Learning the real duty of a minister in God's last day church. 
Published 08/25/22
An indepth analysis of the confusing doctrine that seems to be appearing in Walter Veith's teachings. This analysis shows that he is in fact teaching errors on the subject of perfection, especially in connection with the last days. Here are the links to the videos that will be discussed and/or directly referenced  What's Up Prof Ep. 60--it's mostly toward the end that this doctrine is directly looked at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7rXkXkyT08  What's Up Prof Ep. 61, Around the 1 hour...
Published 08/17/22
Can a Christian become perfect? 
Published 08/11/22
I historical and Spirit of Prophecy look at the touchy subject of tithes and offerings, and who's really responsible for them.
Published 08/05/22
A look at the recent article by James Standish and the education that led to his blindness.
Published 05/03/22
In light of the recent Disney stance on LGBTQ and opposing the Parental Rights Act of Florida, this episode looks at the history of Protestant education in America and its collapse by sexualizing children in elementary schools instead of focusing on reading, writing, and arithmetic and who's responsible.
Published 04/27/22
A look at the false scientific narrative surrounding the "need" for COVID vaccine boosters and Dr. Ardis connects the whole pandemic to the Pope and the Jesuits of Rome
Published 04/19/22
A look at the education, family education, cabinet appointees and SCOTUS appointments of Donald Trump
Published 04/12/22
A startling look at the dark legacy of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates in light of Bible Prophecy.
Published 04/06/22
Looking at the war between Russia and Ukraine through the prophetic lens.
Published 03/29/22
A look at the ecumenical movement, environmental movement goals, implementation and consequences.
Published 03/23/22
In light of the recent Ukraine-Russia conflict, the identity of the "King of the North" and the "King of the South" have come to the front. This episode dives into the true identity of these latter day powers from Daniel 11.
Published 03/16/22
God's Hand during the American Revolution juxtaposed against the Satanic spirit of the French Revolution 
Published 03/08/22
A balanced look at the faith of the American founders from the biblical and spirit of prophecy perspective
Published 03/01/22
A look at the secrets to receiving the latter rain...
Published 02/22/22
A look at the French Revolution and the role of the Jesuit Order
Published 02/11/22
Find out where the ideologies and style of government in France ultimately led to? Was it more freedom? More rights? or more tyranny?
Published 02/04/22
A deeper look at the French Revolution and their determined anti-God sentiments and what it means for our prophetic future.
Published 01/28/22
A look at the causes of the French Revolutions with prophetic insights into similarities today.
Published 01/21/22
The threefold union and the threefold plan of the dark spiritual world is revealed in the testimony of ex-demon worshiper Roger Morneau.
Published 01/14/22
A look at the historical players involved in the slave-trade and slavery, which gives context and insight for today.
Published 11/22/21
A look at the Wednesday vs Friday crucifixion doctrine and debate--which is biblical?
Published 09/18/21
The Law of God or the Law of Love--are they at odds?
Published 09/10/21
An unofficial part 2 to the flat earth debate, where we discuss Present Truth vs the "all truth is God's truth" argument
Published 09/04/21
Ted Wilson corrects his view on the mark of the beast in a public setting, the power of the people, the signs of the times, overcoming sin, and the 3 steps to success
Published 08/20/21