There’s a trend that I have noticed over the past 3 years with coaching Christian teen girls. About 95% of the girls that I coach, have a challenge with reading their Bibles daily. I know if these girls are struggling, there are probably a lot more of you who are struggling as well. A couple weeks ago, I decided to do some research and this is what I found:  60% of American Christians either rarely read their Bibles or never read their Bibles.39% of Christian teens worldwide, not just in...
Published 01/01/24
Merry Christmas!! Have you ever had a challenging day and out of nowhere, someone comes up to you and says something to you and it just so encouraged you? I know I have. There was a time several years ago that I was worried about something. It was something I had never done before and honestly, I was scared. Out of nowhere, someone came up to me and encouraged me and let me know that God was with me that I didn’t need to be afraid. It was exactly what I needed to hear at exactly the right...
Published 12/25/23
Jen Rogers is a Life Coach,  Speaker, Bible Teacher, and the Podcast Host  of The Empowered Stepmom. You may be thinking, "Stepmom?" What does that have to do with me? Just wait...because this message is P.O.W.E.R.F.U.L! Jen wants you to know that just because someone says something about you, doesn't make it true! You have the opportunity to change this world being who it is that God created you to be!  But how do we find out who we were created to be? Check out this week's episode of...
Published 12/18/23
Jen Rogers is a Life Coach,  Speaker, Bible Teacher, and the Podcast Host  of The Empowered Stepmom. You may be thinking, "Stepmom?" What does that have to do with me? Just wait...because this message is P.O.W.E.R.F.U.L! Jen wants you to know that just because someone says something about you, doesn't make it true! You have the opportunity to change this world being who it is that God created you to be!  But how do we find out who we were created to be? Check out this week's episode of...
Published 12/11/23
Before we dig deeper on how we can help our friends who struggle with anxiety, let’s talk a little bit about anxiety.    The problem with anxiety is that God did not create our bodies to carry worries or anxieties. When we excessively worry or struggle with anxiety, it will eventually break us down, physically, mentally and spiritually.   Listen to some of the common side effects of stress and worry: Side effects on your bodyHeadachesMuscle painChest painTirednessUpset stomachTrouble...
Published 12/04/23
First of all, it hurts my heart to know that someone has been spreading lies about you.  I have been the subject of many lies myself, especially when I was in middle school and high school. One of those lies was so bad that if others had believed it, it could have gotten me in some really big trouble.  But even with those lies that were spread about me, it seems like rumors and lies have become common today, especially among teens.  You may have heard of this, I’m on TikTok, but I read an...
Published 11/27/23
I love this question, because at the age of 15, I got my first job and I thought I was on top of the world…the problem…I had no concept of money and the real world and ended up getting myself into a lot of trouble, financially. So, in this week’s episode, you are going to learn from my mistakes…haha!   On this week’s episode, I am going to give you 5 Money Tips for specifically for Teens. Did you know that food and clothes are the two top things that teens spend their money on.  The average...
Published 11/20/23
We are going to start a special series over the rest of this month and next month. We are going to be doing multiple AMA episodes. These questions are special, though, because these are questions that the ladies asked during UncommonTEEN Live! This week’s AMA episode is all about influence! We are answering the questions, “How do you influence others at school without them influencing you.” “How do you show the love of Jesus to others but not become best friends when you’re being nice, but...
Published 11/13/23
Ashley Al Saliby grew up in Texas. She spent five years in full time ministry for teen girls. She has lived in Lebanon and currently lives in Switzerland with my husband and kids, volunteering with preteen and teen girls at her local church and just released a brand new book for Christian teens called, "My Refuge." She wants so much for teen girls around the world to know that Jesus is worthy of all your heart and all your trust. On today's episode, Ashley talks a little about each of the 4...
Published 11/06/23
TikTok has made modern witchcraft a trend today, but it’s so dangerous. Witch Tok (11 billion videos just last year with over 30 billion views) If you are on TikTok, you’ve most likely seen some of these videos even if you didn’t stop to watch. They are the new trend.   Panera now has palm reading tech at their locations so you can scan your palm and it will tell you exactly what you need to order.   McDonalds was giving away chances to win tarot card readings with the purchase of their...
Published 10/30/23
Last week, we started to answer Anna’s question about how do we keep looking to God in the hard times. If you have not listened to last week’s episode, I highly encourage you to go back and listen to it!  As I shared last week, it probably doesn’t come as a surprise to us that we are living in some pretty dark times. We have the war in Israel that just broke out, people are more confused than ever by what is right and what is wrong. Outside of a college just the other day, there were...
Published 10/29/23
Last week, we started to answer Anna’s question about how do we keep looking to God in the hard times. If you have not listened to last week’s episode, I highly encourage you to go back and listen to it!  As I shared last week, it probably doesn’t come as a surprise to us that we are living in some pretty dark times. We have the war in Israel that just broke out, people are more confused than ever by what is right and what is wrong. Outside of a college just the other day, there were...
Published 10/23/23
On this week''s AMA episode, Anna asks, "How do we keep looking to God even during hard times? Sometimes I struggle with not looking to God as soon as something goes wrong but I want to."  Anna, this is such a great question. This is going to be a two part series, because I want you to really get this!   It most likely comes to no surprise to you all that we are living in some very interesting times. The world is getting darker and darker. Every time you turn on the news, it seems like...
Published 10/16/23
For 12 years, Jenelle Thompson fought an ugly battle with not one, but two eating disorders. Her fixation to be super thin nearly cost her her life. Although Jenelle was very successful in both her modeling and acting career, she had extremely low self confidence.  She constantly compared herself to others she saw as prettier and more desirable. Jenelle began the saying  the phrase "Confident in my skin" to embrace the uniqueness in which God created His daughters.  We have been created in...
Published 10/09/23
Dare to Shine!  This week we’re going to talk what it means to shine your light in a world that is full of craziness, chaos, darkness and without hope. Living in a culture and a world like this, it definitely takes courage and boldness to shine the light of Jesus.   Matthew 5:14-16 is our theme verse for UncommonTEEN Live this year. It says, " You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do theylight a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a...
Published 10/02/23
This week we’re going to talk about why it’s a dare in order to be confident. On last week’s episode, we talked about why it’s a dare to be beautiful. We first began by defining what that word dare means. That word dare means: the courage that is required to do something big. Dare also means to challenge someone to do something that requires boldness. And lastly dare means to confront something boldly.  So, why does it take courage and boldness to be confident? Why does it take courage and...
Published 09/25/23
Ladies, here is a sneak preview into UncommonTEEN Live! I am super excited about our speaker line up this year! Every one of these ladies has been a guest on the UncommonTEEN Podcast and have such powerful messages to share with you all this year! We have Katie Smith. Oh my goodness, Katie's heart is a heart of gold! When Katie was on the UncommonTEEN Podast, she talked all about Prayer Journaling and how it helped her even through some of her most challenging years and how it can help you...
Published 09/18/23
Hey friends! I uploaded an updated version of this podcast episode that does NOT include the tapping! So sorry about that! :D This week, our special guest Tessa Emily Hall talks about her newest book, "Influencer." "In a world where “becoming an influencer” is the new aspiration for teens across the globe, girls are surrounded by the pressure to live a life of purpose, power, and meaning. But what if I told you that it’s possible to be an influencer even without gaining thousands of...
Published 09/14/23
This week, our special guest Tessa Emily Hall talks about her newest book, "Influencer." "In a world where “becoming an influencer” is the new aspiration for teens across the globe, girls are surrounded by the pressure to live a life of purpose, power, and meaning. But what if I told you that it’s possible to be an influencer even without gaining thousands of followers on Instagram? And what if you could discover the secret to finding true fulfillment and purpose in your life—even while...
Published 09/11/23
We have just 32 days until UncommonTEEN Live!!  Ladies, I cannot tell you how excited I am about all that God is already doing through this conference!  Our tickets are selling, but we still have room for you! If you have any questions about the conference or you’re ready to grab your tickets today, head on over to uncommonteenlive.com.    This week on our Ask Me Anything episode and I am answering questions from Celeste and Nicole.  Celeste says,  "I'm a Christian teen and last year I was...
Published 09/04/23
I heard someone say this the other day and it really made me think…they said that one of the biggest challenges that we face in life comes from temptations. I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t make me feel very encouraged. However, there is encouragement, because just because we are tempted, it doesn’t mean that temptations have to overcome us. 1 John 5:4 tells us that whatever is born of God, overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith. Meaning if...
Published 08/28/23
Rachael Powell  In this interview, Rachael talks about: How to cut out distractionsWhat it means to put God's Word firstWhat it means to really rest in Jesus, especially in a world that is so full of chaos.Connect with Rachael: Passages website: https://www.passagesisrael.org/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/rpowell101/ Connect with Us! Website: UncommonTEEN.com Instagram: @uncommon.teen UncommonTEEN Live: UncommonTEENlive.com Coach Jamie is starting back her IG chats! Be sure to join her...
Published 08/20/23
The week is our Ask Me Anything Episode and this week’s questions come from Callista and Macee.  Callista asks, “I feel like I don’t read the bible as much as I should, how can I get into the bible more and use the bible in my daily life?”  Macee asks, “I pray, read the Bible, and love God unconditionally, sometimes I just feel a space between God. How can I fix that to feel no space?” The Bible is under attack today, now more than ever. Not only is this culture calling what is right wrong...
Published 08/14/23
How do you stand up against the culture with courage while still reaching the people with compassion?  This world is a little…okay, not a little…a lot upside down.  They are so morally confused that they no longer know what is right and what is wrong.  This world is so upside-down. So, how do we stand against the culture with courage while reaching the people with compassion? It starts with taking a stand. We have to stand strong on the word of God and not change what we believe or hold...
Published 08/07/23
There is so much confusion in today’s culture concerning gender identity and same sex attraction.  This week, we are conquering lie #8, our final lie on our Overcoming the Lies of the Enemy series and that is…Acceptance is Love.  Actually, the exact opposite is true. While it may seem like when we affirm people’s choices, even though they may not line up with the Word of God, that we are showing them the love of God. That’s the exact opposite.  I have done a lot of research on this topic and...
Published 07/31/23