Tracey and Laura discuss a Dear Listener's email. Tracey speaks to some common themes that our listener brings up- maybe you can relate? The feeling of knowing there is 'more' out there, the feeling that although you are happy in what you are doing (or maybe not even?), that feeling that is more to 'do', more to discover, uncover, some bottomless well of un-tapped potential... Laura asks the questions, Tracey offers explanations, and ofcourse there's other random thoughts that pop in and out...
Published 05/31/22
We are so excited to welcome back a special guest who absolutely loved connecting with. Lucy joins Shannon and Laura in what is a most insightful, deep, and inspiring discussion on Lucy's book, Creatrix, and how we can all massage a little more creativity into our being. Lucy also offers some beautiful readings from her book, enchanting, and inspiring- and incredibly candid- you can see why 'We Love Lucy'. She is the author of ten life-changing non-fiction books for women, including...
Published 05/30/22
Join Tracey and Laura as they chat about what is meant by the term Grand Gestures within the spiritual and energetic context. Anyone who has experienced spiritual growth of any level will be able to relate with reaching that point where you make a choice to do things differently, see things in a new perspective, move forward by finally asking for what you need, speaking your truth, or maybe accepting things on some new level. Tracey talks us through the energetic properties of these moments,...
Published 05/24/22
Our last interview with this special guest was so full of fun, inspiring information and magic we just HAD to invite him back on the podcast again! He is a professional astrology & tarot reader and has been practicing modern witchcraft for over 20 years. As a devotee to the goddess Lilith, he anchors his practice with the use of glamour, love, moon, and sex magic. The author of many books, he has just released a brand new book - Astrology for Witches - Shannon and Laura ask Michael about...
Published 05/23/22
Tracey and Laura are joined by the very delightful Megan Quinse, who is making a return to the Turns Out Network, after being interviewed by Shannon and Laura over at TOSW earlier this year. Megan is a dedicated manifestation and spirituality coach. She's passionate about giving women power in their day-to-day by using the basics of manifestation to tap into your spiritual side. Her mission is to guide you back to your truest, most authentic self and show you that you have the power to...
Published 05/17/22
What is a familiar? Is it different to a pet? Well, yes, and no, you see it really depends on the level of connection that you have with said animal. Shannon turns to a recent favourite book of hers- 'Witchcraft. The Library of esoterica' to help out with the historical roots, and definition of Familiars. Laura and Shannon then take turns to discuss more of the 'familiar familiars', so to speak. Together they cover the Cat, Raven, Spider, Snake, Toad/Frog, Owl, Mouse and Fox. Do you have a...
Published 05/16/22
Dear Listener Jess from last ep replied with another thought provoking question that we thought would make for a great ep, which is- knowing the source of the information that you are receiving. Tracey takes us though a variety of potential Sources, Angels from the Angelic Realm, Gods and Goddess, Ascended Masters, Ancestors and Spirit Guides (to name a few). Enjoy! Support Turns Out Network Here Get your free SINC. launch event tickets for 21st May...
Published 05/11/22
Rhiannon established her online business, The Spiritual Toolbox, in 2016. She has become a trusted source of ethically produced metaphysical items, witchcraft tools, and practitioner made products. She is a qualified metaphysical practitioner, aromatherapist and astrologer, and someone who is absolutely brimming with esoteric wisdom. We wind up talking about scrying, sex magic and processes she follows to make anointing oil. https://thespiritualtoolbox.com/ Abramelin anoitning ritual...
Published 05/09/22
Strap in ToSPies! Tracey and Laura have some catching up to do, we explain a little more about our recent absence, and then Stacey-Tracey climbs onboard to respond to a spooky listener email, Jessica- from America has written in to share her experiences getting, errr- LICKED by a spirit. We are back in this episode bringing you more twists, tangents and randomness than a high-schoolers TikTok account. Support Turns Out Network Here Sign up for SINC. Launch party...
Published 05/03/22
This week Shannon, Laura and members of our Podcast Coven share some personal connections and stories with the spiritual side. Shannon shares some beautiful experiences with Archangel Michael, and how she has become acquainted with the Goddess Artemis, naturally Shannon also gives us some background bio on these incredible forces. Laura has been reading up on her Incan ancestral lineage- and has some information and stories to share on folklore and mythologies from that time. She shares some...
Published 05/02/22
The Wheel of the Year is turning again, this time to one of our all time favourite Sabbats - Samhain. For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere it's happening Sunday 30th April & it's also coinciding with the Dark Moon. For our dear cousins in the North you will be experiencing Beltane! (Check out our Beltane ep from October last year) No matter what side of the globe you are on the veil between worlds is considered to be thin at this time, so the perfect night for divination...
Published 04/25/22
Meaningful and deep conversation with some one, especially when their opinions differ from that of your own can often be difficult, confronting and uncomfortable for most adults, so when our children are in their formative years, how are supporting them to learn these skills, and become clear on values? Especially when potentially divisive topics such as religion are involved, how can we role-model acceptance, respect, and to be aware of judgement and bias? It's a huge topic, and the chat, as...
Published 04/19/22
Published 04/18/22
Published 04/11/22
Tracey and Laura explore the themes of spiritual bypassing, toxic positivity, and finding the silver linings. They chat about what they each mean, and explain how they are different from one another. The kids and dogs went wild in the background of this episode, heads-up for the less-than awesome amounts of background noise! Stick with us as we round out the episode by Laura sharing a recent conversation with a nursing friend who had a rather beautiful experience with a patient during their...
Published 04/05/22
Published 04/04/22
In today's special episode of our podcast, we felt a calling to deviate from our usual content and shine some attention to domestic violence. Earlier today, Tracey received a text from a client who needed to chat urgently. As Tracey has mentioned before, she has the privilege of working with people who have and do live with tremendous and unimaginable traumas. Kaitlin is one and today she said enough. Today she said I am ready. Spirit immediately guided Tracey to ask her to share her story...
Published 03/29/22
Tracey and Laura shed some light, so to speak on what can often be a misunderstood, misrepresented, and intimidating time in one's life-spiritual awakenings. Tune in to hear some real talk about what they are often described as, how they may feel, and what you might be able to expect as you navigate through this time. Why not write in and tell us of your own experience? Support Turns Out Network Here Do you TOSP? Are you a TOSPIE? Have a Story to share, or a question to ask? What are you...
Published 03/22/22
Published 03/21/22
If Nostradamus had been around these days- he would own quite the intriguing Linkedin page- listing occupations such as physician, author, translator and astrological consultant to royalty, Nostradamus recorded -in rhyme, no less- predictions spanning over 2 thousand years. Tracey has hit the history sites- reading all about this 16th Century icon, and is ready to share what she has learnt about the life of Nostradamus, or as she has come to call him, Nostie. Listen to the end to hear...
Published 03/15/22
Published 03/14/22
This ep we visit a couple of listener emails, from bossy voices in the maternity ward, to a spirit taking a listener on a wild dreaming experience. Tracey provides some practical tips on how to best put a stop to these unwanted nocturnal disturbances. Support Turns Out Network Here Visit Tracey's website here Australian Medium, Psychic & Spiritual Alignment Mentor https://www.traceydimech.com.au Do you TOSP? Are you a TOSPIE? Have a Story to share, or a question to ask? What are you...
Published 03/08/22
Hello Dear Listeners, join us this episode as Laura does her best to discombobulate Tracey with a rather loaded question. You see, sometimes it can be tricky to discriminate when to stop 'doing the work', so we talk about how useful true self reflection can be, and then, how do we stop? What do we do while we are stopped? Tracey reminds us of Divine Order, and Divine Time. We finish this ep with a Listener question about a slightly bossy ghost nurse encounter sent in from Fiona....
Published 03/01/22