I had the opportunity to work with Dr Isioma during the coronavirus holiday and she helped me to find an easier way to remember how to go about doing a respiratory system examination. This was an impromptu podcast 😎 but very educative and will be helpful to medical students who like to learn practically! Thanks a lot Dr Isioma -Toochi Ibe
Published 09/16/20
A brief interesting interview with a medical doctor, Dr Frank Ibide, on hepatitis and those at risk. "Find the Missing Millions" being the theme of thus year's World Hepatitis day is a call for awareness creation as many people have hepatitis without knowing because they do not have symptoms. We are advised to take preventive measures as well as avoid exposure to the risk of coming down with Hepatitis. Feel free to leave your comments and questions. Reach us via WhatsApp on +2348109904409...
Published 07/27/20
Here, we share 5 interesting ideas that have been proven to help you keep making sales and getting people to pay for services that you render especially in this COVID-19 pandemic period where many businesses are going online and the rest strengthening their online presence... We hope to hear your views. What else would you like to add to these ideas?
Published 07/25/20
Here I have shared how I felt when i got to know about the possibility of having a personal kinf if radio show.... A podcast! At last!
Published 07/23/20
Anchor is a great tool for making podcasts and giving short lectures
Published 07/23/20
Ever heard of Medfact Monday? Find new and exciting medical facts every Monday on Toochibe TV.
Published 07/23/20