Freedom of choice is vital in the Montessori classroom. However, freedom can also lead to exclusion and social cliques. Regularly diversifying groups and seating not only allows for children to experience being leaders and being led by others, it also gives them the opportunity to connect with students they might not otherwise.  You can create an environment that allows for freedom, while avoiding the formation of cliques and encouraging an abundance of friendships and work partners. What’s...
Published 12/13/22
Deviating from Montessori training in the classroom comes with a number of considerations. It is possible to expand beyond the boundaries of Montessori training—as long as you do so without compromise. In today’s episode, we’re talking about ways to keep Montessori essentials at the heart of the Montessori experience while also being open to expanding upon further knowledge that interests the children. You can be flexible and responsive while keeping the Montessori philosophy intact in the...
Published 11/22/22
The pencil problem is a common one in the Montessori elementary classroom. Communal or personal? Same brand or variety? What is the system for using them throughout the day? It can easily get complicated and result in frustrations for both the teacher and the children. In today’s episode, I’m sharing the importance of determining a simple approach to pencil use in the classroom. Care for classroom materials is important, but so is understanding that they’re going to get used … and lost and...
Published 11/08/22
Being a leader is about helping people to become better versions of themselves. It’s not about commanding and controlling but rather facilitating, collaborating, and encouraging. Leaders are always growing and learning. Recognizing a child’s unlimited potential and encouraging them to get out of their comfort zone in a mistake-friendly environment is what the Montessori elementary classroom is all about. And, when done well, it’s the perfect place to develop leadership skills.  In today’s...
Published 10/25/22
It’s incredible to see the growth of students when you allow them to take charge of their learning and progress at their own pace. Growth doesn’t happen on someone else’s timetable, it happens at the right moment. Giving students the space and independence to learn on their own timeline often leads to an explosion of growth that feels more meaningful because it’s natural, not forced upon them.   In this episode of Trillium Talks, I sat down with Jess Gagne, an elementary Montessori guide, to...
Published 10/11/22
The hands-on quality of the Montessori method is what sets it apart, and that’s never more apparent than during science lessons. From demonstrating complex concepts in the classroom to encouraging students to conduct their own experiments at home, Montessori educators have the ability to inspire curiosity and imagination in their students every day. In this episode, we sit down with cofounder of Montessori Laboratory and former Montessori student Zoe Rising to talk about scientific learning....
Published 09/27/22
Unfortunately, many schools and classrooms are experiencing a lack of resources: Montessori materials, trained guides, and even basic school supplies. In times like these, it’s important to get creative! While the Montessori method does rely heavily on hands-on education, there are plenty of ways to inspire curiosity and learning without access to a wealth of resources. In this episode, we share a few ways you can address the eight principles of Montessori education without access to...
Published 09/13/22
Whether you’ve spent ten years or ten days in the Montessori classroom, you’ve probably had days where you felt unsure and unconfident. Maybe you had to teach on a subject you’re uncomfortable with or set a new boundary with your students. That feeling is common, and it’s part of the journey to becoming a more confident teacher and leader. In this episode, we explain why it’s so important to practice confidence in the classroom. We explain how to recognize when you’re feeling unconfident and...
Published 08/16/22
Think back to your favorite elementary school teacher. Did they inspire you? Make you feel heard? Connect with you daily? As elementary guides, we should strive to be these kinds of teachers, the ones who inspire our students to be curious about the world around them. In this episode, we explain what it means to be a truly inspirational elementary guide. We share what different teaching styles look like in the classroom and how to know what kind of teacher you are. Plus, we share a list of...
Published 08/02/22
If standard Montessori teacher training taught you everything you needed to know before you stepped into the classroom, it would last way longer than two years! Chances are, you learned the content but not necessarily how to implement it in a real, everchanging classroom environment. That’s where supplementary education like the Elementary Bootcamp comes in! In this episode, we’re talking about our upcoming Elementary Bootcamp and how it can prepare you for the approaching school year. We’re...
Published 07/12/22
There are two major paths towards self improvement: external feedback and self-reflection. While external feedback happens naturally in most classrooms, self-reflection is a skill you have to make time for and practice. When you do, you’ll improve your craft, connect more deeply with your students, and feel more confident in your abilities. In this episode, we’re talking about the power of self-reflection for the Montessori teacher. We’re explaining how to practice daily reflection and turn...
Published 06/07/22
Most of us in the Montessori world have been cautioned not to praise children. Too much praise can lead to patterns of codependency and inadvertently teach children that their self-worth should be based on the perceptions of others. But is there really no place for praise and compliments in the Montessori classroom? And if there is, how do you do it right? In this episode, we’re talking about praise, compliments, and connection with your students. We’re explaining the difference between...
Published 05/31/22
Have you ever been stumped by a student’s question? As children grow and learn, their questions get more complex and difficult to answer. How you respond–or don’t respond–to these hard questions is telling of your confidence as a teacher, and it’s an opportunity for you to model humility and curiosity for your students. In this episode, we’re sharing some techniques for responding to students’ questions when you aren’t confident in your answer. We’re explaining how question asking plays into...
Published 05/17/22
During your early years as a Montessori teacher, you might feel like you’re in the dark. Sometimes, you might be asked to teach on subjects you yourself aren’t entirely confident in. Other times, you might feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day work of running a classroom. But like a seed planted beneath the soil, the only way out is up. As you grow, you’ll push through those barriers and stretch closer and closer to the light. In this episode, Letty is sharing an experience from her very first...
Published 05/10/22
If you’ve been teaching throughout the pandemic, you’ve probably heard of or witnessed fellow educators leave the field. The increased expectations of teachers in our society paired with the physical and emotional impacts of COVID have made for thousands of tired, overworked teachers. But through personal action and systematic changes, we believe we can improve our work environments and weather the symptoms of “long haul emotional COVID.”  In this episode, we’re talking about the factors that...
Published 04/26/22
When we talk about the Montessori classroom, we often talk about two groups: teachers and students. But there’s another key player in the classroom, someone whose role is vital to the success of teachers and students alike: the assistant! Even in the fast-paced classroom environment, it’s important that assistants be given the resources and opportunities to educate themselves on how best to interact with and nurture their students. In this episode, we’re talking about our brand new resource...
Published 04/19/22
When it comes to building relationships with your students, what comes to mind? Do you feel lost or overwhelmed by the concept when not given any actionable steps to enact it within your classroom setting? You are not alone. Buzz words are all the rage in education, but you won’t get very far without tools to help you understand how to build relationships with different types of students in the varying settings that occur throughout the school day. In today’s episode, we’re discussing the...
Published 04/12/22
Humans are the only creatures that we know of that have the ability to not only adapt to but also shape our environment. Human tendencies helped our hunter-gatherer ancestors to survive the wilderness, and today, they help us survive and adapt to different environments and social groups as well as society as a whole. In today’s episode, we’re discussing how human tendencies present themselves in the elementary child. The list is comprehensive and largely unchanging, and we’ll go through each...
Published 03/29/22
As a Montessori teacher, one of your most important roles is maintaining the balance between freedom and responsibility in your classroom. You want to give your students opportunities to think for themselves and make their own decisions, but you also want to maintain a level of safety and harmony within the classroom. So how do you find that sweet spot? In this episode, we’re talking about finding balance between freedom and responsibility in your elementary Montessori classroom. We’re...
Published 03/22/22
Repetition is key to students’ understanding of certain concepts, and no subject requires more repetition than math. For most students, however, repetition in math doesn’t come naturally. Instead, we as teachers must find a balance between letting them take charge of their own learning and gently encouraging practice and repetition. In this episode, we’re talking about the different ways you can ensure your students practice math skills to proficiency. We’re explaining why some students don’t...
Published 03/15/22
Of all the skills we practice in the Montessori classroom, writing seems to be the most divisive. Some students love it, and others avoid it–either because they don’t enjoy it, they aren’t comfortable with the vulnerability it requires, or they don’t understand how to put their thoughts into words. But as their teacher, you have the opportunity to foster in your students a love for and understanding of writing. In this episode, we’re talking about the different ways you can spark a further...
Published 03/08/22
When most people think of the Montessori classroom, they envision three- to six-year-olds. And while early childhood education is an important part of the Montessori method, it doesn’t stop there. The elementary classroom environment is very different from that of early childhood, and for very good reasons. In this episode, we’re talking about how the early childhood and elementary Montessori classrooms differ. We’re breaking down the differences in environment, structure, and community and...
Published 03/01/22
When you first graduated from your Montessori teacher training program, you probably did so with a spring in your step and an armful of albums. While these albums are incredibly useful when planning your lessons, you’ll find that there are times when you must go beyond the albums. So when should you do that, and how can you stay true to Montessori methods while you do? In this episode, we’re talking about what it means to go beyond the albums. We’re sharing different ways you can supplement...
Published 02/22/22
In the Montessori classroom, we’re equipped with tons of engaging materials to foster curiosity in our students. Some of the most useful (and underappreciated) materials at our disposal are the History Question Charts. But how do you introduce them to your students, and how can you encourage students to explore them on their own?  In this episode, we’re sharing our tips for introducing and using the History Question Charts in your Montessori classroom. We’re discussing different ways you can...
Published 02/15/22
In the dynamic Montessori environment, there are so many different variables at play that can affect your lesson planning. As an educator, how do you know when it's time to move on and present the next lesson to your students?  In this episode, we’ll be walking you through a guideline with helpful elements to consider when it comes to deciding when to present lessons to your classroom. You’ll hear why it’s critical to pay attention to observations, a question you should always ask before...
Published 02/08/22