Ep116|聖誕歌曲教唱 Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
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❤️支持好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399 我渴望以長久免費的方式為孩子提供優良的學習資源。但是,從每篇故事創作、錄音、後製、編寫學習單,都是我一人團隊用心的結晶。如果你覺得這些內容對孩子很有幫助,誠摯邀請大家進一步贊助支持,幫助「聽故事學英文」Podcast永續經營! 【本集歌詞】 下載烏克麗麗簡譜 http://bit.ly/3YEavf6 Jolly old Saint Nicholas Lean your ear this way Don't you tell a single soul What I'm going to say Christmas Eve is coming soon Now you dear old man Whisper what you'll bring to me Tell me if you can When the clock is striking twelve When I'm fast asleep Down the chimney broad and black With your pack you'll creep All the stockings you will find Hanging in a row Mine will be the shortest one You'll be sure to know Johnny wants a pair of skates Susie wants a doll Nellie wants a story book Yellow, blue, and red Now I think I’ll leave to you What to give the rest Choose for me dear Santa Claus You will know the best — 個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/ Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/ Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h 商業合作請來信 [email protected] ----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 國泰人壽今年歡慶60歲生日,這些年來有好多的職場故事想要跟大家分享! 到底星座真的會影響職場表現嗎? 什麼樣的主管那麼會踩雷! 還有最資深和最年輕員工,進行世代思想大PK! 點擊收聽「國泰樹輪說」! https://reurl.cc/MX9Xzk
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❤️小額贊助好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399 兒童雙語新聞是我想為孩子們做的一件小事。用孩子能理解的語言,說說適合孩子的新聞故事。如果你曾經透過我的podcast獲得幫助,邀請有能力的朋友進一步透過贊助幫助聽故事學英文永續經營,長期以免費的形式陪伴孩子學習成長! --- 【本集新聞英文全文】 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qCtyoK_2c4uhR2ciGjUkAZbGhxJS8juf/view?usp=share_link In New York, in the United States,...
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