
Published 03/04/23
Join us as we discuss the fourth and final Wishmaster film. And we still miss Andrew Divoff instead of this... "Djinn-cel" stalking our hero. 
Published 02/26/23
Oh boy how we miss Andrew Divoff in this college based Wishmaster sequel. Can't we just get beyond The Gates of Hell? 
Published 02/11/23