#306: Raphael Brooks, Father, Entrepreneur - "Preserving My Legacy" Part 1
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We welcome the amazing, most interesting guest to date Mr. Raphael Brooks, Father, Banker, Real Estate Developer etc etc. - the list of his accomplishments goes on and on. He is very passionate about preserving his legacy and he has a very powerful slogan "I always believed more in myself than in my environment"! Born and raised in Mississippi he still owns the farm he was born and raised in. The town he comes from is most recognizable for a movie called "TILL" which is based on the true story of a mother who pursued justice after the brutal murder of her 14 year old son Emmett, which was one of the major catalysts to the Civil Rights Movement. This is also the town that BB King is buried in. Then we learn about the legendary first ever rock star guitarist Robert Johnson who is rumored to have sold his soul to the devil. We learn about the city Moorehead and the true crossroads of the Blues Musicians of the 20's and 30's. Raphael shares the powerful testimony of his parents and then tearfully tells about his dramatic high school years getting jumped in to a street gang. One story in particular involves the very first pair of Nike's that ever came out. He ran track and his parents bought those sneakers for him, when a group of 6 guys stopped him and said GIVE US THOSE SHOES. That time they let him go but 2 years later they brought 12 guys and jumped him - he had his skull cracked to his eye socket when he was 15 years old. He fought back and survived. What a story. We are so amazed to hear such a powerful life story - he went to Brown University and graduated with an Ivy League Education. We are speechless when he tells us how he got hired to be a banker at JP Morgan. His grandfather taught him that when you embrace your struggle, it can become your Blessing! He grew up being held to a high standard of composure! His Dad taught him that he would have to work twice as hard to get half as far, where you are coming from - he tells us under tears. He says that they do not teach you how to make money in college, you have to lose money to learn how to make money. He became very successful, but one day he came home to his Million Dollar Home that was empty and his wife and son had left him - and thought he wouldn't notice that she was gone - his son wrote a song at age 15 "SO LONG" and was placed on suicide watch - that is when he sold everything and became a stay at home Dad, because nothing is more important than raising his son - that is his biggest accomplishment to date. His son is now a Hip Hop Artist at 21 years old and Raphael is having trouble adjusting to being an empty nester. He shares the story when he had the first federally approved legally licensed Hemp Project Growing business - it is beyond interesting. We end this show with Gino asking Marcella and Gabrielle some super unfair math questions that have us all laughing. Stay tuned to Part 2 of the incredible life legacy of Raphael ..........
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