It's 35 days later and we get both an actual timeline to connect episodes with and we know what season we're in! Will wonders never cease on The Walking Dead? Just kidding. They'll definitely cease in 3 episodes. But while we're here, we see how Rick and Michonne approach their respective solutions to the disharmony they see between the communities (but really, it's just between the Saviors and everyone else, like always). Rick is determined to force harmony on everyone, despite the many...
Published 10/16/18
The dead are back to walk another day as the show kicks off its ninth season. There's a new showrunner, an 18 month time jump and the shadow of Andrew Lincoln's fastly approaching departure looming over us. We're not ready, but here we are. We talk a little about The Walking Dead's New York Comic Con panel and then we dig into the new threats of this season. Let's do this!   Subscribe to get the newest episodes: Apple | Stitcher | Google Podcasts | Spotify | search "Two Dead Chicks"...
Published 10/09/18
Was it the power of persistence that paid off or did we just bewilder a super busy man - riding high during his busiest year ever! - into sitting down with us? Doesn't matter! Ross Marquand is chatting with ya girls and if you took on the mantle of reaching out to Ross via social media to nudge him along, a special thank you to you! Fun fact: Melissa asked him about coming on our show for the first time exactly one year ago to the day that this interview took place. We hoped to get him on...
Published 08/07/18
Happy mid-The Walking Dead hiatus!   It’s been three months since we saw the last episode of season 8 and it will be another three months until season 9 starts. San Diego Comic Con is next week, and along with that comes a trailer and premiere date for season 9. Also, it’s 7/12. Also, it’s our two year anniversary! So what better way to celebrate than to talk about the love that keeps us going: the love between Rick Grimes and Michonne. Let’s say it all together now: Richonne!   We sat...
Published 07/12/18
  Guys. We made it. With the quality of the show and the ratings declining, it’s been an interesting time to be a part of the TWD fandom. But we made it through together.   We are joined by our #TDCPod Extreme Fan contest winner NettaBear (@nettabear13), contributing writer for Geek Girl Authority, to discuss the highs and lows of The Walking Dead’s 8th season. We list our Top 5 moments of the season and talk about the direction we hope the show is going in under new showrunner Angela...
Published 04/24/18
  After being in battle for approximately 84 years, "All Out War" ended in the most anticlimactic season finale in the history of The Walking Dead. Eugene helped save the day with his bullet sabotage even if we aren’t entirely sure that’s how guns work. Can we all agree this isn’t enough to allow him back into the fold? Because he was definitely ready to bust a cap in everybody’s ass yesterday. Also, it’s a good thing Aaron formerly known as BAE flopped around in the mud so the ladies of...
Published 04/17/18
In the penultimate episode of The Walking Dead’s eighth season, we bid farewell to the wrong villain. Boss Savior deserved more. We all did. But alas, Simon went out in a questionably choreographed fight to the death after planning a mutiny in broad daylight in the freaking courtyard. Because that makes sense.   Speaking of things that don’t make sense, what was Aaron doing? How long has he been out here? Long enough for Dwight to become a triple crosser and get caught! Poor Dwighty boy...
Published 04/10/18
  Three great episodes and our long awaited ‘I love you’?! What a time to be alive! The Walking Dead delivered some emotional gut punches this week and some real *gasp* character growth. With callbacks to Andre, Duane, "Clear," Sophia and Carl we witnessed some of our group grapple with what it means to lose a child.   For Carol, it meant facing her fears and heading out in search of Henry the Avenger who she feared to be dead. Upon finding him very much alive she apologized to him, and we...
Published 04/03/18
  Two enjoyable episodes of The Walking Dead, back to back? Will wonders never cease?   We clearly need more of Maggie because her last minute plans seem to be more put together than whatever is happening with Rick. However, as long as Rick is in slaughter mode, we'll accept it.   The leather jacket of power has transferred to Simon and we quite enjoyed that shootout; the fights at Hilltop are kinda top notch.   We talk about Carol & Tobin, Rick & Michonne, Henry, Maggie and...
Published 03/27/18
We've been had! We've been took! We've been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led Astray! Run amok! This is what he does. Yeah, we're talking about you, Nicotero. What did we ever do to you but want our Richonne content?!   Despite the deception, this episode of The Walking Dead was, frankly, fun fun fun. We knew Negan was crazy about his bat, but we didn't know he was literally insane. Not really sure how the Saviors follow this dude who starts snarling "Don't you touch her" anytime someone even...
Published 03/20/18
Can we all agree that we want Tara dead? Just dead. Not dead or alive or. This girl spent the entire episode plotting Dwight’s death. Good thing for him, almost completely blind Father Gabriel, shoots better than she does.   Speaking of Father Gabriel, we were both here for his spiritual awakening/new super powers. Seth Gilliam is brilliant to watch, though we can do without the Father G eye cam action. We were actually sad to see Dr. Carson go, but alas, there can only be one doctor on The...
Published 03/13/18
While Richonne copes with the devastating blow of losing Carl, Jadis suffers the loss of literally everyone she ever knew when Simon (aka Boss Savior) takes out the trash. Blinded by grief, she changes into a white nightie and begins speaking in complete sentences. Grief really does crazy things to people.   We are intrigued by the power struggle dynamic between Simon and Negan, but we don’t give a flying flip about what’s going on with Enid and Aaron. Cyndie agrees to let them live in...
Published 03/06/18
Carl got bit. Fever hit. This storyline is s**t. Gimple needs to quit. But yet here we are, The Walking Dead. Actually, we’re really here for Grimes Family 2.0, but you just had to go and mess that up, too.   We see that Michael Myers aka Morgan the Ninja Turtle has decided that all life is not precious afterall. In fact, he has gone full on clear mode. We now have a Ninja Turtle in training in little Henry, who we pretty much don’t care about. What we do care about (sorta) is that that...
Published 02/28/18
Happy Black Panther Release Week!   To kick off Black Geek Week here in Nashville, Kia sat down with the ladies of Take Off Your Cool at The Lab to discuss what the release of this movie means to them, specifically as black women. The TOYC women also enlisted the opinions of several other black-led podcasts and put together a truly wonderful collaborative episode. We hope you enjoy and maybe even discover some of your new favorite podcasts. We know we did.   Area 21 Podcast:  ...
Published 02/12/18
It's an interesting time to be a fan of The Walking Dead or "fan" or casual watcher or whatever you want to call yourself. We're actually a little sad at what the show has become and we talk a little of that at the top, along with the sense of foreboding we're getting. Are we sad about the shoddy writing? The loss of Carl as a character (the way it could be interesting and the kick in the pants the show needs and the way we're almost certain the writers will not be able to handle that)? The...
Published 12/12/17
  Hmm. Tricky, tricky, The Walking Dead. First you give us a lot (a lot) of Eugene dialog, and we should hate you for that, but then you gave us a full on fight scene with Rick wrecking shop in. his. boxers. And it was at that point that we knew we weren't dreaming big enough.   Eugene talks a big game and his actions even back it up, but secretly, he hates himself for his participation in the Saviors' reign of terror. Is it enough to make us care? No. So, there's that.   Daryl, Daryl,...
Published 12/05/17
  Ah, yes. Episode 6 of The Walking Dead, also known as the annual reminder that these seasons should not be 16 episodes long.   As Melissa put it, this episode was an actual dumpster fire for her, full of whys: Why can we see Trash People ass, but not Rick and Michonne sex? Why was seeing Jadis with no clothes on necessary? Why don't we know this grand plan? Why is Michonne doing this? Why is Jesus doing this? Why is Carl doing this? Why is Rick doing this? Why does Sunday come before...
Published 11/28/17
  Melissa hated it, Kia kinda may think it's interesting -- TBD. Either way, this episode of The Walking Dead broke the streak of great it was having for the past two episodes of season 8.   We check back in with Gabriel, last seen crouching in a corner while Negan played the boogie man. He decides to use this bonding time to pop the ol' priest collar and get a confession out of Negan. We learn a couple of interesting tidbits: Negan staged a coup to get control of the Sanctuary, he's...
Published 11/21/17
Khary, Khary, Khary, Khary! The Kang knocked it out of the park on this week's episode of The Walking Dead (even though he had to spend a chunk of it with a horrible scene partner -- we're talking about you, knock off Jim Carrey).   We talk about what this staggering defeat may mean for the Kang's leadership from now one, pour one out for a real one (RIP Shiva) and sweat a lot of places recalling Rick's Mission:Impossible stunt. You look great, baby. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!   ...
Published 11/14/17
Well, while we can't say we're surprised that Eric shuffled off his mortal coil in this week's episode of The Walking Dead, we're sad. Who can Aaron call bae now? Maybe this actual baby that Rick conveniently orphaned for him the episode before?   The less we say about this Morales trash, the better. But also, c'mon. We'd rather spend time talking about how impressed we are with Daryl. Kill. Them. All. None of this talky talky stuff. And when we say "all," we're including Jesus in the mix,...
Published 11/07/17
Well, looks like we can officially say that it wasn't fatigue from Walker Stalker Con Atlanta that left us scratching our heads about this episode of The Walking Dead.   While we love the multi-prong approach to total annihilation of the Saviors, we got a little bored with all of the gun action outside of the outpost. Inside, we were not impressed with the Morales reveal. STOP TRYING TO MAKE MORALES HAPPEN, TWD!   We were even less impressed with Jesus taking that nickname a little too...
Published 11/06/17
  We prepared for this for months and the 3 days of Walker Stalker Atlanta 2017 literally flew by. We talk about our experiences, including meeting the winner of our scavenger hunt for #WSCAtlanta tickets, Danai Gurira's mishap with Kia's name and, of course, the unicorn photo op with Andy and Danai.   We talk about some people here. Be sure to check out their work! msdoomandgloom (artist) cakebythepound (Richonne fanfiction writer) cranesinthesky (Richonne fanfiction writer)   ...
Published 10/31/17
The Walking Dead has made it to its landmark 100 episode and, ya know, that's kind of a big deal. There were a lot of things we liked about this episode, but honestly, it was also a bit puzzling and we're surprised THIS was the episode that had so much brouhaha surrounding it.   Rick an 'em set the pieces in motion to end Negan once and for all (thank God), but is the show also trying to set us up with a bunch of misdirects regarding its future. Speaking of future, why does Rick's hair and...
Published 10/24/17
Season 8 of The Walking Dead is basically here and unlike season 7, we're actually not dreading it (and it's not just because we heard there was some Richonne goodness to be had in the premiere).   In this preview 'cast, we talk to some supporting players from the different communities to get their take on what we're in store for in season 8. Peter Zimmerman (@IamPeterZ, Eduardo from the Hilltop), Sabrina Gennarino (@girlsgottaeat, Tamiel of the Trash People), Kerry Cahill (@IAMKerryCahill,...
Published 10/17/17
It was an uneven season of The Walking Dead and a wild ride for our first full season of real-time recaps. Thanks for sticking with us! We're joined by Erin Qualey (@miffedcupcake), editor at Hidden Remote, to discuss our overall feelings of this season. Richonne, of course, is an easy highlight. Beyond that, however, we struggled a bit to pull out additional golden threads for the season as a whole. No worries, though. We still love the show. We list our top 5 moments of the season, read...
Published 04/11/17