On this episode, Morey and Macarena discuss asset protection, and how easy it is for foreign banks to mislead the unprepared foreign investor. In addition to the copious amounts of tax forms required by the IRS, foreign investors may also be required to show proof of their income, and have foreign investments evaluated. The right tax professional can help you to be ready for the next mandate. Call Glazer Financial for your free initial consultation.   Key Takeaways: [1:08] The government...
Published 11/08/16
On this episode, Morey and Macarena remind us of how important it is to plan to plan. If you, or someone you know, is thinking about moving overseas you must have an honest, experienced tax and lifestyle planning specialist like Morey Glazer, or someone on his team at Glazer Financial. Stay compliant, live a good life and be prepared!   Key Takeaways: [:58] A vacation in a foreign country is much different than buying a piece of property there. [1:52] Every state is different, when it...
Published 11/01/16
Morey and Macarena are together today to share information and to educate expats on how to be responsible with our taxes and to make sure we don’t get a nasty surprise letter from the IRS. Believe it or not, but the IRS does have a game book. It’s important, if you are considering buying international real estate, to know what your tax liabilities are and will be. Plan to plan and be prepared.   Key Takeaways: [:56] How do you know what your tax liabilities will be in a foreign country? ...
Published 10/25/16
Morey and Macarena discuss the Foreign Earned Income Credit and how it applies to families living offshore. Big tax savings can be had using the credit, even if you are still working for a U.S. company. Call Glazer Financial to see how their tax professionals can help you prepare for your existing expatriate lifestyle or your upcoming travel plans to live out your retirement in the sun.   Key Takeaways: [:46] The Foreign Earned Income Credit -- Solutions for an expatriate in Turkey. ...
Published 10/18/16
Morey and Macarena join forces again today to discuss the penalties of not paying your US taxes. They warn that even if you have an accountant or tax preparer it doesn’t mean he or she is versed in how to report international accounts or foreign corporations. Some accountants aren’t even aware of the additional forms required by the IRS when a US citizen has an offshore account. Be prepared and plan your financial future with a team who understands your expat lifestyle. Call Glazer Financial...
Published 10/11/16
Morey and Macarena stress the importance of tax compliance during today’s podcast. They discuss the little details of offshore accounts and offshore corporations some accountants and lawyers may not deem important. Morey reminds us the IRS is smarter than taxpayers think, and even though you haven’t filed for 5 or 6 years it doesn’t mean they are not aware of your status. They just might be hot on your trail. Morey and his team at Glazer Financial keep up-to-date on all of the changes in tax...
Published 10/04/16
When people are young, they take very little time to consider their financial future. With the help of a certified financial planner, people can make sure they live the life they want today, while preparing for their future needs. Morey and Macarena share best tips and practices for making the most of a retirement savings account including how to purchase international real estate, investment income properties and how to find a lifestyle plan that fits your life.   Key Takeaways: [2:46]...
Published 09/27/16
Planning for your retirement can be time-consuming and difficult if you are not an expert on the savings plans available. There are 401(k) plans, profit sharing plans, IRAs and others. The trick is to understand the requirements and benefits each plan offers. Some will allow you to borrow money from yourself to buy cars or international real estate. The loan will be with yourself and you pay yourself back the interest and your taxes are lower. In order to realize the benefits of retirement...
Published 09/20/16
On this week’s episode, Morey takes time away from his busy schedule to share the latest updates on changes to the U.S. tax code. He’s joined by Macarena Rose, an international real estate expert located in Belize. At the same time, the team at the Glazer Financial office is busy preparing taxes, making corrections and working with the IRS to maximize savings for clients. The team is able to provide detailed feedback on bankruptcy cases, instances where another tax preparer has made mistakes...
Published 09/13/16
In this episode, Morey and Macarena stress the importance of financial planning and preparing for your retirement. Morey shares a real life example of a 70-year-old family member who was talked into using his IRA to purchase a piece of property. The family member did not consult with Morey until after the deed was done and now wonders if his decision was a good one. Morey and Macarena stress the importance of vetting anyone who wants some of your money, and always contact Glazer Financial...
Published 09/06/16
In this episode, Morey and Macarena discuss Obamacare, FACTA and the importance of financial planning. Many insurance companies in the U.S. are refusing to foot the bill for the millions of unemployed and impoverished citizens who are currently under Obamacare coverage. They have decided to allow the government to bear the burden by way of increasing taxes. Penalties by the IRS are making this a damned if you do and damned if you don’t vicious cycle. The only way you can be prepared for the...
Published 08/30/16
Tuesday Tax Tips with Morey is back, with Morey and Macarena discussing the possibility of a seminar in Mexico and a series of online seminars designed to help expatriates stay compliant and avoid IRS late fees and penalties. In fact, Glazer Financial has been a leader in reducing expat penalties and even eliminating tax penalties for their clients. Contact Macarena with your international real estate inquiries or contact Morey to assist you in planning for your financial future.   Key...
Published 08/09/16
August 14, 2016, has been slated as the official date of our Tax Tips with Morey, conference in Dallas, Texas. This is the place for you to bring your questions about the legal issues, tax requirements and compliance for Morey to answer directly. Many of our listeners have similar issues so what better way than a face-to-face conference to get everything out in the open. Macarena will be flying in from Belize to offer resources on offshore real estate opportunities. Contact us using the...
Published 07/26/16
Morey and Macarena join forces again on this episode to help U.S. citizens stay legal no matter where they reside. Morey warns of fraudulent calls and emails from people falsely claiming to be the IRS, what correspondence from the IRS really looks like and how Glazer Financial can take some of the burden off you at tax time. If you like our podcast you will love our Tax Tips with Morey Live event in Dallas, Texas this August. Listen in to find out more.   Key Takeaways: [1:24] What should...
Published 07/19/16
Many expats are unaware of the IRS requirement of filling out a Foreign Bank Account Regulation form (FBAR) during tax time. Not understanding the requirement does not make a tax payer immune to the penalties, taxes and interests that commonly follow when the IRS figures out an expat did not file. Proper planning with an accountant who is up-to-date on current tax laws can be an expat’s best defense against large, unnecessary penalties. The savings can be used to purchase additional...
Published 07/12/16
Morey is back with Macarena to give you all of the up-to-date tax code information and changes. If your accountant doesn’t stay on top of things they could be doing you a disservice, which could eventually come back to haunt you by way of additional taxes and penalties. Any expat who hasn’t filed their taxes or who owns an offshore corporation is at risk. Call Morey or contact Macarena today.   Key Takeaways: [1:10] More and more people who live outside of the U.S. believe they don’t have...
Published 07/05/16
Today Morey and Macarena are both in Belize discussing the importance of planning, tax compliance and moving offshore. Stressing the importance of planning, Morey says that “even successful people make mistakes in dealing with offshore tax compliance. It’s because the rules are changing all the time. The IRS wants every dime they are owed.” If you have moved offshore or are planning a move, the best thing you can do is call or email Morey because his team will take care of the boring details...
Published 06/07/16
Today Morey and Macarena discuss the importance of Health Savings Accounts and how they can be used to make necessary daily expenses tax deductible. Morey stresses the importance of planning and how a few precautions now can save you big money in the future should an accident or disaster happen. Morey and his team at Glazer Financial are dedicated to keeping up with the ever-changing tax code and how they can help you, the client, save, save, save.   Key Takeaways: [1:13] Accountants can...
Published 05/17/16
People often visit a foreign country for a quick vacation and then end up falling in love with a piece of real estate. They may feel as if they are doing their research by scouring the internet for information, but without an accountant who can help with tax planning and tax codes they may find themselves in a bind at tax time. Don’t let this happen to you. Let Glazer Financial give you the much-needed expertise you need.   Key Takeaways: [1:27] The tax rate on passive income is going up...
Published 05/03/16
If you don’t plan for the tax year ahead, how will you know how much of your earnings to hold back? Whether you are a real estate agent in Belize or a small business owner in the US, the IRS still wants its share. And, the tax code is not easy to understand or keep up with. Today Morey and Macarena discuss the unavoidable 30% withholding tax for sending money offshore, the possible tax problems with partnerships and tax changes regarding depreciation and bonus depreciation...
Published 04/26/16
At the end of 2014 and 2015, Congress added and changed tax provisions in budget extension bills. Many of these changes go unnoticed by some preparers, but not by Morey Glazer. He and his team are continually reading and investigating the tax code so his clients don’t have to. They are competent in FACTA requirements, Obamacare and the Foreign Earned Income Credit for those who spend time living and investing offshore or have a vested interest in an offshore corporation.   Key...
Published 04/19/16
Many of today’s accountants are not familiar with the tax rules and regulations of owning foreign assets, foreign corporations or foreign bank accounts. Through the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), companies and individuals are required to voluntarily disclose any foreign assets. In addition, if a foreign held account contains more than $10,000, a Schedule B must be prepared at tax time to alert the IRS of its existence. Some people may believe moving money or other assets,...
Published 04/12/16
This week, Morey and Macarena discuss the importance of doing your due diligence before moving abroad. Careful tax planning can save you thousands of dollars in possible fees and duties. You should research the country you plan to move to with a fine tooth comb. Make sure to find out what type of leadership the country has, what import duties may apply and if your residency status in the country affects your US citizenship.   Key Takeaways: [1:00] When you plan to move offshorem, make sure...
Published 04/05/16
When planning for your financial future, you need a planner who is easily accessible and has the required experience to assist you in your unique situation. Macarena, Morey and the entire team at Glazer Financial have the knowledge, the experience and the up-to-date information to keep you current, informed and paying the lowest taxes possible. The team would love to hear from you and read your question during next week’s podcast. Send your questions to [email protected] or add a...
Published 03/29/16
If you haven’t filed your taxes or think you may have made a mistake because you didn’t understand the tax code or foreign earned income credits, contact Morey’s office, Glazier Financial today. They will look over your past 3 Federal returns and supply you with an analysis to help you plan for your financial future. In addition, they will make certain you have the necessary tax forms filed. As a US citizen, you have a tax liability for life, no matter where you choose to do business or...
Published 03/22/16