Ep145|Kids News #17 兒童雙語新聞:ChatGPT 人工智慧聊天機器人 (feat.Eno)
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❤️贊助好節目永續經營 http://bit.ly/support399 【本集新聞英文全文】 ChatGPT has been making headlines around the world since last November. So what exactly is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an AI chatbot. AI means artificial intelligence. It’s like a super smart computer that knows a lot of things. You can have a conversation with ChatGPT, just like talking or chatting to your friends. ChatGPT will answer your questions, and it can sometimes feel like you are talking to a real person. However, remember that ChatGPT is only a computer, not a real person. Make sure you double-check those ChatGPT answers with your teachers or your parents. 下載兒童雙語報紙 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RCVwU_tjp9mPwClSE7BnCT-QZ4DcfpOu/view?usp=share_link — 個人網站 | sandytsaiyu.com Instagram | instagram.com/sandy.bongo/ Facebook | facebook.com/sandytsaiyu/ Youtube | https://bit.ly/3dlO59h 商業合作請來信 [email protected]
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