It's getting expensive in all walks of life, and fish keeping is no exception, here are 5 areas to look at to save money, avoiding buying things you don't need, and wasting money on false economy. 
Published 08/04/22
It's not as easy as buying a pot of flake and sprinkling in as much as they will eat in 3 minutes any more. 
Published 08/03/22
But how far will we go in terms of welfare and care, what will we think of our care in another 50 years. A quick look at where fish keeping started, and where we are today. 
Published 08/02/22
In 2003 the Tequila Splitfin was extinct in the wild, but since then a team at Michoacán University of Mexico, with brood stock from Chester Zoo, and help from their team, have reintroduced 1500 to springs in the Teuchitlán River in the state of Jalisco in south west Mexico. Against all the odds they seem to be thriving.  Want to support us and keep this podcast going?  https://www.patreon.com/tropicalfishkeepinguk Every little helps, and I'm starting to up load the real rants over there...
Published 08/01/22
 Neon tetras, evolved to confuse predators with their mirror silver sides, and to show off to others of their own kind with the stunning blue and red stripes. One of the prettiest fish you can imagine, but so often kept in conditions they haven't evolved in.   Normally susceptible to disease if you choose your stock carefully and keep them in the right conditions, you have a great fish. 
Published 07/31/22
What's wrong with picking any fish we like, there's quite a bit, and trust me I'll go into the whys and whats, plus the time I almost got eaten by a shark. 
Published 07/30/22
So we often say that the hobby can help in conservation world wide, but does it? How can we help? 
Published 07/29/22
Buying baby fish is a part of fish keeping, but do we think about the adult size? It's a crucial part of fish keeping that seems to be over looked. 
Published 07/28/22
I've decided that fish store staff must be saints. Here are a round up of stories that staff have shared with me today. I'm not sure I wanted to hear all the issues they face. I think I need to go and try and forget that humans exist. 
Published 07/27/22
The first of the daily podcasts, with news, info, and the usual rants when I get on to a favourite topic or two. It's not all about keeping fish, but stuff that might interest fish keepers.  A daily round up of the stories I've come across, science info, and things about fish keeping that I think you might be interested in.   Today we look at who I am, some fishy news, and why today is an important anniversary for Tropical Fish Keeping UK. 
Published 07/25/22