Chris and Tom round out the saga of finance-related episodes with Q and A from an accountant. A clip from last week's interview with investor Joe Mattam that didn't make it to the air is also revisited. Then, the duo take on the billionaire space race, and ponder its less-than-stellar implications for humanity. Don't miss this one; it's out of this world!
Published 07/18/21
This week, Chris and Tom talk with value investor Joe Mattam about everything related to the stock market: cryptocurrencies, options, penny stocks, fast money, and, most importantly, finding good stocks. Other topics include capital gains tax vs gambling losses, market manipulation, flash crashes, margin, trading platform pros and cons, and more! If you've ever wanted your money to work for you, or if you've wanted to try your hand at stock trading but weren't sure where to start, you need to...
Published 07/11/21
This week, Chris and Tom are ghosted by their special guest.  Instead, they talk public speaking techniques, gambling vs the stock market, and why it’s so important that the elite look after each other.  Then, they take a moment to observe the holiday of July 4th, and take note of the differences between the celebrations of normal folks like us and the celebrations of the one percent.  Happy 4th of July!
Published 07/04/21
This week, Chris and Tom take on every industry behind the rallying cries for a return to normalcy that involves pushing people back into work, from restaurants to cashiers to bankers. Then, the duo take a prominent self help guru to task for his past; for which, while building a brand based on his status as a household celebrity and movie star, he has made little effort to redeem.
Published 06/27/21
With Tommy having technical difficulties, Chris jumps into the show with a heartfelt Father's Day monologue about memories, pastimes and barbeques only to be interrupted with a surprising turn of events...   
Published 06/20/21
Tune in for some cutting-edge discussion with Chris, Tom, and special guest, knife-maker Mike Pistone!  Learn about just what goes into forming a blade, the difference between a good knife and a shank, and the best "hacks" when it comes to sharpening!  Then, Mike takes a stab at rhetorical knife situations in dual lightning-rounds of "Would You Rather."  Don't miss this one, or you'll sharply regret it!
Published 06/13/21
Chris and Tom officially cancel Time Out, but quickly revamp their self-titled show.  Amazon bails on space to invest in their employees (kidding, they're buying movie studios), and Chris and Tom solve all of the problems of priests and the elites with a simple solution.  Then, stay tuned for an exciting game of "Cancelled, Pending Cancellation, or Revamped," where Chris and Tom put each others' wokeness to the test in a high-stakes duel where the loser has to film a promotion for the show. ...
Published 06/06/21
This week, Chris and Tom chat with Devin McGuire of Jimminy Peak Chimney Sweep about one of the most overlooked parts of a house-- the basement! (Just kidding, it's chimneys.) Pick a side in the roaring battles of fireplace vs wood stove, masonry vs steel, and wood vs pizza box; and you'll even learn why Santa prefers a clean chimney. Don't miss this week's episode or you might find yourself up in smoke!
Published 05/30/21
As we slowly enter the new normal ways of everyday life, Chris and Tom remind everyone the grim normalcies we all got used to not having.  Cyclists, traffic, pee pee hands, non-blinker users, road work and commuting to the office are all just the short list of what we got used to not having.  So, product & content creators, remove those mask straps from your ears and listen closely to Tom's tirade today "the consumer/viewer is giving priceless advice."
Published 05/23/21
This week, Tom and Chris tackle all things coffee-- from how it's grown, to how it ends up in your cup, to what desserts pair best with the magic elixir, and even to how it dictates intra-office politics-- with their first guest, Angela Hernani of Como Se Llama Coffee Co.  Pour up a cup and settle in for an eye-opening discussion!
Published 05/16/21
The media will have an easier time making excuses for Cuomo's sexual harassment sandal than coming up with excuses for the Oscar's ever declining ratings.   Chris and Tom discuss a corporate turn on renovation loans in the future and CEO's super pay.  Is Chris slowly becoming a communist?  Will Tommy's tirade hit a soft spot from the past?  Will Aldo's shoes ever make a quality shoe again?
Published 05/02/21
Chris and Tom's first podcast!  From the next James Bond to a discussion on the current housing picture, Chris and Tom reminisce the history of Time Out and talk it's future along with sharing some opinions on pilots, pop culture and America's beloved ex-CEO.  Oh and, of course, Tommy's weekly tirade.  
Published 05/01/21