Our rewatch of the full run of Twin Peaks has finished with our enthusiastic discussion of its stunning finale. But stay tuned for continuing Twin Peaks talk, including our take on the film Fire Walk With Me next week!
Published 05/20/15
We've come this far and it's finally paid off -- the moment we've all been waiting for is here: the Miss Twin Peaks competition! Let's all join together to lay Twin Peaks' bizarre back nine to rest, and clear the board for next week's series finale.
Published 05/14/15
This week on Twin Peaks the darkness that permeates the town is felt with a potency we haven't seen in a long time, and Windom Earle is on occasion the actual vicious, driven, and brilliant villain we have been told so much about, but it's all still in service of a spooky treasure map found in a haunted cave. Points for trying, but we may be too little too late at this point. Two weeks until the finale!
Published 05/05/15
It's another enjoyable but aimless episode of Twin Peaks! As we close in on the series finale, the full suite of late-season-two plot threads chugs along. At least we're always glad to see Gordon Cole.
Published 04/28/15
As we approach the series finale, Twin Peaks has returned to Twin Peaks, and we're pretty pleased about it. On the other hand, Lost has also come to Twin Peaks, and we're sort of confused about that. In any case, we had fun with episode 26, "On the Wings of Love"!
Published 04/21/15
Major Briggs and the Log Lady have a secret. A deeply unsettling man threatens the Hayward family after paying Donna a visit alone. It sounds like Twin Peaks again, until you get to drunk Sheriff Truman, the fashion show, the wild ferret attack. Twin Peaks is coming back to life, but it's not quite back yet in "Wounds and Scars."
Published 04/14/15
Pine weasel or no, Ben Horn's wishes that Twin Peaks remain pure and unspoiled are too little, too late. We're way past that. So far past it that people's heads are transforming into furniture, that the villains are so interchangeable even the characters themselves can barely tell each other apart, that someone seems to die once a week and nobody cares. Welcome to Twin Peaks' 24th episode, "The Condemned Woman."
Published 04/07/15
It's been a rough journey back through Twin Peaks recently, but we think we may have hit the roughest patch, with clearer skies to come. For now, we remain confounded—join us as we stumble through the highs and lows of "Slaves and Masters."
Published 04/02/15
This is it. Twin Peaks is a different show now. In episode 22, amidst genius supervillains and melodrama aplenty, we have ventured further into the land of soap opera bombast than the series has previously dared. We discuss, bemused and baffled.
Published 03/25/15
Our complete rewatch of Twin Peaks has taken us deep into late season two, a time when the show can't decide what its wants to be and seemingly re-invents itself each week. Fortunately there's more or less as much to like as there is to be perplexed by, in the show's 21st episode, "Checkmate."
Published 03/18/15
We all understand that Twin Peaks is a sometimes surreal, sometimes absurdist series about a small town full of eccentric people, that comments on the soap opera and serialized TV show formats, but, while that is very aggressively true this week, the whole thing feels off and wrong. Join us as we discuss "The Black Widow," an out of place episode of Twin Peaks, in our weekly examination of the complete run of the show.
Published 03/11/15
We've now solidly put the murder of Laura Palmer behind us, but the rest of Twin Peaks keeps ticking along—with the scene-stealing introduction of David Duchovny as DEA agent Denise Bryson.
Published 02/25/15
In the wake of Laura's murder wrapping up, lore starts to build up and things get a little dumb, but there are still plenty of bright spots in our weekly rewatch of the complete run of Twin Peaks. Join us for the 18th episode, "Dispute Between Brothers."
Published 02/18/15
An episode of parlor rooms and connecting dots brings some huge stories to a close, but might wrap things up with too neat a bow. It's time for "Arbitrary Law," the 17th episode of Twin Peaks in our complete rewatch of the series.
Published 02/11/15
Following last week's revelations, Laura's killer becomes even more brazen as he continues to evade capture. It seemed like the show reached its climax, but it's still building as we continue our weekly examination of Twin Peaks' original run.
Published 02/04/15
It's happening again. Join us as we discuss "Lonely Souls," one of the pivotal episodes of Twin Peaks' second season, as part of our weekly re-examination of the show's complete run.
Published 01/27/15
Stories align, and plot threads clean themselves up, all while never quite crossing this week on Twin Peaks. David Lynch steps in front of the camera as FBI Regional Bureau Chief Gordon Cole, the Mill plot continues to simmer against all odds, and even characters who aren't teens can't help but act like them. Join us as we discuss Twin Peaks' 14th episode, "Demons."
Published 01/21/15
We're deep in the heart of Twin Peaks-as-ongoing-TV-series now, as a bunch of action-packed sneaking around happens, while Donna carries the emotional weight of the series herself, in her seemingly-solo search to understand Laura's murder.
Published 01/13/15
Everyone is so distracted by their own lives this week that the investigation into Laura's murder takes a bit of a back seat. Fortunately, this week, everyone's lives are pretty fun to watch. Join us in our weekly look at the complete run of Twin Peaks, as we watch "Laura's Secret Diary."
Published 01/07/15
Twin Peaks quickly dives right into the heart of the Season Two portion of Laura Palmer's mystery, and we follow right behind. Cooper and the crew make some strange breaks in the case, and a love triangle becomes a quadrangle, but there is some worrisome super-strength and regressive memory loss appearing at the edges of things. Join us as we take a look at "The Man Behind Glass."
Published 12/30/14
The investigation slows as season two's new storylines take center stage this week, in our re-examination of Twin Peaks. Things get weird. There is creamed corn. Do you see it?
Published 12/23/14
I've heard about you... We are back for the start of Season Two of our weekly look at the complete run of Twin Peaks. This week the elaborate, mad race of plot threads that ended season one come to a head and start cinching together into focused knots, launching nearly everyone off onto exciting new trajectories. While this episode may be one of the best episodes of Twin Peaks, it definitely has one of the worst names.
Published 12/17/14
Twin Peaks' first season is over, somehow ramping up every single storyline it touched, while winding down absolutely nothing. Though the finale left more questions asked than answered, we're only one third through the complete run of the series! Join us as we discuss our rewatch of "The Last Evening" and prepare for Season Two.
Published 12/02/14
This week on our examination of Twin Peaks, it seems half the cast is heading north of the border without telling each other, at least two people are wearing disguises, and everything has gone very noir. In the penultimate episode of season one, Twin Peaks' uncountable plot threads all line themselves up for the finale, and we sort through them with your help.
Published 11/25/14
It is time for a few small-but-potent character scenes, a lot of questions answered with even more questions, and a surprising number of meticulously blocked hero shots of the Sheriff's department, in week six of our re-examination of Twin Peaks. Join us (and the many helpful readers who shared their thoughts) in our discussion of episode 6: Cooper's Dreams.
Published 11/19/14