America’s students are struggling. Chronic absenteeism has doubled from pre-pandemic numbers. Districts are implementing grading floors to soften the sting of failure. Grade inflation is widespread. Many students seem to have lost the motivation to learn, and traditional systems of grading and ranking aren’t helping. What’s wrong with the A-F grading system? Should school just do away with grades entirely? What interventions work to get kids back in classrooms more consistently? In this...
Published 01/29/24
Our “Stick With It” series on the Top of Mind podcast continues with journalist Isaac Saul, founder of the daily political newsletter Tangle. He talks about why it’s so hard to find unbiased political news and what news consumers can do about it. He also shares a “Stick With It” story about moderating a conversation between two guests with opposing views on the Israel/Hamas conflict that got so heated one of the guests demanded Tangle not release the interview. What happened next strengthened...
Published 01/22/24
Why is it so hard to see things from a perspective other than our own? Our perspectives are shaped by our life experiences and our biology – some people are color-blind, for example. As a result of these differences, no two people see the world in exactly the same way. And yet, when it comes to differences of opinion on issues that we really care about, we are quick to demand that everyone else see things the way we do. Psychologists call the ability to see from a different vantage point...
Published 01/15/24
We’ve spent the last several months on Top of Mind assessing the assumptions that drive our decisions. And we hope you’ve had a few “Stick With It Moments” as you’ve heard a perspective that challenged you, but you chose to stay open and curious – and keep listening! And hopefully that’s been good practice for “sticking with it” when you encounter challenging perspectives in your daily life. Because leaning into that discomfort leads to new empathy, more clarity on complicated issues, and a...
Published 12/11/23
More than three-quarters of Americans say they know little to nothing about Native Americans. Nearly the same percentage also say they rarely or never encounter any kind of information about Native peoples. What Americans DO know about Native Americans likely comes from inaccurate history lessons that keep tribes situated in the past. Or maybe from the antiquated characterizations in Hollywood films and TV shows. But a new wave of research, activism, and representation is changing the...
Published 12/04/23
America is aging and many industries say they need more immigrant workers to do lower-skilled jobs Americans don’t want. Are they right? If so, how should we be looking at immigration and America’s labor shortage to find those solutions? And if immigration is not the answer, how will we fill the growing number of open positions in industries like healthcare and construction? In this episode of the podcast, we’re reframing the debate about immigration, with a closer look at short-term...
Published 11/27/23
Fines and fees have become the default way we punish people in America; deterrence is the ultimate goal, but do fines actually deter bad behavior? Often the consequences of fines and fees are not felt equally, because what’s expensive to you might be pocket change to me. Still, the overdue book or speeding ticket costs the same for both of us. In this podcast episode, we interview a library advocate and former library director who successfully eliminated fines at his library. We also share...
Published 11/20/23
Our “Stick With It” series on the Top of Mind podcast continues with Monica Guzman, senior fellow at Braver Angels, host of A Braver Way podcast and author of “I Never Thought of It That Way: How to Have Fearlessly Curious Conversations in Dangerously Divided Times.” Guzman (a liberal) describes how countless political conversations with her parents (who voted for Trump twice) helped her understand the power of curiosity to bridge differences and reduce polarization. In this podcast...
Published 11/13/23
Our “Stick With It” series on the Top of Mind podcast continues with Monica Packer, a personal growth coach and host of the popular About Progress podcast and Instagram community @aboutprogress. Packer’s professional and personal focus is choosing progress over the paralysis of perfectionism. Starting a blog and podcast were part of Packer’s personal commitment to trying new things. But it also opened her up to criticism that felt personal. She talks about choosing to lean into the...
Published 11/06/23
Americans struggle to agree on even the most basic parts of America’s founding story. Some say it was divine intervention. Others, a scheme to profit off slavery, or simply a pursuit of freedom. Can we ever really agree on national narrative? Do we even need to? People are complicated and so is history. But when it comes to national narratives and founding stories, we tend to assume only one story can be right - and it's the version that most aligns with our own feelings about America....
Published 10/30/23
Who should decide how the stories and artifacts of a cultural heritage are shared with the world? For a long time, the assumption has been that as long as culture’s stories are told, it doesn’t matter who’s telling them. But who would you trust to tell your story? Museums of human civilization and culture are at the center of this conversation. Some are returning antiquities taken by colonial force. Others are consulting with indigenous communities to reframe the stories exhibits tell. But...
Published 10/23/23
What's that one thing about how people speak English that gets on your nerves? When people say “like” a lot? Or say “literally” when they mean “figuratively”? We all have language pet peeves, and we may even be willing to admit that we judge people who break the rules. After all, how we talk matters. Why do we insist on proper English — and what does that say about us? In this episode of the podcast, we speak with an English professor and College Writing Center director about the experience...
Published 10/16/23
Our “Stick With It” series on the Top of Mind podcast continues with several stories from Utah Governor Spencer Cox about staying open and curious during intense political disagreements. As the new chair of the National Governors Association, Cox has made “Disagree Better” his signature initiative for the year. In this podcast episode, the Republican Governor of Utah explains how engaging with political opponents (including President Joe Biden) in a civil manner has led to better outcomes for...
Published 10/09/23
Our “Stick With It” series on the Top of Mind podcast continues with a story about finding empathy in a doctrinal disagreement. McArthur Krishna is passionate about the doctrine of Heavenly Mother in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, because it fills her with joy and helps her to understand her own divine purpose. But her public speaking and writing on the topic have been met with intense criticism by some members of her faith. Her Stick With It story explores the moment when...
Published 09/30/23
Ninety percent of America's kids go to public schools. But public education in America is in crisis, with test scores in every subject at their lowest point in decades. State and federal regulations have a say in what happens in schools, but most critical decisions are left to local school boards. Are elected school boards the root of the problem - or the key to a solution? Funding, facilities, busing, discipline policies, how teachers are placed in the district, and which curricula they use...
Published 09/25/23
Owning a home is the American Dream. It's the ultimate symbol of a successful adulthood and the best way to build wealth in this country. Why should you pay rent to someone else when you can build equity for yourself, right? Not all countries prioritize buying a house, though; take Germany, where renting is much more common. How has the decision to prioritize homeownership in the US shaped our communities, for better or worse? And is that wealth-building mechanism really accessible to...
Published 09/18/23
People often assume that medical treatments prescribed by doctors and covered by insurance are safe and effective. After all, there’s a whole government agency – the Food and Drug Administration – to ensure that very thing. But most medical drugs and devices available in the U.S. were approved by the FDA through an expedited pathway that sped up the review or required less clinical trial evidence. In this episode of the podcast, we speak with a former FDA attorney about the debate over...
Published 09/11/23
Our “Stick With It” series on the Top of Mind podcast continues with playwright and producer Scott Carter. He was the long-time executive producer of “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO and is currently producing “Love & Respect with Killer Mike” on PBS. Carter is also the host of a new podcast called “Ye Gods!” where he talks with artists, actors, journalists and other public figures about the beliefs that shape their lives. In this “Stick With It” conversation, Scott Carter shares the...
Published 09/04/23
Our “Stick With It” series on the Top of Mind podcast continues with Milan Kordestani – tech entrepreneur and author of “I’m Just Saying: A Guide to Maintaining Civil Discourse in an Increasingly Divided World.” Kordestani was already preaching the importance of civil discourse when he tweeted something during the pandemic that went viral and caused him to realize he’d fallen short. He tweeted an apology and recommitted himself to approaching difficult topics with humility and curiosity....
Published 08/28/23
Getting pulled over is the most common encounter Americans have with police, but how much do traffic stops really contribute to public safety? On a typical day, more than 50,000 of us see those flashing lights in our rearview, so we generally assume that enforcing traffic laws is an essential part of policing and public safety. Do traffic stops contribute to public safety as much as we expect? It’s clear the effects are not equal: across the nation, drivers of color are much more likely to...
Published 08/21/23
We tend to view adoption in America as a win-win situation: a child in crisis is placed with new, stable parents who want to build a family. Everyone is finally in a position to thrive. That narrative tends to be fairytale-like. And it doesn’t resonate with many adoptees. In this episode, we hear adoptee perspectives on adoption and how we – as a society – can do better. We talk to a domestic infant adoptee from the baby scoop era, a person adopted out of the foster care system, and an...
Published 08/14/23
Dying is inevitable. But medical advancements have made it possible to cheat death in many instances that would have been quickly fatal not so long ago. So it’s become easier to avoid thinking about death and default toward saying “yes” to whatever medical intervention will extend our lives. But when does living longer conflict with dying well? In this podcast episode we’re assessing the common assumption that we can extend life at all costs and still have a “good death” when the time comes....
Published 08/07/23
Top of Mind Season 4 is focused on Assessing Assumptions. We tend to assume the best way to do things is the way it's always been done. But is that true when it comes to healthcare, child welfare, public safety or schools? On Top of Mind, we're out to become better citizens, kinder neighbors and more effective advocates by assuming less. Season 4 starts Aug. 7 anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Published 07/24/23
As a final bonus to finish Top of Mind Season 3 “Finding Fairness” we’ve compiled the best insight from guests throughout the season on how to be a better citizen, kinder neighbor and more effective advocate for the things we care about. We're not a "how-to" podcast with checklists and action items. We probe for more clarity and empathy on the topic and let you decide where to go next. But our guests often do offer practical advice that’s pretty great. So here it is for you in one quick...
Published 06/26/23
We’re wrapping up Season 3 of Top of Mind “Finding Fairness” with a look at some of the Stick With It moments it delivered for our team. One of our goals for each episode is to find perspectives that will challenge us to examine our own views more closely. Often that’s uncomfortable, but if we stick with that discomfort, it can lead to finding new empathy or greater clarity. In this podcast episode, Julie and other members of the Top of Mind team reflect on episodes during Season 3 that...
Published 06/19/23