Inés Ruiz Navarro Discusses Using Meditation to Aid in Learning a Language
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Inés Ruiz Navarro is a teacher of Spanish language and translation. In this episode, she explains how she uses meditation to help students learn and retain language more effectively and in a more positive way. Top three takeaways: When learning language through meditation, visualize someone you know, keep the image in your head, keep breathing, and describe the physical characteristics of the person in the new language. The whole thing has a positive effect since you learn while remaining calm and not worrying about mispronouncing or saying the wrong words. Meditation comes in many distinct forms, but in this context, it refers to a space where students can relax and enter a more positive mode of thinking, while simultaneously being active and responsive. This method of learning language can potentially be applied to other subjects, such as math and chemistry, as the method of meditation combats the anxiety that comes with learning a new subject.