In this episode, we talk about the sense of duty and responsibility traditional indigenous healers from Peru feel for the earth and for humanity. Their healing and teaching, like in the case of the High Andean Q'ero  Community, have been preserved to fulfill that duty and responsibility in aiding humanity into a new era.
Published 02/14/23
In today's episode, we explore why cultivating empathy and compassion not only benefits the people around you but can even save your life. Empathy and compassion can serve to protect you on your journey through life, guide you down your true path, and help you build the highest levels of power.
Published 02/06/23
In this episode, we translate the coca reading we did with the Q'ero to ask "Is Marijuana a medicine?" For the original video with subtitles in Quechua and in English, check out our YouTube video "Coca Readings with the Q'ero: Is Marijuana a Medicine?"
Published 01/18/23
So what are Coca Readings all about? And why are they so important in the High Andean Q'ero tradition? In this episode we go into the importance of the coca plant, its energetics and how the Q'ero came into this method of communication with Mother Earth (Pachamama) and the Sacred Mountains (Apus).
Published 01/13/23
This episode discusses the #1 central theme in traditional indigenous healing- a strong alliance with Mother Earth. 
Published 01/13/23
This episode covers how traditional Amazonian and High Andean Q'ero Healers see Marijuana. Is Marijuana Considered a Medicine to Traditional Indigenous Healers?
Published 12/16/22
In this episode of Traditional Medicine with Caara Lovick, we dive into three important pillars of the tradition. We also talk about what the Q'ero considers to be 'Power' and how it is gained. 
Published 11/27/22
In this episode, Caara brings you closer to understanding the Q'ero community of wisdom keepers and healers. If you've never heard of the Q'ero and their healing tradition, this is a great place to get started. 
Published 10/30/22
In today's episode, we explore the importance of faith, its function in healing, and why faith is the door you and you alone must walk through to heal.
Published 10/30/22
What are energetic complications? What are symptoms of energetic complications? And what should you do if you think you may have one? Stay tune for this episode and we'll go over this and more in today's Traditional Medicine Podcast with Caara Lovick. 
Published 08/21/22
In this episode, we talk about what is at the core of la ciencia ancestral or ancestral sciences from the lens of traditional indigenous healing modalities. We discuss concepts developed by Q'ero healing traditions, beginning with energetic complications.   
Published 07/29/22
"What Obstacles Stand in the Way of Us Understanding Traditional Indigenous Medicine Concepts?" We discuss this in today's episode.
Published 07/25/22
In this episode, I give four reasons why therapists looking to offer energy healing to clients should work with traditional indigenous healers. 
Published 07/18/22