Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Listen to the first-hand experience of a young small-town American woman’s first experience with tyrannical oppression and control in a Communist country. Shocking and chilling experiences in the USSR were so alien to her life experience growing up in America that the memories of palpable oppression, fear on...
Published 01/08/23
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Storms, turbulence, adversities, fears, and worries hit all of us. It is our response to those events that determines the way events impact us for the worse, or for the better. Feeling helpless in the face of adversity actually sabotages your physical, emotional, and spiritual health and undermines your relationships...
Published 01/01/23
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – THIS America is how our Constitutional Republic is supposed to work, with states controlling all powers not specifically enumerated in the Constitution as belonging to the Federal government. Governor DeSantis’ bold and courageous leadership at the state level is showing all of us how each State in the USA can...
Published 12/18/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Why do the wicked seem to be winning? Habakkuk boldly and confidently took his complaints directly to God. And God answered with an outpouring of proof and prediction. These are the same big issues and questions we face today. In this Christmas Advent season...
Published 12/11/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – What are the parallels with what was happening in Jerusalem and Babylon around the time of Jeremiah and Ezekiel? And what messages do the prophets of the Old Testament have for us as Christians today? What can we learn from their messages that give us lessons for today, and what are our responsibilities?
Published 12/04/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Communism and socialism failed miserably in early America and led to many deaths due to starvation and deprivation. DrLee4America and Christian Minister Bill Wilson, two descendants of the colonists who celebrated America’s first Thanksgivings at Jamestown Island, VA, in 1610 and Plymouth, MA, in 1621...
Published 11/27/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Elites in both parties have sold our country out to the Globalists and the Chinese Communist Party. The global predators and their agenda to control every aspect of our lives are sowing confusion, division, and chaos to manipulate us through fear. If we do not stand against this evil, we will not survive as a free democratic republic...
Published 11/20/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Schools and colleges have become nothing more than Communist factories. Pacification of the masses is their tool of choice to harvest weak people. The attacks on Judeo-Christian values will continue. History is clear about what happens next when cultures have no spiritual enlightenment. Or they lose their trust in God...
Published 11/13/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – With Election 2022, we face the critical question you have to answer at the polls on NOV 8: Do you want to live from now on the same way you lived under the COVID lockdowns and tyranny? Even worse, tyranny lies ahead if we allow THIS election to keep the status quo with one-party control and the mob rule “democracy” instead of...
Published 11/06/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – As many as 1000 patients a day are dying using “COVID” protocols with a deadly cocktail of toxic drugs, ventilators, withholding fluids, and nutrition, in America's hospitals. Shockingly, hospitals are paid incentives that can reach $500,000 or more per COVID patient by the US government. Join us Tuesday, Nov 1st at Noon ET for a Press Conference...
Published 10/30/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Never in the history of the vaccination program worldwide have experimental gene therapy shots been put on the childhood schedule without testing and children without long-term safety data, and without even any FDA oversight of quality, compliance, and good manufacturing practices in the manufacturing and distribution of
Published 10/23/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Our physicians discuss the common classes of damage to the body from both 5G EMF radiation and the COVID shot and how these effects when combined, cause intensified damage to multiple organ systems: Blood effects leading to micro blood clots - Heart damage - Brain damage - Impaired cellular oxygenation and calcium ion flow...
Published 10/16/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – It is critical for each one of us to be aware of what transhumanism is and how it will impact our lives, our families lives, and society. Transhumanism is an attack on the pinnacle of God’s creation, human life, and the human genome. The merging of human beings to be controlled by Big Tech is yet another sign of the descent into...
Published 10/09/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Our two courageous career military officers, expose, with evidence, the shadow policies across all branches of our military services to have “standard operating policies” (SOP) with instructions for blanket denials of religious accommodations for the experimental products. Denial of religious exemptions is a flagrant abuse of...
Published 09/25/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – All Americans must take a stand against this massive orchestrated assault on our Constitution and our rights endowed to us by our Creator. If we do not heed the threat, then, 2022 may turn out to be a Eulogy for this magnificent document that has been an unparalleled beacon of liberty to the entire world since...
Published 09/18/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – The hospital tried to stop care, and increase morphine to hasten their mother’s death, how they blocked the transfer to another hospital for proper care, and how they tried to stop the family from honoring their mother’s wishes to die at home. Doctors and nurses threatened the patient and family, carried out practices that...
Published 09/11/22
FAITH IS… with Pastor Rick Stevens – The potter can do whatever he or she pleases with the clay jar, and God can do what he pleases with us. The good news is that God wants to shape us into the kind of people he always imagined we could be. God wants to save us from all the stuff. Cooperate with grace, and let him do it!
Published 09/04/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Lt. Bashaw is under federal whistleblower protections under Title 10 USC § 1034 as one of nine officers from four military branches who filed on August 15, 2022, their Whistleblower Report alleging that the Department of Defense has unlawfully administered Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) products...
Published 09/04/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Assemblymember Christ Tague said, “It is truly frightening that a policy as consequential as this is racing through the rulemaking process. This policy’s aim is to forcibly isolate law-abiding citizens is reminiscent of some of the ugliest tyrannical regimes history has ever known. It has no place standing as law here in New York, let alone anywhere in the United States.”
Published 08/28/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – The Whistleblower Report alleges Department of Defense (DoD) has unlawfully administered Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) products (i.e., products authorized but not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)) and has misrepresented these EUA products to military service members as fully...
Published 08/21/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – Richard decided courageously to speak out publicly about his horrible ordeal at the hands of Kaiser Health System to help prevent such tragic outcomes for other patients. He goes on the record on America Out Loud with his attorney and his nurse and shares the truth of what his life has become since he was surgically castrated...
Published 08/14/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – When the news came from the media and the government that there was a “safe and effective vaccine,” we were told that everyone needed to get the vaccine for our health and to stop the spread. I decided to do the right thing and keep my son safe. This turned out to be the worst decision of my life. Suddenly, my son was dead, and I was planning his funeral...
Published 08/07/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – The ER doctor refused to order a current D-Dimer blood test for the presence of blood clots — calling it “irrelevant” — even though the patient’s clinical presentation had clear signs of another blood clot in her leg. Only after confirming the blood clot in her leg with an ultrasound, and with continued pressure from the...
Published 07/31/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – This is the legal framework that led to the lockstep, draconian global control that led to all the COVID lockdowns, mandates, and loss of medical freedom around the world. The WHO declaration decision was made by one man with no medical training, over the objection of the majority of his own expert committee of advisors...
Published 07/24/22
Truth For Health with DrLee4America – America simply cannot afford the continued purging of some of our most highly trained and experienced military, all because of a highly politicized agenda to continue to force the unlawful orders to take an experimental COVID shot and to endure repeated testing with experimental (EUA) testing...
Published 07/17/22