Tripnotic Downtempo Podcast No.17 [Holiday Special]
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[Enhanced Podcast] *Holiday Special* Music from: ThirdEyeFX, Kaleidoscope Jukebox, Zigo, Black Sheep, Portishead, LL Cool J, Kid Koala, Liquid Lotus High, Irene Merring, Third Person Lurkin, Telefon Tel Aviv, Bonobo, Peshay, David Holmes, Madlib, and The Herbaliser. A story about Tripnotic and the Holidays: Way back in the the winter of 1996 when ThirdEyeFX was a bright eyed and bushy-tailed teen, he decided to make 10 mixtapes and gift them only to his closest friends for Christmas. The music was a collection of Trip Hop songs that he felt were "top-shelf" and ranged from . When thinking of a title for the cassette, he named it "Tripnotic" never thinking that the title would emerge years later in a whole new light. We present you this shiny, new mix made by ThirdEyeFX for the Holiday season made with the same theme in mind, "sharing top-shelf music with friends". This mix features songs from many contributors that sent songs to, and other favorites, with clips layered over tracks just like he did on the original mixtapes.